
Void king

happygolucky123 · Fantasía
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3 Chs

1 the hatred

In school

"Kirito come here quickly or I will kill you, boss Ossato want more money " dog 1

"Dirty creature hurry up or I will kick your a*s "dog 2

KIRITO kuro' those b*tchs ,want to rob me again. Just wait tomorrow and you're going to suffer'

BOY 1 "aren't they too cruel? They're exaggerating "

BOY 2"shut up ! they will hear you. And he is just a void , he deserves it "


KIRITO "hello kunei, is the plan ready for application "

Kunei"yes your majesty,tomorrow you'll rule the world "

'Finally I did it ,mom i will avenge you '


an 8 years old Kirito crying and screaming "mom!mom! Don't die,don't let me alone "

The mother "Kuro don't cry ,be strong,you are the last royalty of the voids"

Kirito "okay mom, I will be strong , and I will destroy the humans that made the voids suffer. It's all because of the last kings and their selfish and foolish ideas and believes of a world where humans and voids can leave peacefully "


A large army of voids are in an isolated building,looking at a 11 years old boy, with a deep black eyes and hair,with a white skin like snow, waiting for him to speak

KIRITO "we will destroy the humans. NO we will make them suffer and torture them before letting them die . We will start the apocalypse "

Yes the boy was Kirito

All the voids started cheering and screaming "HAIL THE KING ". They were waiting for a king like him, someone that will break the unfair peace treaty, someone that will make them reach the apex of the world.

Kirito "but we will start from the shadows,with out letting them prepare for the apocalypse . When the waited day will come they'll face disappear. And they will suffer 100 times more than we did"


a crazy laugh " HAHAHA ,good night humans