
Vision Nexus in blue lock

A boy finds himself inexplicably transported to a new world where he discovers he possesses a mysterious system called the Nexus Vision. This system promises to evolve his abilities as he navigates this unfamiliar universe, setting him on a path filled with unexpected challenges and opportunities.

Fw_Vanity · Cómic
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5 Chs

The Road to Regionals

As we stood on the field, preparing for our most important game yet—the regional qualifier—my mind wandered back to the journey that had brought us here. It felt like only yesterday that our season had started, but each game had been a crucial step in shaping our team. The memories of those matches flooded back, vivid and powerful.

Game 1: Facing the Underdogs

Our first match was against Tsuyoshi Middle School. They were relatively inexperienced, and it showed in their initial hesitation. The early minutes were a scramble as we struggled to find our rhythm. Every pass felt tentative, and our usual smooth coordination was nowhere to be found. Tsuyoshi's determination was clear as they pressured our midfield, forcing us to play defensively.

Midway through the first half, I saw an opening. The Tsuyoshi defense had left a gap just outside the penalty area. I lined up for a free kick, feeling the pressure of expectation. The ball sailed over the wall and curved into the top corner, a perfect shot that electrified the crowd and gave us the lead. That goal broke the ice for us, and soon after, Ryusei showcased his incredible dribbling skills, weaving through defenders to score twice. His first goal came from a deft flick past the keeper, and the second was a powerful strike from the edge of the box.

Despite the comfortable 4-1 victory, the game revealed weaknesses in our defense. Tsuyoshi managed to score a late consolation goal due to a lapse in concentration on our part. Coach Tanaka emphasized the importance of staying focused until the final whistle, a lesson we took to heart. We knew that tougher challenges lay ahead, and we needed to be prepared.

Game 2: The Defensive Battle

Next up was Kuroiwa Junior High, a team known for their solid defense. It was a different kind of challenge, a test of patience and strategy. From the kickoff, it was clear that breaking down their defense would require careful planning and precise execution. Their backline was disciplined and rarely left gaps for us to exploit. The first half was a stalemate, with both teams struggling to create clear-cut chances.

Hikaru and Daichi were exceptional, thwarting several attempts on our goal. Their coordination and anticipation were crucial in keeping us in the game. Hikaru's game-reading ability allowed him to intercept passes and disrupt Kuroiwa's attacks, while Daichi used his physicality to win aerial duels and clear danger from our penalty area. Our midfield, led by Jun and Kenji, worked tirelessly to maintain possession and create opportunities.

In the final minutes, the pressure was immense. I spotted Ryusei making a run and delivered a precise pass. He controlled it expertly and found the back of the net, securing a 1-0 victory. It wasn't a high-scoring game, but it taught us the value of perseverance and the importance of every single player's role on the field. The victory was hard-earned, and it gave us confidence in our ability to grind out results even when the going got tough.

Game 3: The High-Scoring Thriller

Our third game against Aoyama Academy was unforgettable. They were an offensive powerhouse, and the match quickly turned into a high-scoring thriller. From the first whistle, both teams attacked with abandon, creating a frenetic pace that had the crowd on the edge of their seats. By halftime, the score was tied at 3-3, with both teams exchanging goals in rapid succession. I scored early with a volley from a corner, and Ryusei added two more, showcasing his knack for finding space in the box.

Jun and Kenji were our anchors in the midfield, controlling the tempo and distributing the ball with precision. They orchestrated our attacks, threading passes through Aoyama's defense and setting up our forwards. However, Aoyama's relentless attacking pressure kept our defense busy. Hikaru and Daichi were tested repeatedly, and Yuto made several crucial saves to keep us in the game.

The second half was even more intense. We traded goals again, with Haruto scoring from a counterattack and Ryusei completing his hat trick with a sublime solo effort. The final score was 5-4, a thrilling victory that highlighted our attacking prowess but also made it clear that we needed to tighten our defense. It was a game that tested our resolve and showcased our ability to score under pressure, but it also reminded us that we couldn't rely solely on outscoring our opponents.

