
Void Angel in the Multiverse

Not a pro) After sleaping our MC apears within the void and is given another oportonity by a system of reincarnation to experience the world

Omni404_Sans · Cómic
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5 Chs


'It has been a couple of months since Touch me has saved Momonga and together with Nishikienrai, Takemikazuchi, Flatfoot, Bellriver, Amanomahitotsu, and Ancient One they created a small guild known as the Guild Ainz Ooal Gown and they started getting a name for themselves by driving most PKS away from their guild and suppressing them so much that the PKS where forced to evacuate, only to run into Lux who wholeheartedly took their equipment as confiscation along with their heads.'

'This continued to happen for a month until more players started joining the guild and larger groups started forming to hunt the Ainz Ooal Gown guild for their vast amounts of equipment and resources only to end up as those said resources themselves, further strengthening the guild.'

'2 Months in the guild members noticed the amount of PKS cursing one individual increased every 2nd PK they encounter mentions an Angel or as they called him the Scavanging Reaper or a damn Crow, pigeon, and so on, but the common thing is that he would spawn camp players striping them naked literally till they are completely out of equipment and continue to kill them until they are in negative levels //-A/N-In the game after the death you lose levels if u lose too many levels and end up without levels and still die you will go into negative levels which further weakens your character//

'So they decided to search for that individual and potentially recruit him or her into the guild if the player meets the standard for joining their guild, and so they searched for the player it took them more than 2 months to get the first trail to follow which was surprisingly given by a frustrated PK who wanted revenge for his expensive gear which was stolen from him in hopes that they are after him also, and so the search continues.'


"This was a beautiful harvest if I have to say so myself I menage to steal quite an amount of different weapons and armor, and most of all most of those PKS had cash-in items which were really a great find, I may have become a menace cuz I killed all PKS till they where naked and let's say some of them did find my house somehow and sued me which didn't end well for them that is. In this world rich rule the poor so u can guess how the trial ended up, and no I didn't kill them irl they have enough problems as it is."

What is great is when you kill them it is like a gatcha you wait and have a random reward it is quite entertaining to guess what item did u receive from some of them, also Touch Me and his fellas are searching for me I wonder do they want to kill me for items or to ask me to join their guild, we will see once I go see them, Wait I can go right now well let's see.


'Lux decided to go towards the guild and see what they want from him while still grinding monsters on his way there, As he approached the small guild base he was met with Momonga who was returning from his farming spot, after he saw Lux he first panicked thinking they are under attack feeling threatened by seeing Lux holding his scythe while slowly walking towards him so he prepared to fight, but at that moment Lux unequipped his scythe causing Momonga to tense up thinking that Lux probably set a trap somewhere since he unequipped his weapon or he has something else well until Lux spoke.'

"Yo Skelli boy do u know where this guy is?" He showed a pic of Touch Me to Mamonga who became even more cautious of Lux and he asked "Why do you need to Touch me for, and who you are if I may ask?"

Oh he is roleplaying noice *ahem* "Sorry for that I am Lux as for what I need this guy is because he and his little group are searching for me so I came to see if I should take his items or if he wanted something" Then a voice was heard behind Lux

"Well, friend I wanted to ask you if U would want to join us in our quest to bring justice to our brethren and drive the PKS out of our land!!"

'Lux turned around and saw a man in shining armor with one hand on his left shoulder and a brown golden blob beside him.'

"Yea Oni-Chan you will join us right, right," She said in a cute voice as she jumped around which didn't get any reaction out of Lux.

"I can still strip PKS if I join right? " Lux asked Touch Me flinched a little and made little blob speak "Oh how lewd Oni-Chan" to which Lux deadpanned which was shown as (-_-) emote above his head "Let's just get over with this what do I need to do to join this guild or I just need to say I am in?"

"Well there are some requirements," Said Touch Me "You need to be an active member of society as well as heteromorph so are you an active member of society, and for who do you work?"

"Well I do own a company known as Penny D.O. which is focused on the financial side of the world providing and building various safes and bank accounts with security as well as maintaining all paperwork for major companies so yea," he said while shifting through cash in the shop.

"Damn so you are like my boss?" asked Momonga as he backed a little

"Don't sweat small stuff now let's just enjoy the game shall we" Then Touch me stretched his hand and said, "Welcome to the guild Friend!!" While thinking, we either got a golden goose or a disaster in making I hope the first one.


A/N-Sorry for the low chapter update I am awfully busy and have finals soon so I am stressed a lot also this ch is 1K words without notes so I hope in the future I will be able to update more frequently and I hope you enjoyed the reading so far.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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