
Virtues of A Regression

The inevitable wounds and scars covered my body. Thousands and millions of lives were buried, their very blood stained my hands bright crimson. I couldn't prevent the wounds ended up on my bare skin every single time. No matter how many times it occurred to me, being a lone wolf in fearsome situations was my call. The countless battles I fought with my undead army were engraved in my memories ever since. [ Welcome, brave and mighty heroes. ] "But you're telling me to go through that shithole again?!" The time has come to regain my formal strength. I, who eventually died in such a cliché way, had seen the world's end. With my knowledge of the past, I'll be the most capable necromancer there is! ...And maybe try to prevent the world meeting it's end, I guess. Resources? I'll horde them all. Potions? A shit-ton of them. Skills? I'll learn every single one there is. [ Player Park Jae Sung, your class is 'Healer' ] "...Fuck."

bangtannifics · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
1 Chs


A genius they said.

All it took were a few words of sugar coated nonsense and a sentence of sacrilegious encouragement -- 'They said you're the most talented dead commander there is. A living legend. No, do I say an unliving myth?'

Yes. A prodigy they said. It sounded almost as mocking, but to me, it sounded nice, asshole.

A few words of advice they spewed. 'Why do you like being a loner?'

A loner they said. I still am. I like being alone because that's what a loner means idiot.

'A scamming son of a bitch that couldn't protect or fight for himself and let his slaves do all the work. A fucking coward.'

A coward they said. Who said I'm not able to fight all by myself you seamless retard?

'Tough luck, the system must really have a grudge on you or something eh. Such a waste of an able-bodied man.'

Luck, they said. I was lucky to survive till the end but how did it work out for you, fucker? Dead.

I was alone. Dealing with a devil-like shithead deity of sorts-- alone.

In the midst of killing that devil-like bastard, I still didn't succumb to all of those half-assed praise or mockery.

I was a lone fighter. To be exact, an exhausted man and his own half dead army. There were even huge dark circles around my eyes from the countless sleepless nights I've spent grinding my abilities pass its limit.

I didn't feel the need to team up with people who could potentially stab my back as my companions, all I needed were the undying comrades I could trust and rely on.

When I thought I've successfully ended the eternal battle with my army, there was only me and my second in command, Abraxas. The rest of the world was obliterated along with nine of the most powerful people, excluding myself, which have higher potential than a commander of the dead.

Those top rankers that could fend off those beastly things until they've met their end, well of course later than the others since they were the only ones that could. There was no one to witness my victory.

That's what I've initially thought.

In that bloody bastard's last breath, he summoned all of his strength and used his stealth on me as his claws pierced right through my chest, leaving my lungs punctured and the rest of my body was paralyzed almost in an instant. Blood oozed from my chest and grazed his claws, making a pool of blood underneath me.

He said he was god, a deity. With a surreal and angelic appearance, he could easily get away with those misleading words.

He was far worse than any devil but with the title of a cosmic being. A constellation. A being that's close to what we humans call 'god'.

Taking one constellation down was such a pain in the ass, and I'm dying because of that shitty logic. The whole population was obliterated for a reason that we didn't have anything interesting to pique the constellation's interest. They wanted to choose avatars.

As a result, humans died in such a brutal way, leaving no trace of civilization.

But they've kept us alive. I'm talking about the ten sovereigns, including me.

There are millions of those disgusting constellations in Melthias, a whole new world outside the solar system. And the whole thing started with those scheming 'sponsors' shitheads.

Whatever. I'm dying anyways, but I'm bringing the fucker with me. At least I could take one of them down before I'd regret the rest of my life in hell.

And with that, I reached into my inventory and slipped a dagger into my hands as I initiate a skill.

[Fortification {LV80}]

The dagger pierced into his thick head as I thrusted it deeper into his skull earning a loud screech.

"I'm not going down just yet you fucker."

The sudden screeching stopped but the amount of blood I lost was not little. I started to lose my senses of sight and feeling.

This was the last thing I wanted.

I felt violated by this disgusting bastard's claw in my chest, but what can I do? Pull it out so I can feel the torturous pain and die faster? Certainly not. I just feel a little crappy.

