
Voided Sovereign

A being born from the void ascends to godhood, only to be betrayed and exiled to Earth. Living as a teenager, Erebos seeks to reclaim his lost power and fulfill his destiny- the annihilation of all creation.

Eradira · War
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7 Chs

Prologue Part 1: A Prophecy Foretold

Long before Tiamat existed, the deities formed a council. The council was made up of 25 strongest members of each race. These deities were known as Celestials. The council was formed to protect creation and life from The Archons. Beings whose sole purpose was to destroy life.

The Celestials clashed with the Archons for eons until they decided to sacrifice their weakest member to the archons so they could be at bay for centuries. The weakest one refused; however, they forced him. The Archons devoured the deity's power and tortured him, leaving his shattered soul into the void.

While in the void the deity cursed. He had been filled with rage for he fought to protect the universe that turned its back on him. He wanted revenge but he needed power. The void spoke to him and said it would give him power however he was only a being of 6 ether. The deity vowed to give the void his soul in return for power.

The void agreed and granted the deity power to take his revenge. Filled with nothing but rage, the deity destroyed the creation it once protected and dwindled the numbers of the council of deities. However the power consumed the deity into nothingness.

The void took the deity's soul as they had agreed and for the first time the void could feel. However the only feelings it had were the deity's rage and hatred towards creation. It is said that one day it will use that rage to form a physical body to destroy all that exists so that the universe may return to the silence before creation.