
Visionary - The Blank

This is a rewrite of my previous work with the same name. I will change quite a few things and the Bleach part might not be as long as it was in the other one. Gremmy Thoumeaux will not live as a Shinigami. He is armed with the Essence of the Blank, so he has limitless potential. What he does with that ... well you'll have to see.

Cedric_7512 · Cómic
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15 Chs

Gremmy's true colours

(3rd Person POV)

"Bankai: Shatatsu Karagara Shigarami no Tsuji."

Upon the Bankai's activation, the area around Senjumaru is engulfed by darkness while a torii-like structure rises from the ground. Senjumaru then extends her skeletal arms back towards the structure as if in prayer. Emitting iridescent light, the gate expands to form a massive, golden loom and produces endless swathes of red tanmono, which are narrow-loomed bolts of cloth: one rolls out like a carpet over other, smaller cloths connecting to multiple tapestries looms on the sides, with yet more red cloth enveloping the scene akin to a barrier, and more distinctively patterned bolts of cloth hang down from above.

The Bankai's release brings upon noticeable tremors across multiple dimensions, including the Soul Society and the Human World.

"Thumb, thumb. Rattle, rattle. Thumb, rattle, rattle."

Each one of the Schutzstaffel is isolated.

"Unravel one hank, Abundant Blooming Eyes.", Senjumaru appears around Lille and tries to shoot her but his shots only manage to pierce holes into his own body.

"Sightless be those who gaze upon their might.", she says and then disappears from Lille's hank only to appear where Gremmy is waiting.

"Unravel two hanks. Thoughtless void. Those unable to think are drifting on forever.", Senjumaru says and darkness overcomes Gremmy which literally pulls his brain from his head and renders him unable to think.

"Unravel three hanks. Bowels of Black Sand. Pulled in by those black hands, you meet your end.", Senjumaru creates dark quicksand underneath Pernida and pulls him down.

"Unravel four hanks. Freezing Bed Linens. Succumb to slumber and never stir again", Gerard is frozen.

"Unravel five hanks. Burning Field."

Jugram is locked in a field of fire and despite trying to cut Senjumaru, he can't.

"There is no escaping it until you turn to ash."

"Unravel six hanks. Star of the Dark Night. Absorbed by its abyss you are led into the afterlife.", finally Senjumaru seals Uryuu's fate.


"Now take a look, you villains, as I finish by binding off and releasing the cloth from the loom. Shide no Rokushiki Ukimon no Hata."


"That is an impressive Bankai you have there."


Senjumaru turns around and sees Gremmy standing there with three old women of different sizes who are covered in dark robes.

"You? How did you...", Senjumaru is very confused right now understandably.

"Well your powers to seal your enemies' fate are impressive, but you see it is only impressive here. There are others who can do that far better than you. Let me introduce you to these lovely ladies, the three Fates.", Gremmy says and points to the first woman holding a spindle.

"This here is Clotho, the Spinner. Clotho spins the thread of life and represents the beginning of a person's life. See? That threat there is yours.", Gremmy says and then moves to the next woman, who grabs the thread from Clotho's hands.

"This here is Lachesis, the Allotter. Lachesis measures the thread of life, determining its length and thus the lifespan of an individual. She always has a measuring rod to do that. Like she is doing right now, you see?"

"Finally, we have Atropos, the Inflexible. Atropos' role ... as I'm sure you have already guessed by the pair of scissors, is to cut the thread of life, signifying the end of a person's life. Or in this case ... your life.", Gremmy says.

Atropos brings her scissors to Senjumaru's thread to cut it, thereby ending her life. But Senjumaru doesn't allow that, or at least she tries to do something about it.

She uses Shunpo to flash towards the three Fates, but the distance doesn't get any closer no matter what she does. She begins to panic and looks at Gremmy. He on the other hand has a cold expression on his face.

"You Shinigami of the Zero Division have become arrogant and all seem to have some twisted mentality. Kirio Hikifune was the only one who seemed to be somewhat normal still. Due to the short while, she was a member, I think. I am not sad about your demises today.", Gremmy says.

"Who are you to judge us? You are all just as bloodthirsty as we are."

"I know. Which is why I will kill everyone who is in the Soul King Palace today. Quincies and Shinigami alike ... will all perish today. The Gotei may remain as they are important and have changed, but the Zero Division and the Quincies will perish for good today. Farewell, Shutara Senjumaru."


And with that, Senjumaru's thread is cut, killing her at once.