Game 4: The Comeback Kings

Our fourth match against Mizuki Prep was a true test of our character. They took an early lead, scoring two quick goals and putting us on the back foot. Their forwards were sharp and capitalized on our defensive errors, leaving us reeling. At halftime, we were down 0-2, and the mood was tense. Coach Tanaka made some strategic substitutions, bringing on fresh legs and shifting our formation to be more attacking.

Inspired by a motivational speech from Coach Tanaka, we had a dramatic comeback. Haruto's speed on the wing provided a crucial assist as he beat his marker and crossed the ball to Ryusei, who volleyed it home. The goal lifted our spirits, and we began to press Mizuki more aggressively. Ryusei scored again with a powerful header from a corner, leveling the score and igniting our belief that we could turn the game around.

With the clock ticking down, I saw an opportunity and took a shot from just outside the box. The ball hit the back of the net, and we won 3-2. That game solidified our reputation for resilience and determination, showing that we could overcome any obstacle. It was a turning point for us, demonstrating that no matter the circumstances, we had the mental toughness and teamwork to pull through.

Preparing for the Qualifier to be in Tokyo top ten junior high teams

Now, standing on the field, ready for the regional qualifier, those memories fueled my determination. We had come a long way, each game teaching us something valuable. Our opponents today were our long-time rivals, and they had been watching our progress closely. The tension was palpable as Coach Tanaka gathered us for a final huddle.

"Remember what we've learned," he said, his voice steady and filled with conviction. "Stay focused, play as a team, and give it your all. We've set the bar high, and I know we can keep it there."

Ryusei and I exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between us. We had grown as players and as leaders. This was our moment to shine, to show everyone what we were capable of.

Stepping onto the field I scan everything there scouts and coaches of professional teams and clubs were scattered throughout the sidelines

As we stood ready for the regional qualifier, our opponents were none other than the formidable Hoshinoka Junior High. Known for their disciplined play and well-rounded team, Hoshinoka had consistently been one of the top contenders in the Tokyo region.

Hoshinoka's captain, Shun Tanaka, was a skilled midfielder known for his unique vision and playmaking ability. His precise passes and strategic mind made him the backbone of their team. Alongside him was their star forward, Takumi Hayashi, a lightning-fast striker with a knack for finding the back of the net.

We exchanged glances with our opponents, I could sense the determination and confidence emanating from them. They were well-prepared and focused, having studied our previous games meticulously. This match was going to be a true test of our abilities and teamwork.

With scouts and coaches from professional teams and clubs scattered throughout the sidelines, the stakes had never been higher. Ryusei and I exchanged a glance, a silent understanding passing between us. We had grown as players and as leaders. This was our moment to shine, to show everyone what we were capable of.

Stepping onto the field, I scanned the setup and the opposition, mentally preparing for the battle ahead. Hoshinoka Junior High was a formidable opponent, but we were ready to face them head-on. The journey had been long and challenging, but every step had led us to this pivotal moment.

As the referee blew the whistle, Hoshinoka Junior High initiated the kickoff. Their captain, Shun Tanaka, stood poised over the ball, and with a swift tap, he passed it back to one of their midfielders, immediately sprinting forward to find space. Takumi Hayashi, their star striker, positioned himself strategically at the edge of our defensive line, ready to exploit any gaps.

From the outset, it was clear that Hoshinoka had a well-orchestrated game plan. Their midfielders moved the ball with precision, employing quick, short passes to maintain possession and stretch our formation. We pressed hard, trying to disrupt their rhythm, but their composure under pressure was evident.

Tanaka received the ball near the center circle, his head constantly on a swivel, scanning for options. With a deft touch, he evaded our advancing midfielders, creating a pocket of space for himself. This movement drew one of our defenders out of position, exactly what Hoshinoka wanted. Tanaka then played a perfectly weighted through ball to Hayashi, who had made a well-timed run behind our defensive line.