It was such a pity to die in such a cliché way, I wanted to try being a swordsman after the fight was over. Ugh, honestly, this shitty system gave us a really bad time.

Then, a familiar voice spoke. ["You seem like you're having a bad time~"]

Two fluffy ears and a body of a tiny humanoid wolf, dressed in a small tuxedo floated in the air. Hovering above me as it stared straight into my eyes.

Ugh. That little bitch won't stop bothering till the end even when I'm dying.

["You're probably talking badly about me in your thoughts right now, aren't ya."]

"Would you stop pestering me when I'm finally about to die?" I choked up some blood as I said those words.

["Woah there, take it easy."]

"Didn't you also want this, Blake?" I wistfully chuckled as I briefly squeeze my eyes together.

["...Why would I wish for your death? You've always been a pain the ass but I... can't seem to put myself together and see you off yet."]

"Nonsense. What kind of administrator would see a  player off to the afterlife for god's sake." I curved up a small smile as I chuckled at the unusual behavior he displayed.

["There was no god to begin with."]

I half haphazardly said without a second thought, "If you're here to fasten my death then don't hesitate so much. It's making me feel like shit."

I opened my eyes and met with his tearing face as he leaned close to my right ear. "Why are you--"

["Their eyes are on you. Don't do anything to catch their attention towards us. We both know they can't see nor hear me if I don't open the visibility mode on the system."]

He continued, ["So act normal if you want to spend your last moments comfortably, we both wouldn't want them interfering."]

"What do mean by interfering? Torture me personally because I killed one of them?"

["Worse case scenario would be that, yes."]

"Do I look like I care now that I barely have what? A few minutes to live?"

["Aren't your lungs punctured? How are you talking like this without fail?"] The creature raised an eyebrow.

"I'm a necromancer. I won't feel the difficulty of breathing just because my lungs were punctured a few minutes ago. It would at least take 10 to 20 minutes until the effects start to kick in."

I lied. I'm squeezing every ounce to speak every little word.

["...Would you fix that habit of lying every single opportunity you have?"] He sighed and shook his head. ["You're pulling this kind of stunt now that you're at the gateway to death."]

"Can't say you're wrong though." I chuckled, "But isn't this quite unexpected, Blake? On the first day of the disaster, you were aiming for my head and now you are sympathizing for me in my last moments."

["If you're thinking of the kind of frenemy concept then forget about it. I came to sympathize because you were lucky enough to survive from your race, and the last one at that too."]

"Like I'd buy that."

I felt the need to vomit out of the sudden, I was getting queasy.

"Abraxas." I squeezed the remaining of my voice out as I coughed dry air, spitting out some blood in the process. Certainly not because of the gigantic claw in my chest and collapsing lungs.

"Yes, master." His voice hollowed, I couldn't properly look at him as my vision stained black.

My fingers wouldn't budge and I'm getting even more exhausted by the second. I stay collapsed on the ground with the nasty fucker beside me. "...Get his disgusting claws off me ...and throw this infuriating bastard off this cliff."

"Master, you'll really die at this rate."

"...That's... my last order to you." Although my vision was pitch black, I could sense the skeleton commander that slowly approached me. He jerked off the claws from my chest and a few seconds later, I heard a thudding sound in the background.

He must already throw him off the cliff like a sack of potatoes. Hah. What an ending for him.

The only reason I'm holding out for so long is because of my affiliation with so called 'death'. Aren't I one lucky bastard?

If I take a moment to think about it, the journey so far was just useless. I still tried to save our dying world even when I am the only one left.

It was THIS much work taking down ONE goddamn constellation -- ugh.

I opened my quivering mouth and uttered. "...I'm afraid you'll be reduced to ashes once I, your contractor dies."

The skeleton stood quiet and spoke afterwards. "You should care about yourself, master. I'll follow you right after."

["...Take a good rest, Park."]

It was harder for me to utter anything. I tried to squeeze the remaining strength I have and said, "Thank you, my loyal comrade... and.... friend... for accompanying me to the end of this journey."

I couldn't properly hear the last few words from the administrator.

