
War Prep Pt 1

New York City

Tony Stark

Billionair Playboy Philanthropist

You see once upon a time there was this group. No one knew where they came from, or where they went. Bad construction sites, robberies, droughts, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, no matter what kind of threat there was there was always a member of OverWatch at the scene. Now I must admit I was jealous of their attention, but I also was their fan.

Never leaving a name or asking for a reward, just do the work they had to and leaving the scene after making sure everyone is alive and safe. Truly heroes. Until we messed up, not only forcing these good volunteers to remove their safety net, but basically asking them to be put on record and monitored. I can almost sort of agree with it, but at the same time I still value my own personal space and judgement more. It's unfortunate however that due to some greedy politicians OverWatch disbanded.

No because that wasn't enough they had to cook up some crazy experiment and ended up creating Sentry. That man terrorized New York for months. No one dared to resist after all, everyone watching the news that day saw how he put a hole in Invincible. That feat alone brought his reputation to great heights. Now while this Sentry had some tendencies to over indulge, he did follow orders I suppose.

So imagine the moment I saw three women fighting Sentry and right when I thought he'd win again, HE CAME BACK! I was so excited that I wanted nothing more than to talk to the man who created the superhero Era. I put on my strongest armor to meet the guy but the situation was too tense that when I tried to deescalate the situation I may have come off a bit more arrogant than I intended.

But either way I survived and he didn't settle accounts so I was grateful. After Sentry fell a lot of people trying to claim his spot started appearing and this time they don't follow orders. So when Fury presented his Avengers program I signed up. After all Overwatch did it why can't we? But man do I feel played again. We finally pull together a decent team of Captain America, Hulk, Hawkeye, Agent 13, Falcon, and Mockingbird but still seeing this order from Congress really grinds my gears.

"I won't do it." Plain as day I refused. This suicidal request is utterly ridiculous.

"Mr. Stark that's not for you to decide. As an Avenger your job is to join in the military raid on the hostile forces."

"Say it how you want, but you guys killing yourselves launching a war against people who'd rather leave the planet than deal with you is insane. Not a single Iron Man will be present for this massacre you yourself started."


"I agree!" Capt said as he stood up "There is nothing right about this war. Whether it's this Stern you're working with or the goal in and of itself. Metahumans were captured, tortured and experimented on globally in every country on this planet. Is it wrong for them to leave the planet for their own safety and peace. Now they haven't bothered us except for leaving a few headaches but even then that's not their fault."

Banner stood up too "They haven't even left Mars except to pick up other metas on the planet so why are we waging war in the first place? And your solution is sending more robots and other metas. Seems like you want both sides to lose so you can clean sweep."

The room was silent and before any of the senators could speak I stood up "Well you heard the boys, the band isn't playing any private gigs lately but we'll send you front row seats to the Album tour."

I waved my hand as Jarvis took over and turned off the monitors. Slumping back into my chair I looked at the table and said "In this war between two planets where do the Avengers stand?"

The table was unprecedentedly quiet. Sigh, there's a big storm coming. I have to get Pepper somewhere safe.

Meanwhile Back on Xandar

Raven and the girls were boarding their ship with the two girls Eve and Nikki after all they just got news that Earth raged war on them, and Nova Prime thought it a good show a friendship to send some Nova members to show their good will.

"Wow this ship is amazing!" Nikki said as her flaming hair danced as she zipped around the ships entertainment room "Our ships are all militarized, so civilian ships hardly ever leave the planet and if they do they opt for speed instead of comfort."

"Nikki focus, this isn't a sight seeing trip. Their planet is under war." Eve said with a straight face especially pausing the video Raven got at the end and seeing thousands of combat ready robots. "My main concern is, if this is all their robots?"

"Not to mention Essex," Gwen spoke up from the side "His whole thing was cloning. Who knows what Metas and clones they have around."

"He definitely needed a Trump card to fight against Damien again" Jean added as Anna agreed "But what kind of Trump card do you use on an Invincible?"

Nikki and Eve stood to the side briefly remembering important names and information the girls discussed as their ship got an incoming transmission.

"Raven, this is Tracer do you copy love?"

"Tracer, Raven here do you have any news?"

"Yes yes! Might wanna hop in your seat belts Damien wants Jean back sooner rather than later."

"Is something wrong?" Jean asked as the girls all nodded their heads.

Tracer was silent for a moment before switching screens and the face of Damien dressed in his combat gear appeared on the screen.

"Jean I need you back. This war can be won easily but to make sure that all these guys are caught and killed and everyone involved is found I need you to link with the mai- sisters and create a Hive Mind around Earth. They waged war they have to be prepared for the results. Ghost and Nightcrawler are on your squad. Before the battle is over I want you to have them all rounded up and sent to me. Raven, Gwen, Kitty and Anna once you come back you report to Nat. Friends from Nova I appreciate your support so if you don't mind just follow Kara into battle. You can't miss her, she'll be the super perky blonde."

With their orders given the girls didn't show discontent but rather a bit of excitement. Kitty especially loves working under Natalia.

Only Eve and Nikki were still confused by the sudden turn of events. Super Perky?

On an Uncharted Island in the pacific

Eric Stevens was not having a good time. Forget that Scott keeps yelling, or Jessica who keeps screaming shut up, or the guy in red who is so VERY ANNOYING.

Just as he was considering if it was worth it the doors opened up to reveal five men walking in the room.

"We have a little over 2 million Sentinels built and ready to deploy. Each one is better equipped to dealing with mutants thanks to the samples Essex provided" The green headed man told to his compatriots.

"What about your people Lehnsherr I hope you don't regret it now" The red eyed Ross spoke to the man in the helmet.

"The brotherhood will naturally not back down. My people will be taken care of by me. I don't need you to handle my business Ross."

"Gentlemen there's no need to fight" Trask said as he was followed by the cloaked guy "With everyone's help together we can all win. After all One person is one person after all. An we my friends.."

As he clapped his hands the doors opened again to Eric Stevens eyes. Almost 100 cloaked guys with a weird golden glow around them lined up shoulder to shoulder.

Trask took a moment to revel in the fact that even though Essex left them, he left them an amazing gift "We are truly Invincible."

Under Eric's horrific gaze all the cloaked men took of their hoods at the same time and no matter what right now he only had one thought. Invincible please don't come.