Hayashi's speed was electrifying. He latched onto the pass, leaving our defenders scrambling to catch up. Hikaru and Daichi, our defensive stalwarts, reacted quickly, closing down on him, but Hayashi's agility and close control allowed him to maintain possession as he drove towards the goal.

As Hayashi neared the penalty area, he faced a one-on-one situation with our goalkeeper, Yuto. Without breaking stride, he feigned a shot with his right foot, causing Yuto to commit early. In a seamless motion, Hayashi shifted the ball to his left and fired a low, precise shot towards the far corner of the net.

The ball zipped past Yuto, who, despite his best efforts, couldn't reach it. It struck the inside of the post and nestled into the back of the net. The crowd erupted in cheers as Hoshinoka took the early lead, their meticulous strategy and execution paying off.

Coach Tanaka's voice cut through the noise as he shouted instructions from the sideline. "Keep your heads up! Stay tight on your marks and communicate! We've got this!"

With renewed determination, we prepared to kick off, ready to respond and turn the tide back in our favor. The match had just begun, and we were determined to show that we could overcome any challenge.

With the ball set at the center circle, I could feel the pressure of the match weighing on us after conceding the early goal. Jun and I exchanged a nod, and as the referee's whistle blew, Jun passed the ball to me.


Activating my Emperor Eyes, the field transformed; every movement and intention of the players around me became crystal clear. It was as if I could predict their actions before they even made them.

The strategy was to advance with a fluid forward line, leveraging the strengths of Jun, Daichi, and Ryusei. We moved in a synchronized dance, constantly interchanging positions to confuse the Hoshinoka defense.

I dribbled forward, immediately feeling the presence of two midfielders closing in. With a swift step-over, I shifted the ball to my left foot, bypassing the first defender. The second midfielder lunged at me, but I executed a quick roulette turn, spinning away and leaving him behind.

Passing the ball to Jun, I continued my run. Jun advanced, drawing a defender before slipping a perfectly timed pass back to me. Now deeper into Hoshinoka's half, I could see their captain, Shun Tanaka, directing his defense. He was a formidable presence, anticipating our moves and positioning his teammates effectively.

As I dribbled closer, Tanaka himself stepped up to challenge me. Using the Emperor Eyes, I detected his intent to force me wide. I feinted a move to the left, but at the last moment, I cut sharply to the right, nutmegging him in the process. However, two other defenders quickly converged, trapping me.

With limited options, I performed a quick backheel pass to Daichi, who was making an overlapping run. Daichi drew another defender, creating space. I sprinted forward, and he flicked the ball back to me with the outside of his foot. Despite the pressure, I maintained control, weaving through the defenders with a series of close touches and sharp turns.

Suddenly, the Hoshinoka right-back, a tall and agile player, intercepted one of my passes intended for Ryusei. He read the play well, stepping in front of Ryusei and winning the ball cleanly. The crowd cheered as Hoshinoka looked to launch a counterattack.

I smirked

Knowing Ryusei wasn't going to have that happen. With his relentless determination, he chased down the right-back, pressing him aggressively. The defender, underestimating Ryusei's tenacity, tried to dribble out of trouble but lost his balance momentarily. Seizing the opportunity, Ryusei executed a perfectly timed slide tackle, knocking the ball loose and back into my path.

With the ball at my feet again and the defense momentarily disorganized, I pushed forward. Ryusei, recovering quickly, sprinted alongside me, ready for a give-and-go. As we neared the penalty area, I noticed the Hoshinoka goalkeeper off his line, preparing for a potential shot.

I feigned a powerful strike, causing the keeper to commit early, but instead, I slipped a delicate pass to Ryusei. In one fluid motion, Ryusei controlled the ball and chipped it over the diving keeper, sending it into the back of the net.

The crowd erupted in cheers as we equalized. The combination of my Emperor Eyes and the team's coordinated effort had broken through Hoshinoka's defenses, showcasing our skill and resilience. As we celebrated, I knew this was just the beginning. We were ready to fight for every inch on the field.

