
Level 5: Who are you?

"Hey you alright?" said a guy with long straight blonde hair and pointy ears.

"Eh?", Neri responded.

"EH!" Neri yelled over the treetops.

Erin's thoughts: Who is this guy? Why did he save me? Last time I remembered the game never had other players.

"Well anyway...My name is William...." said William (awkwardly)

(10 minutes later as Erin gets in deep thought)

William's thoughts:Would this girl stop staring at me? Like—

"My name is Neri! But who are you? I never caught your name!" said Neri with a smile.

William's thoughts: Uh.....Is this girl that stupid?

"My name is William, but I already told you." replied William

"I'm sorry but pretty sure you didn't tell me your name."said Neri.

William's thoughts: You know...I regret saving this girl's life in this game....

"Anyway, girls aren't suppose to be fighting monsters. Didn't Fay tell you?" said William.

"Um...actually Fay told me to fight monsters..."replied Neri.

(5 minutes later in awkward silence)

Fay then pops up in thin air.

"About that any player can decide what they want to do in the game."Fay said.

"oooooooooooohhhhhhhhhh" William and Neri both said.