After Senjumaru dies, her Bankai is not undone, but Gremmy gets rid of it after observing Yhwach's fight. He can tell at what stage the fight is at and knows that he has more than enough time to settle things. He wasn't lying to Senjumaru. The Schutzstaffel and the Zero Division would die today. Yhwach would also be gone and even the Soul King will be no more after today. He will settle things and then finally leave this world.

"What is going on? Gremmy? What happened?", Lille asks.

"I killed her."

"Oh! Impressive Gremmy. But if you couldn't at least do that, I would have killed you myself.", Gerard says with a smile.

"Shut up, you puppet."

"... What?"

"You're not even alive and yet you are spouting such nonesense. I freed you because you would have gotten free yourself one way or the other and this way, I can end you all much easier."


"What was that?", Jugram Haschwalth asks.

Lille gets into position and opens both of his eyes, activating all of his powers and making himself intangible.

Gerard gets into a fighting position as well and so does Jugram and Uryuu. Pernida doesn't change his stance but that was to be expected.

"Are you also going to fight me ... Pernida?", Gremmy asks.

But instead of answering, Pernida attacks Gremmy. Nerves suddenly appear and cover Gremmy's body.

"AAAAHHHHHHH", however, Pernida suddenly screams as the nerves make contact with Gremmy's body.

"That's a nerve toxin Pernida. I gave you a chance, but you didn't take it. Too bad. Very well then ... let's end this quickly."


"I will show you all, why I am the strongest Quincy in existence.", Gremmy declares.





Lille shoots Gremmy. Several holes appear on Gremmy's body, causing blood to flow out of them. But like what they expected, Gremmy doesn't die. His wounds begin to foam and then close gradually. It looks like when Aizen was cut in half by Ichigo and then was stitched back together.

Gerard runs towards Gremmy and swings his sword, Hoffnung at him, trying to kill him in one swing.


His sword cuts Gremmy but stops when it is halfway through his body. Gerard tries to pull it out but can't.

"Your favoured weapon, Hoffnung. Thanks to your power The Miracle, Hoffnung is the "hopes" of people bundled together. In this case it is the hopes of your fellow Schutzstaffel who hope you defeat me with it. Damaging this "hope" causes "despair", so if Hoffnung is damaged in any way, the combatant who damaged it will suffer injuries in return.", Gremmy says.

"Oh? You are well informed Gremmy!", Gerard shouts and punches him in the face, trying to free his weapon.





Lille fires more shots at Gremmy and tries to overload Gremmy's healing and make him lose focus to kill him finally. But he doesn't realise that this is a different Gremmy altogether.

Instead of getting damaged, the wounds appear on Gerard's body, by Gremmy who transferred the damage to Gerard.

"Cough", the big brute coughs blood and falls to the ground.

Meanwhile, Pernida has removed the nerves that were poisoned and rises to his full size, the Soul King Left Hand. There was no other way than to cut off his own nerves, as the neurotoxin was a special one. It changed every millisecond and got more deadly. Not even Pernida's evolution would have helped him there.

Pernida manifests his Heilig Bogen. Pernida's preferred weapon takes the form of a large traditional bow and arrow, which it forms between its ring and index fingers and fires with its thumb and aims at Gremmy. Gremmy is currently looking at Jugram who has his sword out and holding it in a horizontal position.

"You will come to regret, your good fortune of having such power.", he says and a large scale appears behind him. No one should be able to see this, but Gremmy can and he also sees how Jugram's power works. The manipulation and change of fortune and misfortune. 'B' - The Balance.

As the scale tries to tilt to the other side, something happens ... or rather something doesn't happen. The scale doesn't move. in fact, the scales are heavily against Gremmy's favour. He is not experiencing fortune right now, according to Haschwalths powers, Gremmy is experiencing massive amounts of misfortune.

"What?!", Jugram is confused but as the wielder of his power, he starts to understand what is going on.

"Are you confused?", Gremmy asks as he shrugs off more damage coming from Pernida, Lille and Gerard. He doesn't do anything and just takes it. He stands there and looks at Jugram.

"The outcome of this battle is not fortune. My power has nothing to do with fortune and the way things are going doesn't either. There is a simple fact as to why you are all not winning. You're simply not strong enough. I can tip the scale of your fortune if I want to. Observe.", Gremmy says and an equal scale appears behind him, surprising Jugram.

