
Chapter 2

Seiran's father was informed by Adi that Porsha forcefully took the keys of Seiran's room and stormed towards the tower. When he came to the room, he saw Seiran looking at him like she wanted his help before passing out.

"Porsha." He called. His cold voice sent chills down the spine of Porsha and Adi. Porsha looked at him with a shocked face then she bursted the water surrounding Seiran. Adi quickly ran to catch her then Porsha told that Seiran broke her valuable material.

"Take that monster away from here." The father said.

"But Mrs. Andrea said you have to protect her." Adi said and looked at William but all she saw is a death glare. Her body froze then her hands are visibly shaking.

"Get out of this house as well." He told Adi then walked out. Porsha flipped her hair then rolled her eyes.

"She's a grown-up monster so she could live by herself. She's nothing but a curse and trash anyway." She said then followed her father after she threw one last glare at the unmoving Seiran.

"18 years old is still young." Adi mumbled.

Adi changed Seiran's clothes, carried her in her arms then walked away from the dungeon, from the tower, from the mansion of the Villamonde household.

Seiran woke up and first thing she saw is a wooden ceiling. She tried to move but her body ached, even her head. Then she remembered what her sister did to her.

She didn't feel anything but a little bit of anger. Seiran doesn't have any kind of feelings towards her family. She grew up seeing them only twice in her lifetime including the event lately. It felt like strangers are locking her up without any reason so all she felt towards the Villamonde family is a little bit of anger.

She noticed that she has bandages in her arm and head. Confusion is evident in her face as she wandered her eyes around the room.

For a moment she forgot her body's pain as she sees all things around her for the first time. The light above her, lamp beside her bed, cabinets, carpet and the one's she enjoyed most in using, the blanket and pillow.

The door opened and she saw Adi came in. Her face lit up then tried to sit up again but failed as she groan in pain. Adi sat beside her bed and held her face.

"I waited for you to wake up so I could heal you. I couldn't heal someone if they're asleep." She said.

She held Seiran's arm and pointed her two fingers, the index and middle finger held together, at the cut.

"Heal." She said. A small turquoise colored magic circle appeared at the end of her fingers then she traced the direction of the cut and it healed as she passed through it.

"Wow." Seiran is obviously amazed by that magic just now. Adi smiled gently at her then proceed on doing the same with the other cuts. After the cuts are healed, Adi took out a heavy breath and focused more. Now the magic circle became bigger like a plate and the range of the healing became a bit wider.

"Small cuts are easy for me to heal but bruises are kind of hard for me so I need to concentrate real hard." She told Seiran when she finished healing all her cuts and bruises.

"Sorry I couldn't heal the huge cut on your head and your left arm's broken bone." Adi said.

"No, you helped me enough already. Thank you." Seiran said.

"Can you teach me? I know I have a small tiny bit of mana within me but I still want to try." Seiran looked very hopeful while looking at Adi.

"If you want to Ms. Seiran." Adi smiled gently at her.

"And I told you to quit the Ms. part." Seiran said and giggled. Adi looked softly at Seiran and held her face.

"It's still dawn Seiran, do you still want to sleep?" Adi asked.

"Yup. It's my first time to lay in a very soft bed and I love it!" Seiran said. Adi chuckled at her excitement and said her goodbye before letting her back to sleep.

Seiran woke up late in the morning. She took the blankets off her as she sat down. She can only feel the pain in her arm and head. Now that it's morning, she could clearly see the window beside her bed and it was the first time she looked outside the house.

A vast green land with trees in far distance. Soft wind passes through the curtains of the window.

She felt someone coming and glanced at the door across her bed but she didn't dare go near it. Suddenly it opened and Adi peeked inside.

"Oh, you're awake? Why didn't you come down?" She asked as she helped Seiran stand up. That's where she noticed that Adi changed her clothes. She's wearing a white simple dress and Adi gave her a dollshoes to wear too.

"Am I allowed to?" Seiran asked innocently. Adi looked at her with eyes full of sadness.

"Seiran, consider this as your new home. You're free to do anything here." She said and cupped Seiran's face.

"Free?" Seiran looked shocked that she's allowed to be one. Adi nodded and noticed that Seiran kept glancing at the window.

"Do you want to go outside?" Seiran's eyes became so big that made Adi burst into laughter.

"What happened?!" A man suddenly barged into the room. He has a tanned skin then a tall and mascular build for the body. His brown hair is swiped cleanly to the side.

He saw Adi holding the face of a very beautiful girl.

"What?" He asked.

"Right. Seiran this is my son, Reymund. He's older than you by 2 years." Before Adi could introduce her son, Reymund pointed a finger at the girl.

"What's a noble doing in our house?" He spat. Clearly he doesn't like nobles.

"Sorry I haven't told him of your situation yet. He just came back from school." Adi told Seiran then gave Reymund a glare.

Adi pulled Seiran's wrist gently until they came down to the dining room. She helped Seiran sit down at the table where breakfast is already prepared.

"Please help yourself. I have some explaining to do with Reymund." Adi said. Seiran nodded as she took a glance at Reymund who followed behind them while his arms are crossed. Adi pulled Reymund's wrist until they were in the living room and explained what happened.

Meanwhile, this is the first time Seiran eat warm food. In front of her is a plain bread placed in a plate and three glasses of warm milk. She didn't know if she could drink the unfamiliar white liquid so she just ate her bread.

Adi returned with her son and sat at the table with Seiran.

"So, uhh," Seiran looked at Reymund who tried to say something.

"Sorry, for how I acted lately." Seiran simply smiled at Reymund and told him it's alright.

"Don't you want milk?" Adi asked.

"Milk?" She asked. Then she remembered in one of Adi's picture story book what it look like.

"Is this milk?" She pointed at the cup in front of her.

"Yup." Adi answered. Reymund continued to observe Seiran as he wondered what kind of life she has that she couldn't even know what milk is. Adi only told him what happened to Seiran for them to be kicked out of the Villamonde's household. Other than that Adi doesn't like talking about how Seiran's living her life so all Reymund knows is that Seiran is the youngest Villamonde girl who was kicked out last night because of her sister.

Seiran held the cup with her two hands and slowly took a sip.

"Is it good?" Adi asked.

Seiran looked at both of them, feeling grateful for helping her even though she couldn't give anything back then she smiled.

"Yes, and it's warm."