
Virgin Bride For The Beast Wolf

"Take your clothes off. It's time to bathe." Hearing those words, fear overwhelmed me, and I felt as if I might wet myself. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around my body, unable to fathom removing my clothing. He rose from his seat, approached me with a sinister smile, and placed his hands on my hair. "Would you like me to assist you?" Trembling with fear, I closed my eyes tightly and shook my head, vehemently refusing while inching away from him. "Well, if you don't want to disobey your husband, do as I say." He returned to his chair and sat down, watching me intently, waiting for me to comply and undress.

Jessica_Molly · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
147 Chs

chapter 2

Sierra's consciousness slowly returned as she struggled against her captors, but their strength proved overwhelming. The sound of her mother's voice tugged at her heart, filling her with a deep sense of yearning, yet she remained powerless in the face of these strangers.

Fear tightened its grip as she was carried away, the destination unknown. Would she be destined to become the bride of the beast? The chilling prospect sent shivers down her spine, and in that moment, she found herself silently praying for release from her torment.

Thrown into a cage and locked in, Sierra felt a sense of entrapment that weighed heavily upon her. Sitting in the confines of the enclosure, uncertainty clouded her mind, her heart racing with anxiety as she teetered on the brink of despair, unsure of her next course of action.

The thought of her mother left behind, alone and vulnerable, brought tears to her eyes. Unable to bear the thought of remaining in captivity, a fierce determination welled up within her. Rising to her feet, she approached the door and cried out, "Let me out!"

Even though it was daytime, it felt as if darkness had descended upon her. Being there was like living in a never-ending nightmare.

She shouted as loud as she could, her voice echoing through the empty space, but all she received in return was eerie silence. Helpless, she broke down in tears, clueless about what to do next.

Her heart pounded against her chest, each beat a drum of fear as she stood frozen, the unknown looming before her like a menacing shadow.

She slowly sank to the ground, her trembling legs folding beneath her as she crossed them and rested her head on her knee, her gaze fixed on a point in the distance, too afraid to even blink.

Was this her fate, to be trapped in this desolate place? The thoughts of what would happen if they came to get her again consumed her, a relentless tide of dread crashing against her fragile resolve.

As she sat there, the faint sound of creaking doors reached her ears. She looked up to see a man approaching the cage. He placed a tray of food inside before locking eyes with her once more.

"I suggest you eat as much as you can, for I don't believe there will be any food where you're going."

His words sent a chilling wave through her body, causing her to retreat further, consumed by fear.

Watching him about to leave, she mustered the last ounce of strength and spoke.

"Please, what will happen to me? Where is my mom?"

He turned and looked at her, and she could see the sadness in his eyes as he spoke.

"The village will take care of your mom, and we're sorry that this is where your fate has led you."

He walked away, leaving her shattered and in tears.

She sat there, staring at the food in front of her, but all desire to eat vanished. She glanced up at the cage, her mind filled with uncertainty about what would happen to her.

Hours passed in the cage, and there was still no sign of anyone. The darkness crept in, and outside, she could hear the sound of yelling.

She didn't know what was happening, but deep down, she knew it couldn't be anything good.

Finally, the door swung open, and two men walked in. They opened the cage and forcefully dragged her out. She was too weak to resist, so any attempt to escape was futile.

As they pulled her out, the clamor of people grew louder, and soon she found herself surrounded by a crowd.

They dragged her towards the gate, and she stood there, unsure of what to do next.

"Today is the day we've all been waiting for!" a lady yelled, and the crowd fell silent. "The days of killing are coming to an end, and now we can finally live in peace."

She watched as everyone cheered, their joy evident. As she scanned the crowd, her eyes met her mother's, tears streaming down her face as she struggled to reach her but was held back.

"Mom," she whispered, feeling powerless, only able to hope that she would be okay.

"For too long, countless lives have been lost at the hands of the wolf creature. But now, there is no need to fear any longer, for we have found a young woman, a virgin, who will become the bride of the wolf creature and set us free."

The crowd erupted in cheers, and happiness engulfed everyone. She couldn't believe what she was witnessing before her very eyes.

"Open the gate!" the lady commanded, and she was forcibly dragged forward, her hands tightly gripped. Fear overwhelmed her as she struggled, desperately trying to break free. She didn't want to go anywhere near that gate. She couldn't bear the thought of becoming a beast's bride.

She pleaded for mercy, but her cries fell on deaf ears. Before she knew it, she was pulled through the gate, which promptly closed, leaving her alone to face whatever fate awaited her.

The surroundings were dark, and she felt utterly lost. She turned back, hoping they would open the gate, but all she encountered was silence.

Realizing it was futile, she started walking into the woods. Each step she took felt like icy water drenching her body. At that moment, she wished the beast would simply appear and end her life.

Minutes passed, yet there was no sign of anything or anyone, not even the beast. She sat on the grass, contemplating whether it would be best to stay there and let death find her.

Suddenly, she heard a sound behind her. Her heart pounding, she quickly stood up and turned around, only to find herself staring into a pair of red eyes.

She stumbled backward, collapsing onto the grass, her entire body trembling. Is it time for her to die? Has the beast come to claim her life?

To her astonishment, the wolf drew closer, walking on two feet and taking the form of a human.

"Hello, Mate. Welcome home," he said, leaving her utterly stunned.

She took a step back, feeling a wave of fear wash over her. "Please keep your distance from me," she begged, her voice quivering.

His smile sent shivers down her spine, heightening her longing to flee, to vanish from this place entirely.