He can't believe his eyes at what he is seeing and tries to use his powers again, but he suddenly is hit by the large body of Gerard, causing his sword to fly out of his hand and impale Pernida. The Heilig Pfeil Pernida was preparing to fire, shoots in the wrong direction as he is pierced and hits Lille who had to blink for a second there and so he is hit.


All of this happens at the same moment.


"Do you see now? I didn't want to conjure up anything or play games with all of you. I want to show you what it means to have surpassed the limits imposed upon you by Y.H. Despite your powers, you are still terribly weak in front of me and that's why you will all die.", Gremmy declares.

After hearing this, Lille activates his Quincy: Vollständig.


Lille, Gerard and Pernida activate their most powerful forms and flare their Reiatsu. Jugram does the same and uses his power, the Balance to help them.

Lille's Quincy: Vollständig takes the form of a large white priestly robe with several holes and eight golden wings with three holes each covering Lille, who himself gains white lines crossing his face and an oversized golden Heiligenschein above his head. Lille can alter the appearance of Jilliel to some extent, notably by fraying out the ends of his robe into a skirt-like section while granting himself shoes which each have two long points jutting downward, one at the toes and one at the heel.


Gerard activates his Quincy: Vollständig by forming a Quincy Zeichen in the air with his blood. In this form, Gerard gains a Norse Reishi helmet, a star extending over the edges of his shield, and thick patterns covering his arms and legs as the star on the hilt of Hoffnung turns white.

Due to the amount of damage Gerard suffered by Gremmy who wasn't even paying attention to him, his body has grown larger than a skyscraper. He is a giant right now, ready to crush Gremmy under his heel.


Pernida on the other hand rises to his full Left Arm of the Soul King-size. Five Heilig Bogen appear and he aims them at Gremmy. He shoots nerves at Gremmy to capture him and evolve from gaining information on him.


All four Quincy, Pernida Parnkgjas, Gerard Valkyrie, Lille Barro and Jugram Haschwalth attack Gremmy at the same time.

Gerard swings his sword Hoffnung at Gremmy which is now the size of a large bridge. Pernida shoots five Heilig Pfeil at him and tries to capture him with his nerves. Lille shoots 24 shots at Gremmy at the same time, each one from one of the holes in his wings. And Jugram tilts the scale of his allies to have fortune on their side.



Four things happen.

Pernida is suddenly encased in a see-through bubble that has a clock on top of it. The clock is a strange one though. Because, unlike normal clocks, this one doesn't tick forward ... but backwards.

"I will take inspiration from Senjumaru and have a different solution for all of you, instead of just outright killing you.", Gremmy says.

"For you Pernida, I have the 'Turn back the Pendulum'. Instead of moving time forward, it moves backwards, slowly reversing any evolution you ever experienced. All the growth and adaptations and evolutions you ever went through, will slowly turn back to before it happened ... until you are the same blank piece you were before being cut off from Reio."

Gerard was being held on the ground by tiny dwarfs who were working on his chest and starting to dig into his flesh.

"You Gerard will have your threads cut off. The time for you has come puppet. These dwarfs will dig into your chest and take out your power source, returning you to the basic bone puppet you are. The heart of the Soul King will be dug out by then and you will die."

Jugram was experiencing pain. The scale behind him was being loaded with more and more weights that appeared out of nowhere and dropped from the sky. They tilt the scale towards his own misfortune and increase it more and more, slowly overloading his scale and therefore his powers.

"You will experience all the misfortune you played with. It is all coming back to you and pushing the scale, making you more and more unlucky that even the weakest of insects can somehow kill you ... how unfortunate."

Finally, there is Lille. Inside Lille's body, there is a giant needle that drains his blood slowly. More and more of his blood flows out of his body and into the tube and then the ground, spilling all over.

"You Lille were the first to gain a Schrift. Yhwach's blood, mixed with your own that gave you that power, is slowly being drained from you, weakening you more and more until there is nothing left and you die. How sad for one with a God-complex like you."


Jugram's scale breaks. The sound of his scale breaking caused an aneurysm which formed inside one of his brain's arteries to rupture and bleed. Jugram dies.

The dwarfs finally cut out the Soul King's Heart and give it to Gremmy, causing Gerard to fall into pieces of bones.

Pernida's time has completely reversed, making him into a mindless arm again. Gremmy uses his powers to get the arm to himself and then swallows it, fusing it with himself and growing stronger once again. He does the same to the Soul King's Heart of course. He wouldn't waste good power like that.

And Lille has lost all of his blood and has withered away, dying a sad death.