
The Drama Begins

Eyes see a fresh setting. As they look around, I notice the castle, which means the ceremony is about to begin; knocking myself out of the other person's eyes and take off towards the castle, keeping a lookout for any of the hunters from before. As I continue to fly when the one-eye pixie comes out of nowhere-

"Hello, Ruth."

"Hello, Vivian.", I reply.

"Where are we heading to?", she asks.

"The castle, it's time for me to make some things right.", I answer.

"I'm in.", she says.

Laughing at her expression, suddenly feeling another present behind us, I rush to Vivian before diving straight down.

"Ruth, what's going on?", Vivian asks frantically.


Taking a sharp left as a fire ball comes flying towards the area we were just in. Hearing Vivian gulp as she tightens her grip on me as I continue to dodge and weave.

"Dive deeper.", Vivian says while pointing to where she wants me to go.

Nodding, diving deep before weaving to the right, then flying upwards, making sure we're invisible. Once they were where I wanted them, I shot a spell at them, making them fall, not waiting to see if they actually stay down or not. Glancing around the area as we fly, noticing Yuma's hair- diving towards her but being invisible- using the shadows of Yuma's and Cody's body to stay hidden from providing eyes.

"Cody.", I whisper.

"What are you doing here?", he whisper-yells.

"We need to talk.", I state.

"You can get killed here.", he states.


"Ruth, is everything okay?", Yuma asks.

"Shh. It's starting.", I say, while looking up at the castle.

Watching our mother and the evil bitch that fucked over my family.

"Welcome everyone, it's time that everyone has been waiting for;

"Princess Lexa's coronation!"

Everyone cheers, making me cover my ears, slightly hissing as the ringing inside them comes to a stop.

"Before we begin, are there questions?", the bitch asks.

Noticing someone's hand, they point over in that direction, letting them speak,

"Why is princess Lexa getting a coronation but not prince Cody?"

"Are you hidden?", Yuma asks.


"I can answer that.", Yuma says as she steps forward.

"Cody is marrying me, and because I'm a princess from a different kingdom, his coronation happens in that kingdom.", Yuma explains.

"If there's no further questions, let's begin.", the bitch says.

"Ladies and gentlemen, give a round of applause to Princess Lexa's fiance, King Liam!"

Once again, I needed to cover my ears so I could hear later on. Liam walks out from wherever he is while waving, sniffing the air. He smells like a night elf.

"Now, for what we've all been waiting for.", mother says.

"Queen Lexa!", the bitch shouts.

She comes walking out, waving her hand, giving her mother a kiss on the cheek before turning to my mother, balling my hands, as I watch mother go stiff. Lexa then walks over to her fiance and gives him a kiss before facing the crowd.

"Thank you all for being here. As queen, there's going to be some change.", Lexa begins.

"All creatures that aren't a Night elf, normal dragon, or a fairy, needs to leave this kingdom by tonight or else."

Hearing a gasp, side-eyeing to see a mother with a newborn baby and a two-year-old. Just by looking at her, I can tell she's not safe here; smirking when I face the castle. I'm stopped by Cody.

"Whatever you're about to do, please be safe."

"I will. Yuma, take care of him for me.", I say.

"I will. If you ever need help, just come to the kingdom.", she says, while hugging me.

"I will, but not now, not risking innocent lives.", I state as I hug Cody.

Moving while becoming visible, as I walk through the crowd. Taking flight- floating right in front of Lexa, smirking as I see the hatred in her eyes; the weather changes scaring everyone, including myself, since it was a clear sky. Once the weather calms down, I glance over at the crowd to see them alright turning to face the new queen. Her eyes land on me and they quickly change to shock and fear, tilting my head in confusion.

"You stay away from me!", she screams.

Using her fear of me to strike more fear into her;

"Then take this to heart. You've committed a terrible deed and I will collect my revenge, so watch out."

Smirking as I fly towards her, she ducks, giving me the perfect room to fly straight into the castle. Quickly flying toward my room so I can get into the secret room, but after I take everything I would be needing. Grabbing a backpack, and starts putting books into it along with clothes. Halfway through, someone is at the door, turning invisible just before they open it. Seeing Mrs. Archer, I become visible, making her yelp in surprise.

"Sorry, Mrs. Archer.", I say sheepishly.

"Your lucky I love you.", she states as she hands me a bag.

Taking the bag with a confused look, making her laugh, then she explains,

"It's a weightless bag for your books."

"Oh, that's bloody helpful!", I say excitedly.

Taking the books from the first bag before putting them in the weightless bag, when putting the bag onto my shoulder, sighing in relief before continuing packing. Hearing Mrs. Archer moving around the room as I'm at my desk, side-eyeing her to see her picking up a few loose papers from the ground; turning back to the desk, I finish gathering the last bit of books and placing them in the bag. As I was about to turn away from the desk, the pictures that's there made me stop and quickly snatch them, sighing once there's nothing left of the room; now fully ready to turn and face Mrs. Archer to see her giving me a sad smile as she walks towards me to give me a hug.

"You take care of yourself.", she whispers in my ear.

"I will. You take care as well.", I say back.

Releasing each other from our hug, I head to the secret room where I see Mrs. Elfling. Not even surprise by this, I take what's in her hand before checking the maps that's on the desk and wall.

"There's a map. It's under the desk.", she says.

"I'll look.", I say as I bend down.

Seeing the map she's talking about, I reach to grab it when I feel the magic coming off it in waves; smiling as the magic settles as my hand curls around it. Once back on my feet, placing the map onto the desk to see what kind of map it is when a light comes from it- blocking my eyes.

"What was that?", Mrs. Elfling asks.

"Magic.", I reply.

"How? It's on the map?", she asks, moving closer.

"Seems like a place, but none of the places I've seen before.", I answer, while staring at it in confusion.

Feeling Mrs. Elfling's breathing on my shoulder as she looks over it and gasps; her eyes travel from the map to me, then back to the map. She does that for a while. When she stops, her eyes are on the map.

"Is everything okay?", I ask.

"Yea... actually, I need to know something.", she says.

"What do you need to know?", I ask.

"I need you to inspect this map and tell me if you get any sort of feeling from it.", she states.

Humming, I look at the map, eyes scanning the different colors, feeling the urge to look over at the lake-