
Level 4: Monsters!

As Neri woke again on a grassy hill, laying on a tree... Just as Neri got up, Fay popped up from thin air.

"AH!" screamed Neri, as she didn't expect Fay to pop up.

"Hey Neri! Guess what? You're the daughter of the town's blacksmith but since most knights in your town went to serve Prince Gabe in battle against the mighty Prince Leon. But there are monsters roaming around near by your town now quick get your armor!" Fay said with a smile on her face.

"You know, even if you are just a computer program...you are seriously scaring me..." Neri said.

"You know you should hurry up before your town gets destroyed right?" Fay reminded.

"OH RIGHT! MONSTERS!"yelled Neri as she ran down the hill.

Erin's thoughts: My gosh I'm already tired in this virtual reality..Now I have to fight the monsters—

"Hey Neri!" yelled a villager as Neri ran passed him.

Neri ignored him as she went straight inside to her father's blacksmith.

As Neri took the armor, shield, and sword without her father's permission and went out.

Her father expecting this yelled from the anvil

"Be careful outside of town Neri!"

As Neri went out of town she meet Fay, just as a 3 headed snake appeared.

"Now Neri. You must click your left controller to attack with your sword and click your right controller to block the attack but in order to use your water power click both the left and right controller. Beware that using your element you lose more energy!".

As Fay disappeared in thin air. Now Neri and the 3 headed snake are alone. The 3 headed snake slithered at her leg, then Neri felt a throbbing pain in her leg.

Erin's thoughts: UGH! Why does this feel so real? Whatever I need to finish this—