
Horrible breakfast

The kids were already faced with the horror of spending summer with a granny. They didn't want more but then they faced more. For dinner, Mrs. Beverly prepared green beans salad with mashed potatoes and tomatoes sauce and ginger roots.

"um... can I just take tea?", Stephanie asked.

" You don't like the food?", Mrs. Beverly asked.

"No Mrs. Beverly" Stephanie replied quickly, "I just want something light".

" No! you must eat. Children of these days, you just want chocolates, ice creams and junks when you're supposed to be eating healthy ", Mrs. Beverly said, " You guys eat while I go tend to my garden. it'll be fast".

Max and Stephanie nodded quickly, they couldn't wait to run upstairs to their rooms.

"OK kids, be good and eat. I'll be back again", Mrs. Beverly said.

" OK ma'am", Max replied as he watched her leave after putting on her work boots.

"Let's look for what to eat", Stephanie said immediately Mrs. Beverly stepped a foot out of the house. " But we have to firstly look for the light switches ".

Max nodded and looked around, it was strange that the room was dimly illuminated. " Let's be fast, I'm starving ".

" Sit here while I go look for them", Stephanie said and stood up to go. She found one soon, "Bingo! Found one but its covered with cobwebs, I need a fork from the dinning table to switch it on", Stephanie said and turned back immediately and bumped into Max. She screamed.

" Max! What are you doing here? You're supposed to be sitting waiting for me", Stephanie said angrily.

"Well, I couldn't just sit there waiting for you... alone", he said cutely.

" Get out and get me a cutlery ", Stephanie ordered. Max quickly ran to get it.

Stephanie took it and turned on the lights and then she saw the red stained walls, not that she didn't see it before but with the lights on she saw it. Only that, right now it didn't look like just paint.

" Why did you turn on the lights? you stubborn creatures!". This time she didn't sound confident, she sounded... scared

"Why do you like being in the dark, old woman!", Max spat out.

" Mrs. Beverly, is this blood?", Stephanie asked referring to the red stained walls.

"Get upstairs to your room now!", Mrs. Beverly ordered harshly.

Max and Stephanie didn't even think before running upstairs for their lives.