

He is looking for a virtuous woman. She finally appears but her mother is a prostitute. Could a virtuous woman come out of a prostitute? Find out in this love twist romance

Vicky_Philz · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
21 Chs


"Who can find a virtuous wife? For her worth is far above rubies." —Proverbs 31:10

As she recited the verse, she sighed deeply.

Growing up, she believed a woman's virtue was based on her financial status.

But two years ago, a life-changing encounter with God made her realize that a virtuous woman is valued for who she is and how well she manages the responsibilities God gives her.

Understanding this new perspective, she said to herself, "My worth goes beyond money."

Dressed in her favorite sundress and black stiletto heels, with her hair perfectly styled, she looked elegant and ready for church.

Before joining Juliana in the car, she paused to look at her reflection, repeating affirmations like, "Your worth is beyond money. You are invaluable."

This ritual reminded her of her true worth and purpose.

Juliana was the one who introduced her to God, something she would always be grateful for.

"Virtuous woman," Juliana teased as she looked at her outfit.

They both laughed.


The congregation was surprised when the pastor announced that Raymond Smith, a famous celebrity, was the guest minister for the day.

No one had expected such a superstar to be part of the service.

While everyone else was excited, Rosa remained calm.

As the head usher standing at the front, she watched the lively reactions around her but felt detached from the excitement.

She couldn't help but wonder why celebrities were so admired in Christian circles, even as the energy in the church buzzed around her.

After Raymond's sermon, the pastor asked Rosa to help escort him to his car.

She stood by the car, waiting.

As the pastor and other ministers walked Raymond out, eager church members tried to get autographs, but his bodyguards kept them at bay.

Following the pastor's request, she held Raymond's bag and a gift the church had prepared for him.

She was relieved when his bodyguards took the items from her.

Just as she was about to return to the church, she heard someone call her name.

It was Raymond Smith.

He looked at her and asked, "Don't you know who I am?"

"I do, sir. Mr. Raymond Smith," she replied, keeping her face neutral.

"Do you want to take a picture? I'll give you the privilege since you helped me carry my things."

She shook her head in disbelief. "Privilege? To take a picture with you?" She wondered how much pride had taken over gospel musicians.

He looked at her closely. "You look familiar."

Rosa quickly looked away.

Their last meeting was something she hoped he would never remember.

He leaned in. "Have you ever taken pictures with celebrities?"

"I'm not interested in taking pictures with celebrities."

He chuckled. "Who believes that?"

She shrugged. "Autographs? Pictures? What value do they add to my life? Connections? I get my connections directly from God."

"Are you from a wealthy family?"

She handed him her business card. "Feel free to contact me if you're curious about my background."

He took the card, watching her confidently walk back to the church.

Looking at the card, he noticed the name "Rosa Designs."

Pondering aloud, he asked, "Is she Rosa Anderson?"

His assistant nodded. "I heard she built that company with her own money. While other girls were buying designer clothes, she was saving and investing in her business. Her siblings drove to school in their own cars, but she sold her car to start Rosa Designs."

"How do you know all this?"

"Rosa is well-known because she's turned down many well-regarded men. She's never dated anyone."

"How do you know that, Frank?"

"My youngest brother goes to this church and is also an usher."

"So, Rosa Anderson isn't looking for someone with money? What is she looking for?"

Frank chuckled. "I remember my brother saying her nickname is 'Virtuous Woman.'"

"Virtuous what?"

"Virtuous Woman. But honestly, boss, this is the first woman who hasn't been charmed by you."

Raymond got into his limousine, deep in thought.

Daughters of governors and wealthy families, richer than Rosa, were always aware of his worth.

But for the first time in his life, a woman had turned down his offer to take a picture together.