
Hostilities and Alliances.

It's been over 4 months since the first battles started between Earth and New Viltrum. Unexpectedly due to the space between planets these battles have been mostly guerilla warfare and few space battles. Legions of Lanterns protect our space while also slowly getting into contact with the rest of the galaxy under the Leadership of Planetary Embassador Raven Darkholme.

The planet has been getting livelier with all of the different races settling in. Not to mention, there's a bunch of magic in the air and according to Selene a few World trees are growing. There used to be some on Earth but other than the savage lands finding magical areas on Earth is getting harder. Probably due to some sleeping celestial.

The citizens of different nations of Viltrum understand that even though we're separated by oceans the planet is still my word for the Galaxy. T'Challa, Lionel and Blackagar also acquiesced to this, as for Haven they have more of a council situation that hadn't been fully formed. After all they have many different species Me'gann rescued. Including underwater dwellers. This has made their situation all the more chaotic.

But, time hasn't only brought change to Viltrum. On Earth progress is being rapidly made in spacial warfare and weaponry. Even natural born mutants were becoming rarer on the planet. It seemed as if this planet was gradually headed towards old Logan's solution for mutants and they simply started introducing it into water supplies and food. Which makes sense, at war with an enemy and not only is it troublesome to deal with, but everyday they come and take more of the population. A solution? Simply make sure all the next kids born can't activate an X gene. But it could also be attributed to the Celestial as well.

One thing noticed was after leaving the Earth most mutants found their powers stronger or growing again, some who couldn't control their shapes could even change back. Which led us to theorize the M-Energy in the universe the X-gene draws from to activate. Back on Earth the energy was too thin to properly cultivate the genes in humanity. But it's different on Viltrum.

Another change was the Viltrumite royal family. After the first princess, the twins Natasha and Nathan, and Domino's son Marcus was also born Ororo and Sue were expected next with Komandr trying but her Tamaranian physique made it somewhat more difficult but even so still the country was happy for the family. With the situation on Earth settling into a cold war with only a few spacial battles here and there, it was formally time to move on with Viltrums own affairs.

Damien Nyxxus

Intergalactic Skype Call

I swear Honey that's royal robes not lingerie

The Sovereign were very enthusiastic too make this alliance and that always put my nerves on edge. After all if you're confident in strength or had no worries how could you be excited for an alliance? I originally planned to spend weeks or even months discussing with the Sovereign as we would need to bypass their sectors to reach Knowhere or even to The Grandmaster's space sector which was also a goal of mine.

Who knew that as soon as I sent a proposal through Raven, they eagerly jumped at the chance to communicate. At this time Adam hasn't woken up yet but I still couldn't imagine this enthusiasm?

"Greetings Queen Ayesha. I must say you are as beautiful as rumored. Allow me to take a minute to thank you for the audience."

"Likewise King Nyxxus. I have heard of you and your planets prowess. I originally wanted to communicate with you but considering the situation and distance I put it as a mere after thought until Nova Prime reached out to me on your behalf. Tell me King, to what pleasure do I owe your audience."

"Queen you must know that Viltrum wants to extradite trade through Knowhere we must pass your space."

"So you would like passage? On a normal occasion I would agree, however this time I must regret to tell you that our space has under lock down by the mad titan. Nothing in or out without occurring his wrath."

"Thanos, huh? Well don't worry about him. Just a purple space pirate. But I'm not hearing rejection in your words queen?"

"Of course not, besides passage isn't warranted for an alliance, just a notification. SO King. Tell me what you want?"

"Queen. I want your people to help me spark a battery. A huge spark."

"A battery? Of what sorts?"

"Your people is strong on energy manipulation, creation and discharge. So let me ask if you've heard of my Lanterns?"

"Your light legion? If you say that then I probably understand you want to use our energy to create another colour of your Lanterns? White and Violet should be the other batteries correct?"

"Exactly very spot on!"

"But what do we gain by empowering your people?"

"You should have seen some of what our Lanterns can do. Although your race has huge energy potential, your guys can't bring it out on your own as you will correct? Otherwise a Thanos couldn't block your sector."

"Hmm" She never denied or acquiesced.

"IF, you're willing to help us, in addition to a galactic alliance, we're also willing to help the Sovereign form a 500 Lantern legion."





"750. That's as low as I will go King Viltrum. Although we can indeed use the Lantern rings to go further, but not enough that we can spark an Intergalactic legion."

The situation fell into an awkward silence before "sigh, fuck it 750 is 750. We'll give it to you AND help you deal with Thanos. On the conditional terms that you help us get a 'Grandmaster Pass' a special pass used to freely exit and enter Grandmaster space. Normally it's hard to find these passes as there weren't a lot to begin with, but betting my luck on the closest civilization was definitely the safest choice.

Queen Ayesha hesitated for a moment before realizing 750 Lanterns are enough to wipe out an entire solar system if willing so she agreed and promised to send him with not only The Grandmasters pass but hers as well. Which would allow him unimpeded access through her sectors without being automatically label as a pirate and getting a bounty.

"Deal. I shall discuss more with your Embassador when she arrives King Nyxxus, after all long distance is expensive. Then goodbye King and we shall communicate more in the future, ally."

The screen went dark as I sat back in my office chair. Originally I wanted to wait for Wanda to grow up a bit before turning her into the third Lantern, Red chaotic Lanterns, but the situation didn't develop the way I thought it to be. Well anyway I can have Eitri make another Lantern, but the upcoming threat definitely needed our full attention and more firepower, causing me to use the Sovereign who made Adam Warlock to spark my third battery.

Natalia walked into my office and held up a tablet "That signal is getting closer. It looks like you were right about World trees causing trouble. So what do you want to do?"

Staring at the tablet watching the figure zoom through space my finger tapped lightly as my body shed turning Anodite.

"Let's meet him first. I'm rather curious as to what the famous Silver Surfer wants with flying directly at us with no intent of hiding."

"Maybe he's cocky?"

"No Nat, it's more like he's warning us in advance. After all his Master is definitely a really really scary dude."