
Whos Next?

Logan sat there at the staff table which has grown quiet since Damien, Domino, and Natalia left the main headquarters. We lost our biggest gun, our lucky charm, and our head intelligence.

Currently only Ellie, Amara, Jean, and I have Red badges or higher. We're currently talking on who to promote to the next red badges.

"What about Bobby? He's young but the kid is seriously powerful?" Amara suggested

"No, he's too reckless and inexperienced he's too green for red. Next." i shut her down

"Scott?" asked Jean "He's calmed down a lot since he's attended Anger Management therapy and Selene fixed his eyes. He's got the experience and the power to back it up."

Hmmm the kid has come a long way. And those beams of his do come in handy. "I have to talk to him first. Whos next."

Ellie gave her thoughts on the matter "Kurt and Kitty. Individually they lack firepower but together those two are scary. And they used to work with Natasha directly on a lot of intel missions."

"I second that" said Amara "Kitty has come a long way in combat especially with her powers making her scary in close combat. And Kurt was already deadly i keep telling him if he takes some daggers he'd be deadly. Or a tail blade and be like swish swish"

"Okay I get it. Approved but no tail blade, he can already break bones easily with that tail."

"What about Sophie? The hive group already elected her their representative." asked Jean

"Not yet, i still want them get better individually. Once they get to their collective level individually then ill be content."

"Okay so new recruits? Damien and Natalia left a folder of important people popping up that they'd like including a few for the scienctist division. Im sure Gwen would like a new lab partner." asked Jean

Amara started listing off "First up Lunella Lafayette she's a 12 year old genius living in the inner city right now. I dont know whats up with Damien and children but we'll discuss that next Tuesday. She has a genius level intelligence nearing Cho's and shes still 9 years younger than him."

Logan made the decision "Have Kitty tell her parents that she's being offered an internship, after she signs the magical contract introduce her to OverWatch. Labs only she's to work with Gwen. Anything else?"

Amara picked up and said "Yea he said something in his notes about giving her a red dinosaur? But i dont get it. Next up is a candidate Natalia noticed in Shield. They call her Ghost. She can appear and disappear from this dimension. They call it Quantum phasing. So like Kitty but weirder? Anyways Natalia already secured a deal where she's coming in Next week for us to cure her. After that is Jessica Jones aka Jewel."

"I remember that one" said Jean "the one who punched Scott when he went to talk to her the first time" the redhead chuckled remembering the time Damien sent Scott to recruit Jessica Jones.

Logan gruffed and said "Who else?"

Amara just blurted out the rest "We got a Blindman in hells kitchen, a bulletproof guy in Harlem, a kid who found that lost spider Damien was looking for, a kid with a helmet and a squirrel girl."

Everyone looked at her weirdly before she said "What? We're gonna be meeting most if not all of them shortly. I'm sure we'll hear plenty of backstories."

Logan just released a sigh before saying "Ellie you go to Jessica, Jean go talk to the blind guy, Amara meet helmet, send Gwen to the spider kid, and Send Johnny and Bobby to the bullet proof guy. Ill meet with Ghost when fury brings her in. If thats it then dismissed."

He watches the members get up one by one and leaves the room, all except Amara.

"You know you're doing fine right?" Amara asked looking at the man with worry lines on his face.

"I know, its just more than i expected" he said pulling out his Orange Badge that he's kept on his person at all times since he got it.

"You know me and Ellie were there when Damien went on his spiel. He flew up above the city and went on about being the eye that watched over the peace. He had a vision and then later on that vision turned into a dream. A dream where people wouldnt have to worry about their powers. Cities where people who only became bad guys only did so because they werent in a society capable of letting them be anything else. No more underground super prisons holding people with powers. No more secret societies and hidden dimensions. We all looked at him like he was crazy. No way that he could do it. But even now he's turning that dream into reality."

She gets up and she walks over to Logan before standing across from him "But he's not doing it alone. He had allies, friends, and people he could rely on. He had you. And you have me." She pulls out her red badge and she pushes the button and it turns a bright neon orange "he gave me an orange badge amd told me to support you. So just know Logan you domt have to let all that pressure get to you."

She smiled at the man as his shoulders visibly relaxed. She turned around running into Ellie and Hisako waiting for her. She links her arms around them and says with a cheery face "Lets go ladies, its movie night" as she pulls them away.

Logan sits back and watches the three girls run off back to their home. Then flashes of Damien and his two pregnant girlfriends one of which is his technical daughter.

He smiles and he leans back into his chair and sighs "family huh."

Bonus Scene in the Nyxxus Household

"Damien as much as i enjoy being on the sidelines should we really be staying out of OverWatch affairs? Logan cant handle all of that pressure by himself." Natalia asked from her yoga mat next to Susan.

Ororo and Damien were cuddling on the couch when she asked the question, he raised his head from between the mighty African thighs and answered "Don't worry i left him two secret supporters. By the way Natasha i upgraded the security again so dont be shocked if a black star appears in your badge."

Ororo stated "Lets just go through the year with minimal effort. We've already left plans for the next generation too. They'll be fine."

"She's right" Damien said "Plus i booked a trip for us to Hawaii. We leave in three days so get packed ladies. Hawaii here we come."