
Virtual Genesis

ComputerMatrix · Juegos
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1. Creation

When the world was created, there was the 7 important things.

Moderation, Games, Users, Currency, Respect, Freedom, Generosity.

These where used to keep roblox fun and happy, but it seemed empty because there was only 3 games,

• Tower Sword Fight

Active : 64,840

Voting : + (89%)

• Crossroads

Active : 180,929

Voting : + (92%)

• An Happy Home

Active : 30,722

Voting : - (79%)

So they added one more thing, Roblox Studio, The people of roblox started using it more, now there were more games like ship battles, king of the hill, and Crossroads PvP.

Roblox got more popular since there were YouTubers, Originated and inspired by roblox. This attracted most people to play roblox.

Happily, Hackers didn't even exist at this time, while something that changed roblox, almost attracted them to destroy this game. But the moderation team has caught them, only to enrage them.

They couldn't sign up for a while, which keeps roblox safe, the game of the

ro-changer is...

Work At A Pizza Place

Active : 329,990

Voting : ++ (97%)

This kept the community happy and not bored, the developers were taking a break for a while.

A month later, there is now 10M players. Which made this game popular worldwide. Sadly, an strong hacker is coming, but the good thing is that the devs will upgrade their moderation.

"I heard that an hacker named 1x1x1x1 is coming, guys..." Said Guest, Scared because he knows the hacker's intentions.

People start to believe it, now that a new generation is coming, the hackers.