
Void Mage’s Proposal

Mage? Swordsman? Countless Worlds? Infinite magic power? A student of Lemore Academy Shito Mahinu was forced to go to an academy that was for mages despite wanting to become a swordsman. A person who lacks motivation but likes swinging his sword around. Magic was something that he already grasped so going to a school to learn more about was something he didn’t want to do. And his sister was known throughout the world as the ‘strongest’ mage in existence, but there were more secrets that lurked in the world, in which the public had no idea about. This is a story about an overpowered protagonist, who wants to spend time with his family and journey through the world without using his full power to fight.

LunarFall · Fantasía
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124 Chs

Episode 25- Illya Mahinu...

Shito arrived in front of the two girls and tilted his head. 

"How have you girls been?"


The two girls just looked at him, not saying a single word, they had seen everything that had just happened to the two demon assassins, and they did not know what to think or even say about that matter. They wanted answers because the attacks he used obliterated them to nothing, leaving no trace of their bodies behind.

Tenka knew that she could not stay silent the whole time. The silence between them had to be broken because if it did not… it would just get awkward between the two of them.

"What did you do to those assassins?"

Tilting his head, Shito looked a little confused by her question, "I killed them… that much should be obvious"

"No… I am asking you. What did you do to the assassins' bodies? Why did their bodies fade away?"

"They returned to nothingness… but more importantly what are going to do with this girl?" Shito asked, looking at the little assassin that had been sitting in the same spot she had been in since he arrived.

Hearing that, Tenka went into deep thought, thinking about what they should do with Zero-Two. That was not something she had thought about, she just wanted the young girl to quit being an assassin.

…What should we do with this young girl? The thought never crossed my mind… I know I cannot let her walk away because she wants to be able to have a normal life because the people who will take care of her won't be able to handle her. We could—

Suddenly, a thought appeared in her head. Tenka looked over at Shito and smiled before looking at the girl, putting her hand on her head, and gently rubbing her.

"Would you like to be adopted by me?" Tenka asked in the gentlest tone. Her voice was soft and comforting as she was talking to Zero-Two.

Zero-Two looked confused, she had been an assassin all her life, so she did not know what it meant if she got adopted. Zero-Two was raised as an assassin when they found her on the street, abandoned by her mother.

"What do you mean when you say you want to 'adopt' me?"

Tenka already figured she was going to say that given that she was an assassin and looking at how you she was she knew that she was raised as an assassin. To assassins, the feelings of having a family or being emotionally connected to people were completely cut off, so when you were given a mission emotion would not get in the way of killing.

"I want to become your mother. Will you allow it?"

"...What is a mother?"

Tenka looked at her and the memories of her and her mother's started to flood her mind. Women with beautiful hair and jewel blue eyes were in all her memories, the mothers who loved her and raised her. She was thinking about what a mother was and how she could explain it to Zero-Two. Then from all the memories that appeared in her head. Tenka gathered everything from her memories of her mother and looked up at Zero-Two and—

"A mother is a protector. A mother is someone who loves their child unconditionally, a person that makes sacrifices for their child, giving them the best of anything they ask for."

Zero-Two eyes lit up at the words of Tenka, she wanted to have a mother of her own and feel the love of a mother, the warm feeling that Tenka was talking about.

"...Ok, I accept you as being my mother."

Shito looked at them from a distance, even though his face didn't show any emotion, deep down he was happy for the two of them. Watching a person find a family of their own but the only person she was missing was a father figure.

Zero-Two smiled behind her mask and pointed at Sheto, "Who is he then?" she asked, looking at Sheto. Since she had gotten herself a mother, she just wondered who he would classify himself as.

"You can call him uncl–"

"I am your father." Shito interrupted, looking at the young assassin. Since she was going to take the role of her mother, he thought that he should be the father, so they could raise the kid together.

Tenka was taken aback by his words. Not only was he classifying himself as Zero-Two's father, but he was also classifying the relationship between the two of them.

That would mean… H-he is my husband and Zero-Two is our child.

For a moment, her face turned completely red. But then, she quickly composed herself and took a couple of deep breaths. 