["Rest well... you'll need it."]

Then everything went pitch black the moment I took my last breath. What did he mean by that? Ah... I'm so tired.

Thinking back, I was envious of them. The people that died before me, those ranker bastards. They had so many skills I wanted but never got them in the end.

Well, who cares now that I'm literally at death's door.


I'm honestly surprised that I'm still able to talk to myself like this, maybe because I'm at the lobby? Waiting room, perhaps.

I feel myself floating in a dark space, surrounded by nothingness in the void. It feels nice. It's warm here. Is it okay if I take a short nap before dancing my way straight down to hell?

Ah... fortunately, I wouldn't experience that shit show ever again.

I slowly drifted to sleep and snored in the process until I felt slightly awake,  a stinging sensation was felt in my head.

My body feels heavy, where is all my mana that is supporting my weight? Do they actually take them when you arrive? The clamoring and constant chattering caught me off guard.

"Huh?" My voice? Then I vigorously shook my head as my vision slowly recovered.

The glaring beam shot right before my eyes as I jerk up in reflex. The screeching sounds of a familiar metal scrapping against the ceramic floor as I stood up. I was previously seated on a chair next to the window and now standing up, completely confused at the whole situation.

The familiar yet uncomfortable gazes stuck to me like glue. "No way..."

Woah, my voice!

A deep groan was heard in the background, it was the professor upfront. An uneasy feeling arose, my gut was disgustingly scrambled inside. Churning and tossing around as it pleased.

"Mr. Park, I assume you're not interested in this class. If you could kindly leave, we all would appreciate it." The professor raised an eyebrow as he scoffed in disbelief. "That is, if you want to ruin all of our futures then you may proceed. Why did you even consider taking this major?"

The fuck is that old man? You're literally bringing out all the hate there is.

I took a look at my hands, they were exactly the same ten years ago. Scrawny. Some said to stop raising my standards and be happy and grateful  on what I have, just what kind of bs they were spouting.

Is this some kind of a hallucination they said after experiencing death? Or is this a test? Why did it have to be on... the day... the... world... would end up...

No. No way.

I ran towards the window and grabbed onto the frame as I stared at the bright sky, enormous bright clouds churned and rumbled as they gathered at the center. I looked at my watch, It's 5:36 pm.

"Mr. Park! If you're planning to jump out the window, I suggest doing it somewhere else rather than a second floor building or this campus, specifically."

"Yo, is that little shit gonna jump or what lol." Another random person said as he joked with his friends. "What a lousy attempt of suicide. He's such an attention seeker."

If this is really some cliché webtoon scenario, then I have about 24 minutes. I brought my foot onto the frame of the window.

"Mr. Park--!"

I leaped out the window from the second floor without much thought and landed with a thud as I groaned. Fortunately, I landed on my fours but sprained my ankle a little in the process.

Ugh, this is so inconvenient without mana.

"Status window." I mumbled still, but I knew it wasn't going to work before 'it' starts. I still wanted to try regardless.

I started running. Slowly picking up the pace as I sprinted even with my sprained ankle. Street stalls, towering buildings, bustling vehicles stuck in an eternal traffic. There was one place I could think of going before this place turns to an unrecognizable mess.

The adrenaline started to kick in as blood surged through my veins.

20 minutes. I just need 20 minutes.

I ran across the road with speeding vehicles coming from both sides, and I almost caused a huge accident. Well, it won't be me destroying the rest of the cars even if I wasn't the source of it now.

I halted my tracks, severely gasping for air as I reached in front of a tiny store. No matter how many years it's been, I still can't get used to the lack of mana.

I pushed the glass door and the small bell at the corner top of the door rang.

"Welcome~" An old aged man dressed in a plastic apron drenched in blood popped out from the counter as he walked towards me. "You're quite a young lad!"

The height difference was distinct and yet he continued blabbing on. "What kind of meat would you like, lad? I have all kinds!"

I don't have time for this.

"Actually, I'm here to borrow something."


14 minutes left.

"Yes, may I borrow the longest blade or knife you have?"

