
Invasive pt 1 Fugitive pt 2

"Lionel, our scouts have recorded weird movements in the waters near The Savage Lands. Whatever it is doesn't seem to avoid our ships like Pleiasaurs but they're heavy."

Tigra was worried, moving the savage lands to this planet was a risk in and of itself. However it worked wonders for us, our technology has advanced, our people can trade, and most of all no fear on our realm being discovered. So instead naturally when things are going too good, nature steps in to remind us who's in charge.

We got too comfortable dealing with safe seas and lowered our vigilance, but in our defense King Nyxxus never said something like those creatures exist on this planet.

Lionel looked up from the video replaying with which looked like gigantic dorsal fins harassing their ships. Two aquatic creatures, unknown, currently hostile. The video was tagged almost 25 minutes ago but the weirdest part is one was sighted in Wakandan waters as well. So many unknown aquatic creatures.

"Let's go, prepare a ship. We'll meet this sea beast in person. I don't believe that something like that doesn't understand fear."

"Yes Lord Lionel, Right at once." Tigra departed the royal throne room with haste. After all when has a Thunderian ever been afraid of challenges. Unfortunately his fur has to get wet though. Vicious beasts I'll kill you a second time for being aquatic.

Lionel looked up towards the horizon. Hmmmm seems as if things are getting more interesting. I wonder what other surprises this planet holds.

Meanwhile on a beach front in Haven there were crowds of aliens of different shapes and sizes, being complete melon eaters, here to enjoy the show.

Me'gann and Kara were standing side by side clearing the scene as Kara looked deep at the ocean that almost claimed the life of a civilian. Since when were there violent sea creatures that could come this close to shore?


"No I've never seen anything similar to it. It was like a giant shark with a crocodile head and legs. If it wasn't for me pushing it back, I don't doubt it would've continued the chase on land."

Kara felt an ominous feeling, picking up her comm bracelet she made a quick call "Susan, we don't have any shark crocodile mixes that escaped that lab of yours did they?"

".....Kara why do you say that as if something has ever escaped my lab? Besides something like a shark crocodile hybrid would be too dangerous, it'd be extremely aggressive with no limits of water or Land play making it too top of a predator. Why do you ask?"

Without saying another word Kara sent a picture Me'gann took to her while simultaneously sending it to the rest of the queens asking about it. Naturally all her good girlfriends had to like comment and share.

"What is that? Is that real?" - @SusanForABruisin

"Looks pretty imo," - @LauraNotLogan

"Fake." -@BW"Natty "BW

"Is it a movie? But its not movie night?" -@Orororororo

"Completely real, just ask @HelloMe'gann!" - @SuperPerky

"Kara, I think Damien had your phone again...." - @SeleneNotDion

"LMFAO! We're on our way over Super Perky! Just wait for us." 96LuckyLady69

Kara let out a huge sigh as she looked up coincidentally at Me'gann who just read the messages.


"Please, don't ask Me'gann. Let's focus on the creature. So what do we know so far? How many are there total? We're getting reports almost globally about sightings so just how fast are these things swimming?"

"This may be a bad time to say when that.....shark? swam past I sensed at least 10 more life forces inside of it. Meaning."

"Pregnant sea beasts. That's just great. We might have to ban deep sea activities until we get a better understanding of what we're dealing with."

"Well all of Haven will work with you on this case. After all if the seas aren't safe it's an issue for us all."

"Thank you Me'gann."

"Anytime Super Perky."


Back on Damien's boat


The group of T'Challa, Blackagar, Logan, Brunhildr the Valkyrie and Carol were sitting in relish drinking a special beer for people with super metabolisms, while enjoying the waves and the cool breeze while watching her brother in law chew out her wife for the past 30ish minutes.

Watching Terra turn red from embarrassment Carol couldn't help but look at the guys and point at the saddened ginger and making a whipped gesture much to their amusement. Unluckily for her, Terra just so happened to see it and had a rather nasty idea. 'Why should I suffer alone?'


Carol's good mood instantly turned around feeling the hostile gaze fall on her. She took a deep breath then with confidence say "I didn't drop it in the ocean."

Damiens gaze snapped back on Terra who was struggling for a defense before finally saying, "It was your suggestion to bring them."

"You dropped them."


"Didn't drop them. Thanks for clearing that up Terra."

Seeing the two girls about to continue Damien finally said "ENOUGH" Seeing them both settle down he begins again "Just tell me how dangerous those things are and how to handle them."

"If I may?"

"You are?"

"Ah, name's Valkyrie, those Megalodiles are class 3 lifeforms. Strong predators with a keen smell. Able to stay underwater for 62 hours and above land for 25 before their skin starts drying out. Pretty fast egg cycle normally within 2 weeks after laying they hatch however these were frozen for a while so no clue. They normally prefer deep water so most likely they'll find an uninhabited island in the middle of the ocean and claim as their own. As a species they're quite territorial."

Digesting this bit of news Damien was making counter measures in his head after all isn't it just some fish? Easy enough for a peerless master fisherman such as a Viltrumite. Heh, the only better fisherman than Damien was probably Ha Yuri Zahard but too bad she isn't here to fish.

"Okay shouldn't be too much of an issue, I counted 7 so let's just catch em back and have the labs do a quick check on them and release them back. There's plenty of seafood for now and countless Uninhabited islands and archipelagos on this planet so the Megalodiles won't make too many waves...right?



".....Hello? This is Damien"

"Damien, it's Nat, we might have a huge problem on our hands."


All the meanwhile beside the boat an inconspicuous piece of ice hit the side of the boat before breaking apart into pieces. Normally no one would care about it. But to the grey and orange symbiotes crawling up the side of the deck, this moment would change everything.


Back on Earth Eric was standing in front of a moss covered grave. It's been almost 12 years since his last visit to his dad's grave. Years of being a soldier, a superhero, a fugitive. So many changes, so many difficulties that he's endured but no matter what he's always moved forward.

"Dont worry dad, I'm not confused no more. You used to say you always wanted to take me home. But I think I may have accidentally found one myself pa."

Thinking about the weirdos who followed him, the grumpy uncle who's always looked out for him, the invincible superhero who's always had high hopes for him, the little cousin who just wanted to know him.

"No more thinking, no more running."

Eric took out the ring in his pocket and he couldn't help but take a last look around when he noticed something different. He took a step towards the group of 4 boys dribbling a ball 10 feet away from the court. As he got closer he noticed the massive lock on the gates around it.

"Hey Kid, what happened to the court?"

The 4 boys all exchanged glances before the tallest kid spoke "They shut it down at 4 o clock now. After 6 the parks close. And after dark anyone out gets arrested by the pigs. Too many metahumans running around at night they say."

Eric took a look closer at the paper and saw the logo on the bottom that signed off and authorized the city curfews.

With a deep look he thanked the kids and started walking away as he made a call.

"Yo boss. What's the word?"

"Spike do me a favour, have everyone pack their stuff. We're going to Mars."


With a wry smile he hung up the phone and took a glance at the violet ring in his hand. "One more run. Then I'll go home."

He took a second glance at the kids dribbling a lifeless ball staring at their hoops behind the locked gates.

"Next Stop, Trask Industries."

Just as he was about to take off a needle found itself jabbed into his neck, his head turned sharply to see only an arm retreating back into the distance. Stretchy arms? Who?

His vision got blurry as he heard a sinister laugh. "Thank you for your cooperation Mr. Richards."

"Dont forget our agreement Stern. Now what do we do with him?"

"Him?" Eric heard the voice as his vision faded he saw a blurry outline of a huge ...head? "Hes the bait my dear Reed. Soon they'll come for him. And we'll be ready."