
Void lord journey

Ryan, an world-class famous actor, and the fastest actor to become an A-class actor was killed by his female stalker. Reason? because he sleeps with other women and not with her. After death he finds himself to be a candidate to become a void lord. Follow Ryan on his journey as he travels to anime, manga, movies, and various other realities while building a harem of his wives. First world: Stranger things Second world: ??? ****** Author: Except for the OC, Ryan. Other characters' right writing in the novel belongs to their original authors. This is my first time writing a novel so please help me to become a better novelist with your help. ****** Update days: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

21_Legend_lotter · Cómic
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46 Chs

32. Byers in danger

A few minutes ago at Byers's household.

Joyce was cooking in the kitchen while humming a melody taught to her by Mike. She wore a plain blue T-shirt and loose black pants with an apron on her body. Although her near-perfect figure cannot be hidden through her clothes.

Her boobs which were only B-size before now were nearly D-size with her plump ass. Her body also gains more muscles but her body was still slim, and with her hourglass figure she could bewitch any man. Her hair was tied into a bun.

If Mike was present here, he might not be able to control himself from hugging her. Suddenly a figure came and hugged her back, this was Gal.

Gal "Hehehe... mom what's for dinner?"

She poked her head trying to look at what her mother was making. Joyce rubbed her head lovingly, she loved her little daughter and son.

Joyce "Steak, fried beans and boiled broccoli"

Gal "...Bro-broccoli"

She said with displeasing while looking at the green vegetable with hate.

Joyce "Hahaha.... now, don't make such a face. You know that they are good for your health"

Seeing her mother teasing her, Gal ran to the living room to watch TV. Joyce just hooked her head at her daughter's behavior.

Joyce 'Humph! This girl, if Mike was here would have eaten her food easily. Huu, how did we both fall for such a sinful man'

Thinking about her relationship with her daughter's boyfriend, she didn't feel disgusted but more love. Finding a perfect man like Mike is hard and he can take care of them easily. She started to remember how her feeling for Mike bloomed.

After helping her get rid of her ex-husband, she didn't think that he will make a move on her. Feeling the first kiss he forcefully placed on her lips as a payment, her feeling bloomed after all she wanted a strong man.

Soon the food was cooked and Joyce began to place plates on the table.

Joyce "Gal, dinner ready"

Gal "Coming Mom"

Soon both sat on the chair and put a piece of steak inside their mouth. The intense flavor of spices with nicely cooked steak immediately delighted both mother and daughter pair.

Joyce "So... how is it?"

She asked her daughter, who seem to be lost in thoughts.

Gal "...Hmm still not as good as Mike's steak"

Gal honestly told her opinion on the food. Joyce was a bit unhappy, after all, she has been cooking food for a long time but still cannot beat a 10-year-old boy in cooking. But instead of being angry, her determination to surpass him increased.

Gal "Well Mom, Mike can easily control the heat and perfectly add spices all over the food with his [Telekinesis]. So maybe you should improve your control more"

Seeing her mother unhappy, she tried to calm her down with a few encouraging words.

Joyce "Haa... I know baby but it's hard to improve my control, not all are monsters like our darling. But don't worry, one day I will surpass him"

Joyce laughed happily as she thought about Mike falling on his knees with an expression of disbelief. Gal who saw her mother laughing also smiled as her mother was a competitive person and Mike give her many big challenges.

Gal "Hmm... mom when will brother come back?"

She asked as her big brother has to leave to deliver food ingredients to another city. Both of them still haven't told Jonathan about his stepdad or brother-in-law, who is his boss behind the scenes.

Joyce "...hmm he might be gone for 2-3 days"

Gal "Eehh!! Why so long? Did Mike give him too much work?"

Joyce "A-aa no. he wants to spend more time with Barbara, who also went with him to California"

She said while thinking about Barbara as her daughter-in-law. Joyce knows that she truly loves Jonathan and wants only her to be her daughter-in-law, as many girls in Jonathan's school got news about how rich he is. Joyce doesn't want her son to repeat the same mistake she did in her youth.

Gal "Hehehe... maybe brother can finally lose his V-card to Barbara"

Joyce looked at Gal who was laughing with a perverted smile and sighed. Although Gal might be seen as a studious girl with her glasses and neatly combed hair, under this mask, she has many perverted ideas in her head.


Gal "Ouch!! Why did you hit me, Mom?"

Joyce "Don't show your perverted smile during dinner"

After saying that both began eating the food while discussing many things in their daily lives. Suddenly the lights in the room began to flicker.


The lights in their house began to flicker more, as both Joyce and Gal got up from their chair. Although they don't know what was happening, they could feel that something was coming.

Joyce "Gal!! Stay near me"

She caught her hand and pulled her into the living room. She pushed the sofa and removed a big black box that was hidden under it. Opening it a beautiful black gun came in eyes, Benelli M4, a semi-automatic shotgun.


The sound of cracking was heard by both Gal and Joyce, they turned to the kitchen where the ceiling had a crack in it. Both were afraid as their senses which were upgraded by SSS {super soldier serum}, and they knew that thing was coming to harm them. Soon the crack spread more and the ceiling fell with something.


Soon a figure appeared in front of them, a humanoid monster who was slim in figure with razor-sharp claws. The monster turned its head towards them and screamed.


The monster leaped towards Joyce as its head opened like flower petals with sharp teeth inside. Joyce was dumbfounded as the monster leaped and couldn't react while Gal who saw her mother was about to be eaten used her telepathic powers.

Gal "STOPPP!!"

The monster was held in the air as it struggle to get out of it. Gal also had a nosebleed as her [Telekinesis] was strong enough to hold it too long.

Gal "MOM!! Hurry up"

Joyce woke up with Gal's call, she took out the shotgun and started to put bullets inside it. But her hands were shaking which showed how scared she was.

Gal "Mom, I don't think I can hold on anymore"

Joyce "It's okay honey the gun is ready"

As Gal heard her words she pushed the monster and slammed it into the wall, her knees went from all the meant exhaustion. But the monster didn't let her rest, shook its head, and tried to attack again.

Joyce "No one attacks my family"

She came in between Gal and the monster aiming her gun at his mouth and fired.



With two shots half head of the monster was gone but Joyce kept firing emptying all of her bullets into the monster. Both mother and daughter sighed in relief and took a moment to rest. Joyce check the body of the monster and made sure it was dead.


Hope you guys like the chapter!! and send me some reviews and power stones!!

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