The old man looked at me suspiciously. He raised an eyebrow as his eyes scanned me from top to bottom. "Why would you need that for?"

"Old man-- no, senior. The world will soon be a slaughter house, so I suggest to have a weapon with you." I said with a stoic expression.

The atmosphere was tense and fairly quiet, but the old man abruptly laughed it off as he pat my back. "Aigoo, kids these days! It's 2021, it isn't the age for some fantasy nonsense like Train to Busan~ Slaughter house? What do you kids watch these days~?"

I'm 23.

The old man glanced at me with one eye and heaved a sigh afterwards. Then he went into the storage room and rummaged through some things, loud clattering sounds were heard in the process.

He came out and tossed me a bag. I quickly grab a hold onto the handle as I raised an eyebrow, my eyes questioning the meaning of his gesture.

"Here." He said as he crossed his arms and leaned onto the storage's door frame. "I don't know nor do I care what on Earth you're gonna use those for, but I hope it will come in handy."

"You sure change your attitude in the nick of time, senior." I curved the corner of my lips. "You sure this ain't money or something else?"

He made a sardonic remark as he clicked his tongue. "If it were, would you have taken it?"

I smirked as I checked the contents of the bag. "I'm surprised you even believed me, old man."

"We're not even at a relationship where one can trust easily."

The old man shrugged as he spoke. "Can't say you didn't warn me, at least. It's nice to take some precaution."

"Even if it sounds stupid?" I chuckled and abruptly change my tone. "You might regret your decision in the future."

7 minutes.

"Do I look like I'm getting any younger, lad?" He wistfully chuckled. "Ignorance is bliss sometimes."

"Well, you should at least have a weapon with you, old man." I passed him a knife. "Do your best to survive even if you have lesser time than others."

"You talk as if it's really going to happen." The old man chuckled as he took it with no hesitation, I stared at him without uttering a single word.

5 minutes.

The ground began to rumble, earning screams from the outside and the people started to run wild.

I stood there, an eerie silence engulfed the atmosphere once again. Then, I mumbled. "Beware of the Meirs. Don't just trust anyone you meet."

"Remember my words, old man." I pushed the door open and bid him a short farewell with the gesture of my hand. "And thank you."

I finally stepped out the tiny shop and gaze at the horrid sky. Geez, did I take that long? The people around me ran pass me and the nostalgic screams rang in my ears.

Then a vibration was felt in my right pocket. I took out my phone, an SNS was sent from the government. 'To all citizens, please stay at your homes and do not panic.'

Tch. The same idiotic text.

'Fsssshhh--' A buzzing sound was heard in the background, I turned to my left and saw the enormous billboard displayed right in front of me.

[--Alert to all citizens, please stay at home at all costs. The KAIST are trying to figure out the abnormal radiated energy frequency coming from the sky you're now seeing from Seoul. Everything is under control now that the government is issuing some of the military force to cope with the current situation just in case--]

The countless useless warnings from the same arrogant news reporter. Am I really not in my own hallucination and dreaming about the shitty past?

I gazed upon the dark violet turbulence in the lightning tribulated sky. An enormous holographic timer shone from above, a ticking sound hollowed. 00:05.

I can't believe it's really happening.


Damn. I thought I would at least be able to nap.



[Welcome, brave and mighty heroes.]

A being descended from the ominous clouds, with an appearance so tranquil yet so enchanting, with four angel-like wings and robes decorated in pure gold. A halo danced right above its head as a satin cloth covered it's eyes as it spoke ever so lightly but yet so clear, resonating throughout the area.

The people around gaze upon the being, called her a figure of a goddess, a deity. Some were hiding, some were panicking and some were brazen to stare straight at the being with their awe stricken faces.

The voice echoed. [We are all gathered here...]

"No way..." Now, it's confirmed. I'm sure I'm not dreaming.

[...for a grand event.]

The people beside me were getting even noisier. How annoying.

"A-An event?? Is this some prank??"

"Isn't it just a new hologram that they're developing? I must say, it's quite realistic."

It IS a hologram, but that's not made by us, obviously. It's a messenger, the purpose for them is to relay a message from the constellations because those bastards have no balls to do it themselves so they sent something like her here.