Tenka looked at Shito and smiled, deeply moved by his sudden statement, "Are you sure you want to be her father… There is no backing out once you become her father. We are going to be in it for the rest of our lives together."

"I mean I don't mind spending the rest of my life with you, so I mean it's whatever."

Tenka and Shito looked at the little assassin girl, Zero-Two, and noticed that she still had her mask on. They were going to be her parents now and they needed to know what their daughters' faces looked like. After all, what kind of parents do not know their daughter's appearance?

"Can you take off the mask, Zero-Two?" asked Tenka.

Zero-Two nodded and proceeded to take off her mask. Her curly hair was a beautiful shade of pink that fluttered in the night sky, her lips were soft and pink. The girl looked like a Barbie doll.


The little girl was too cute. The sight of the little girl's face left the two of them speechless; there was nothing to say to the little girl.

"What's wrong mother and father!?"

Tenka suddenly snapped back to reality, she realized that the girl called her mother, and she smiled. Even though it was too early for her, Zero-Two already started calling her mother.

"Nothing is wrong sweetie. Me and your father just thought you were a cute-looking girl."

"What are we going to name her? I do not like calling her Zero-Two. There must be a name that is better than that one since she is not an assassin anymore."

Tenka looked at Zero-Two, and her eyes darkened a bit. She was not mad or anything, it was just that she forgot the girl did not have a name. Calling her Zero-Two was not going to be good since the name she was going to get was going to be with her for the rest of her life.

What should we name this girl… I've got no name for her. Calling her Zero-Two leaves a bad taste in my mouth, since she is not an assassin anymore there is no need to call her by such a filthy name. Ah, I have the perfect name. Your name is going to be—

"Illya Mahinu… The daughter of Shito Mahinu and Tenka Vermillion"

With that, the girl had finally received her own name, Zero-Two was someone of the past… and Illya Mahinu was the girl of the future.

"...I like that name. Thank you, Mama, and Papa." Illya said with a bright smile on her face. The girl had finally cracked a smile, and this was the first time in her life she had ever felt so good.

I should go ahead and change her bloodline to mine and Tenka's. Even though she is not our real child. I can change her whole bloodline to make it, so she is our real daughter. It really does not matter if she is our daughter by blood or not… but I would like for her to inherit my power, so she will not need to worry about being weak in the future. Shito thought, looking at his daughter, Illya Mahinu. He had to break the news to them, but he did not know how to do it.

Shito sighed. "Illya how would you like to become our daughter by blood?" he asked, bluntly. Since he did not know how to ask the question in a more emotional way, he did it like he would do in any other conversation.

"Is that even possible? What kind of power does one have to have to change someone's whole bloodline?" Tenka kept asking her questions nonstop. There was no break in her speech whatsoever.

Illya sat there looking at her parents, and she got up and stood before them, she wanted to become their blood family so she could be with them… as true mother and father.

"I would love for that to happen," Illya said confidently. She wanted to get closer to them in the best way possible and that would be to get the same blood as them.

With that, everything around them came to a stop, there was nothing moving, and a white space formed over the area. Everything from the ceiling to the floor turned completely white.

In plain white space where nothing resides. The only thing that could be seen was a white space that looked like it kept going on forever and ever. It was essentially a never-ending white space.

Slightly raising his hand, a bed appeared right in front of him. A bed that he created so Illya could lay on, so her blood could be changed. Everything in the endless white space was filled with mana. Mana that he had under his control, an endless plain that bent to his will.

Outside of the endless space, time had already come to a stop. There was nothing that was able to move outside the space.

However, Illya could not sense what was going on. Tenka could sense and she was already aware of the fact that time came to a complete stop outside of space. But was such a thing possible for one mage? The answer was simple. Yes, it was possible for one mage to do that if they had enough strength to do so.

Legends say that magic elements are only inherited via bloodline… but was that really the case? Could there be some other way they could achieve more power?

Naturally, there were other ways to get new magic elements, magic elements are never limited to any person that uses mana. There was no real limit to the element one could use but… one had to have the strength to be able to use the element they wanted to use because if you tried to use an element above your capabilities it would kill you, that was why they put the limits on elements, so they could make sure people don't go over their limits and kill themselves.