As the game resumed after our equalizing goal, the tension on the field was palpable. Hoshinoka was determined to regain their lead, and they started their attack with renewed vigor. Their captain, Shun Tanaka, orchestrated the play, directing his teammates with precision.

Hoshinoka's midfielder received the ball and advanced quickly, looking for an opening. With my Emperor Eyes activated, I could see the intricate web of movements and passes they were planning. Anticipating their strategy, I positioned myself to intercept a potential pass.

Hoshinoka's striker made a diagonal run, creating space for their winger who received a through ball and sprinted down the sideline. The winger crossed the ball into our penalty area, aiming for their striker, but our defender Hikaru misjudged his header. The ball skimmed off his head at an awkward angle, causing it to spin wildly.

The physics of the ball in this moment were crucial. As it spun out of control, the Magnus effect came into play, where the spinning motion of the ball created a lift force perpendicular to its trajectory. This caused the ball to veer unpredictably towards an open spot near the edge of our penalty box.

Seeing the opportunity with my Emperor Eyes, I sprinted towards the open space. The ball, still spinning rapidly, bounced awkwardly on the uneven grass, but I anticipated its trajectory perfectly. Timing my approach, I positioned my body to receive it, cushioning the ball with the inside of my foot to control its spin.

With the Hoshinoka players caught off guard by the sudden turn of events, I initiated the counterattack. I quickly scanned the field, noting the positions of my teammates and the gaps in Hoshinoka's formation. Ryusei was already making a forward run, anticipating my next move.

I dribbled past an oncoming midfielder with a deft touch, using a quick shoulder feint to send him the wrong way. As I accelerated into open space, I saw Jun moving up the flank. I delivered a precise pass to him, splitting two defenders and exploiting the space they had vacated.

Jun controlled the ball expertly and advanced up the wing. With Hoshinoka scrambling to recover, Jun crossed the ball into the box, aiming for Ryusei. Ryusei, always sharp and ready, anticipated the cross and positioned himself perfectly. He rose above the defenders, timing his jump to meet the ball with a powerful header.

The ball flew towards the goal with incredible speed and precision, leaving the goalkeeper with no chance. It nestled into the back of the net, and the crowd erupted in cheers. Our quick transition from defense to offense, enabled by my Emperor Eyes and the team's coordination, had caught Hoshinoka off guard and secured us a crucial lead.

With our newfound understanding of Hoshinoka's strategy and their reliance on their captain, Shun Tanaka, we adapted our play to counter their moves effectively. Every time they attempted to build an attack, we were ready to intercept and disrupt their rhythm.

Hoshinoka's captain tried to exploit our flanks and use their wingers to create chances, but our defense tightened up. Hikaru and Daichi communicated seamlessly, closing down spaces and forcing Hoshinoka to make rushed decisions. Whenever they managed to get a shot on goal, Yuto was there with quick reflexes and decisive saves, ensuring we maintained our lead.

As the game progressed, we focused on maintaining possession and chewing the clock. Our midfield trio—Jun, Kenji, and I—kept the ball moving with short, precise passes, frustrating Hoshinoka's attempts to regain control. We played with patience, waiting for the right moments to exploit gaps in their defense.

During one such moment, Jun intercepted a wayward pass from Hoshinoka's midfielder. Immediately, he passed the ball to me, and with my Emperor Eyes, I saw Ryusei making a run behind the defenders. I delivered a perfectly weighted through ball, splitting the defense and placing it right in Ryusei's path.

Ryusei's speed and agility were on full display as he sprinted past the last defender, controlling the ball with a deft touch. He was one-on-one with the goalkeeper now. Without breaking stride, he executed a brilliant feint, sending the goalkeeper diving in the wrong direction. With a simple flick of his foot, Ryusei slotted the ball into the empty net, securing our third goal and sealing the game.

-End chapter

Yeah I'm not writing a chapter this long again it ruined my upload streak.I don't really care but I need consistency or else I'll just procrastinate so uh yeah see you guys.