

Voodoo (The Betrayal) Julia was raped as a teenager as a result she despised men. She didn't want anything to do with them. She sees them as destroyers. Her life had always been perfect not until that day her virtue was robbed from her. How she hates that gender. Not only the virtue that was robbed from her. Her uncle- Mr. Anas, was after her life for a document her dad had given her to keep safe. The documents weren't just a mere one, it was the key to ruling the world as the owner of a big technological company. One would do anything to be in that position, just as her uncle had done. From her findings, she had discovered it was her uncle that had murdered her family. Not only was she on the run, but she was also planning her revenge strategies. Shawn, a musician is bent on taking revenge on those that made his life unbearable as a teenager. He made some bad decisions when he was a kid and he promised to make up for it. He eventually met Julie and fell in love with her. Will Julie let her guards down and give Shawn a chance? Read to find out

Theresa_Odoemene · Fantasía
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30 Chs

A Dead End

Julia POV

I rushed to the underground house where I found Mia, Erastus, and the kids. They were sitting together, looking frightened.

"Mommy!" Ciara exclaimed as she ran to hug me. "I thought something bad happened to you, are you okay?"

"Of course dear, I am," I replied squatting to peck her on the cheeks. Steve came to greet me too. Erastus was lying on the bed while Mia was consoling him, tears running down her cheeks.

"He's losing a lot of blood," Mia said to me, in between sobs and I went over to her in order to examine him.

"I think I can be of help. I might be able to at least remove the bullet." I said as I set to work.

When I was done, I cleaned the wound and bandaged it to prevent bacteria from entering. I then gave him a sedative so he could have some sleep.

"By daybreak, he'll be taken to the hospital," I said assuring Mia.

"Thank you so much. I wonder what I would've done if h...h...he died." She stuttered.

"There is no need to thank me. He is my friend and I wouldn't want anything to happen to him. By the way, what's the relationship between you and Erastus?" I asked.

"Well... Umm... He's kinda a friend."

"Just friends? I bet you love him, right?" I asked

"Of course, I do. But I don't know if he loves me too. He prolly likes you."

"I've gotta go help Shawn, take care of Erastus and the kids," I said switching topics.


"Mommy, you are leaving again?" Ciara whom I thought was sleeping asked, frightened.

"You don't have to worry about me, okay? I'll be fine." I said and pecked her on the forehead then I climbed out of the house. I put the covering back in its place and walked stealthily to the sitting room.

Everywhere was quiet as usual and I wondered where Shawn and the hoodlums were. Wait a sec, I didn't see Mrs. Ashley, hope she's alright.

I went to the rooms and searched, yet nothing. I then went outside. The atmosphere was chilling and I shuddered, my teeth were chattering.

Where had they all gone to?

Everywhere was dark and I couldn't see properly. I heard footsteps behind me. I crouched and turned in the direction, moving , my gun pointed at the direction of the sound.

Just then, someone leaped and jumped on me making me lose balance. I fell on my back and my whole body ached. My gun flew out of my hand.

I screamed in agony and the man used his hand to cover my mouth preventing me from screaming.

I lay face upwards while the man pinned me to the ground.

"Finally!" He exclaimed. "Where's it?" He asked, whispering.

"W...W... What are you talking about?" I stuttered pretending as though I don't know what he's asking about, whereas I very much knew. He pinched me very hard and I shrieked but no one could hear me since his hand was on my mouth. I could feel blood ooze out of the cut.

"You know what I am talking about. Stop with the pretense," he said and feed my mouth.

"I... I... I swear I don't know what you're talking about. I'm just working as a chef."

"Tell me the truth else I'll plant a bullet on your head."

"Go ahead," I said fearlessly.

I wonder where the strength came from. Whereas I knew he couldn't do it because they wanted the flash drive.

What amazes me most is that he has caught me but he hasn't kidnapped me, yet he's taking it easy. I just don't understand what Anas, my uncle, is up to.

He pointed the gun at my head and I trembled.

"Tell me, unless you want your kids to be orphans."

I have to do something that'll divert his attention.

"Let go of me and I'll tell you," I said finally. "It's in my room, I'll take you there."

Hesitantly, he let go of me. He dragged me up to my feet, towards the building. I went to my room and pretended as though I was looking for it, searching my wardrobe.

I knew what I was doing was dangerous, but what kept me going was the fact that I knew he wouldn't kill me."

"Ah!" I exclaimed and gasped. "I...I... I can't find it. Don't kill me, please." I said shedding crocodile tears.

All those while, he was just watching me closely.

I turned to leave the room when he called me,

"Where do you think you are going to?"

"I want to search in the other room."

"Fine, but if I get to know that you're playing pranks on me, be sure that you'll have a bullet implanted in your arm."

That statement got me. I knew he couldn't kill me, but he can break one even two of my legs. Still summoning courage, I went ahead with my silly plan.

I went to Poojah's ward and I stared at the wardrobe where Shawn bounded a man but it was empty. Meaning he escaped, f*ck.

I had wanted to use him as bait to escape.

He followed my gaze, a smirk on his face, and when I knew I had him distracted, I charged towards him and hit him on the groin.

He was probably thinking that was where the flash drive was.

The gun fell off his hand and we both made for it, our hands were on it. He stared at me, puzzled as I grabbed the gun and pointed it at him. I stood up while he still lay on the floor.

"You can't shoot me, can you?" He asked and laughed dryly.

"You had better shut your traps, else I'll implant a bullet in your head, try me," I said pretending to be fearless. But the truth is that I was actually shaking. I couldn't kill a rat talkless of a fully grown man.

"Give me the gun." He said through clenched teeth.

I gripped it tightly. What he did shocked me, he dragged my legs and I sat on the floor in a thud. My butt hurt seriously.

He grabbed the gun from me and smirked.

"Where is it?" He asked but I kept mute as my bum was still hurting.

Just then, we heard footsteps and he motioned me to hide under the bed. I was shocked.

Wasn't he the one who was threatening to plant a bullet in my head? It was confusing.

Quickly, I hid under the bed and some seconds later, someone came in.

"Sh*t," the person cursed and went out of the room, slamming the door.

I got out from under the bed and looked around. The guy was gone, how come.

Was he a vamp?

Not possible because they don't exist.

It was only vamps that can within a click of the fingers, disappear without you knowing how they did.

I wasn't armed but I still went out of the room. I can't be here when Shawn is risking his life out there. My instincts warned me to stay back, but I ignored it.

As soon as I stepped out, someone grabbed me by the hair and dragged me outside while I squealed.

"Back off Shawn," he said in a loud voice. "We've wasted so much time and I'm surely gonna make you pay for the men you killed."

What was he up to?