
Void Horizon

Ares is a young man from the ruins of the third city. The world he lives in is still recovering from the Demon war which has left its mark throughout the continent. A chance encounter with a round sphere plunges him into a world of magic and adventure. He will delve into the mysteries of magic whilst also exploring his own unknown beginning. In doing so perhaps he will discover the secret of his black eyes. The story may be a bit of a slow start but from chapter 6 in its magic and spells, please be patient with it.

Lost_void · Fantasía
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57 Chs

Combat Training

Upon arriving in the courtyard in the morning Ares was filled with anticipation and worry. Combat training was not something he believed he would be gifted at. Afterall the magic talent he displayed in the previous test was innate (with a little help from the white magic circle) .

After arriving Nova did not open a portal this time and instead led the group around the streets until arriving at a circular dome like building.

"This is the combat dome, you will understand true pain here." She smiled; in another setting this could be considered a sweet smile but plastered on her lips now it filled the group with dread.

After entering the building, they could see four square pitches. The floors were covered in sand and there was a smell of sweat in the air. One of these pitches was covered in different props; it looked to be a training area of sorts. Several muscular men were lifting large rocks and hitting wooden figures with wooden weapons.

"Follow me" Nova said walking past the training area and into an empty pitch. In this area there were several racks to the left holding various wooden weapons. Ares could see swords of all types, spears, maces, daggers, axes and halberds in the mix.

"Today I will be testing your base skill." She selected two people directly in front of her pointing at them and beaconing them with her fingers. She had selected Tracy and another girl Ares didn't know.

"Pick a weapon." She said gesturing towards the many racks.

Tracy didn't hesitate and quickly picked up a large double-bladed axe. The other girl looked a bit uncomfortable as she grabbed a thin looking sword.

"These practice weapons are sturdy, blunted and a fraction of the weight of the real counterparts" Nova told them.

"Stand in the ring and everyone else step out. The rules are simple you will attack each other until either five minutes elapse, one person concedes, one person cannot continue or I say otherwise. This will be an elimination round with the loser of each round eliminated. Do you understand?" Nova said her hands crossed tightly in front of her.

After they had taken their positions and everyone was watching from the side-lines the match began.

Tracy ran forward towards the other girl closing the distance quickly and raising her axe at the same time. She had a clear happy expression as she swung her axe towards the other girl's waist. The girl was clearly not experienced as she raised her sword to block the weakly to her side. The axe hit the sword with a cloud clang and the axes momentum carried through pushing the other girl over and knocking the sword from her grip. The sword landed a distance away and Tracy pressed the axe against the neck of the fallen girl.

"Tracy wins this round, Ellie leave the area." Nova said. Ellie picked herself up and shuffled out the arena.

"Next is Anthony." Nova ordered selecting a young boy from the group. This was another of the group Ares didn't know well, he selected a spear and made his way to the arena. It was another short round, it was clear that Tracy had more experience fighting than the others. Another four people made their way into the area and were dispatched by Tracy, it was clear though at this point she was slowing.

"Victor, head up."

Victor was happy and quickly made his way to a rack and picked a huge double handed sword and made his way onto the arena.

"I don't pull my punches for women so watch out" Victor commented to Tracy a sneer on his face.

Tracy made an ugly face and began to advance axe in hand. Victor didn't initially move until Tracy was within a few metres. At that point he lashed out; the large sword clanged heavily against the Tracy's axe which she had raised to parry the blow. Victor remained relentless and quickly attacked several times more each hit heavier then the last. Tracy it seemed had no intention of giving up and after inhaling deeply began to speed up slightly; she was visibly pushing herself to her limits.

There was sound of continual clanging within the arena before a sharp scream. Victor broke through Tracy's defence and had hit her with the blunted sword on her shoulder. It looked like Tracy's shoulder was dislocated. Tracys face was red and felt humiliated.

"I surrender." She said.

Not hesitating Nova pointed her finger landing squarely on Ares.

"Ares your turn." She said. Ares narrowed his eyes; there were lots of people who could be picked and he had been selected after Victor this was obviously deliberate.

Ares looked up at Victor, his breath had already stabilised and he had a very pleased looking grin on his face.

"Come up and find out who is the leader here, pushing a door proves nothing." Victor said after catching Ares's eyes.

Ares made his way to the racks and began to look through them. He had seen them from afar but could not see anything that caught his eye. As he got closer he could see a dusty circular shield. It looked to be the only shield in the area and seemed to be out of place. He picked up the shield, it wasn't a full-size shield only covering his right forearm the shield had a rusty looking three-inch-long spike coming from its left side. He knew that his experience was lacking and he would likely be injured, why not take a shield and minimalize the pain he thought.

As he picked the shield and made his way up the rest of the group were sniggering at him.

"You picked a shield; you pathetic weakling." Victor said.