While it was still explaining some stuff to the people, I took out the longest blade in the bag ahjussi gave and swung it around and earned a few gasps in the background.

"I-I-Is he holding a knife?! Is he crazy?!"

"Shh!! K-Keep your voice down! He might hear you!"

I can hear you dumbasses very, very clearly. I heaved a sigh and massaged my temples, this place will soon turn into a bloodbath and you're worrying about a man with a knife. I think it should work by now.

"Status window."

Then, a slightly different voice rang in my head as a holographic window appeared before my eyes, concealed from the eyes of other people.

「 ... 」

「 Congratulations on being the first to register as a player! 」

「 20 coins are gifted as a token of achievement. 」

「 Registering new player. 」

「 Player identified. Welcome, Player Park Jae Su--&#@!&#@! 」

「 ERROR. ERROR. P!#l6a'&yer-- 」

The hell? I don't recall my system being like this the first time around.

Some people are too focused at the angel-like being in front of them, but some are glancing at me weirdly. That's what I get from looking intensely at nothing.

「 Detected abnormalities, now rebooting... 」

Oh. Sure.

「 Welcome, Player Park Jae Sung. 」


「 Logging into existing account. 」

Wait what?! No freaking way. Then--

[Status window]

Player: Park Jae Sung

Age: 23

Race: Human

Class: none [-]

Titles: [The one who he regressed]


[Basic swordsmanship LV 0 - proficiency 0.00%] {new}

[Fortification LV 0]

[Commune of the dead LV 0]

[Deceased collection LV 0]

[Shadow spites LV 0]

[Extraction LV 0]

[Instill fear LV 0]

[Abyss awakening LV 0]

[Engulfing claw LV 0]

[Soul derivation LV 0]

[Breath of the decay LV 0]

Strength: 13

Agility: 10

Vitality: 11

Intelligence: 20

Mana: 17

Luck: 30

Coins: 20

[All stats have been reset.]

[Skill(s) are maintained and has been reset to 0 proficiency.]

[Previous items are not recovered.]


Then does that mean my full necromancy set, that took me every single coin and ages of effort to get, is completely lost?! Isn't this totally a scam??

[...The trial will now commence!]

The systematic voice echoed and an enormous wave of energy surged all over the area as it filled the air. Mana.

The messenger's halo disappeared. The constellations have disconnected from the puppet. How typical.

And now it became even noisier. Why don't they just shut their mouths instead of uselessly spouting their worries out loud, they're just attracting unwanted attention from the shadows.

「 Mana is overflowing in the atmosphere. 」

「 Due to the overwhelming mana flow, you have gained 1 mana stat. 」

An eerie silence occupied the area. Everyone was still, a tranquil silence took over. My head is getting clearer by the second, my palms are drenched in my own sweat but I held onto my focus and didn't falter in the slightest.

My grip tightened onto the blade in my hands as I unconditionally curved the corner of my lips. The unusual behavior arose within me, my hunger for a bloodbath was ridiculously insane.

Suddenly, the ground beneath us shook in utter chaos. A holographic window appeared before every single one of us.

[➤Main event: Survive, clash or dash?]

Task: Beastly monsters will descend from the sky, survive or defeat the roaming fiends whether it be a creature or the devil himself! Use whatever means to survive!

Difficulty: E--C

Duration: 48 hrs

Rewards: 500 coins + 3 additional stat points + item of choice + 1 recovery potion


"W-What is this??" One shouted.

"What kind of crap is this?! Don't bullshit me! Come out! We're tired of your games!"

Yes. It's exactly a game. A game where your life depends on every decision you make. We can't afford regrets to be made.

As I lift my blade, I got a quick glimpse at the deactivated angel. The cloth that covered her eyes were gone.

Then small cracks started to appear across its face. It abruptly blazed its eyes open as it shone bright crimson.

This has never happened before.

As it slowly turned it's head to the side, is no one seeing this? I think it's looking at me, or was it just my own imagination?

Did she just... smile?

Then it muttered under her breath. [Haha. Let's see whether the people of this world can keep us entertained.]