
Villainess Becomes A Merchant Of Death

Cynthia was scorned by her family as an illegitimate child. She didn't care as she had her sick mother to worry about. Her half-brothers told her to stay away from the family business. She cared more about her mother's hospital bills. Cynthia fell in love with a man but her half-sister ended up with him instead. She did whatever she could to retain that man but failed. In the process, she gained deepened hatred from her siblings. She wiped her regrets and left the family after graduation with her now healthy mother and started her own successful business. Cynthia even found someone who she could call her true love. Unfortunately, her father gave her a large part of his company's shares as an inheritance. She was dead the next day. Fate wasn't having it with the poor girl not getting any breaks so it decides to let her be rebirthed 20 years in the past. Our story takes place on the Planet Gaia, alternate earth with superpowers and monsters pouring out from mysterious gates. -------- This is my first novel and I'm still learning. Give me a chance and feedback in the comments or reviews when we are well in will be appreciated.

Ashley_Dannes · Ciudad
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35 Chs

Fighting the Monkeys (3)

The average figure and somewhat pretty face of Dr.Miller exited from the VIP ward and closed the door behind her.

She looked at the three family members that had arrived to meet her patient. She took one more look at the lab report in her hands to make sure everything was okay. She sighed and then put on a pure smile of relaxation.

"Her body was overexerted from the complete usage of all her mana. She is just feeling fatigued from it and should wake up when a significant portion of her mana returns.

She just needs to rest for twenty-four hours and can be discharged tomorrow morning."

Hearing the positive report, Antoine and Lilly gave out a very long breathe in satisfaction. Their palpitating hearts had calmed down.

They can now rest assured that their sister was fine but wouldn't be completely comfortable until they saw her face to face.

Too bad for them, Dr.Miller let them know that there were still two or three hours before she would wake unnaturally. Since they didn't want to be a bother for Cynthia, her father and brother left.

They would have stayed but they also had work to do. They could only rely on Lilly who had promised to put them on a video call when Cynthia woke up.

Lilly went inside the VIP ward which was spacious. It had a king-sized bed in the center with an optimized window that let in perfect amounts of sunlight. There were also many rare flowers and beautiful flowers that decorate this place and gave it a lively feel.

Of course, there was no lack of amenities such s a private bathroom, the large flat-screen TV, or even the state-of-the-art gaming setups if that's what u like.

There was hidden equipment that was stored in the back that could be used to turn this place into an emergency surgery room at any time.

Lilly didn't care about any of this as she sat by her sister's side and looked at her sleeping figure. She held her sister's hand like she did the day that the awakening occurred and rested her head next hand.

Lilly was also tired. She could feel that the amount of killing she had done today was necessary yet it always weighed on her heart that's he was killing living things. They might be beings that were out to kill her and those she loved but they were living too.

Since young, she has been sounded with people who could kill at the drop of a hat. She was also taught to do the same when she first started her training.

Later, she met her master who taught her that it was important to care about the life of those she is taking it from.

Lilly, who was originally a very compassionate and lovely child, felt that this was the right thing to do. If she started killing mindlessly, she would one day come to regret it.

This regret may become a hindrance that prevents her from getting stronger and breaking through the barriers of strength t protect those whom she cherishes.

So after every slaughter, Lilliana Duketh finds herself sometimes coping with the heavy feeling of murder.

'Whether it be humans or monsters, life is life. Life can only be snatched to give birth to more life.' she repeated in her head as she rested next to her sister. An older sister, in whose presence, Lilliana felt comfortable, without any worries. She was free of whatever feelings had weighed her down today.

The rock attached to her leg shattered as she rose to the ocean's surface like a free mermaid and continued her way into short but sweet dreamland.


As the two sisters were engaged in their own dreamscapes, the area near the mall had been cordoned off by rows of soldiers in all black gear. On their arms was the national flag of the UFA(United Federation of Aznolia).

The black dove in the middle and the red blossom rose that it rested on were on a white background.

All the military men were tall, wide-shouldered, and had significant proportions of muscle. They stood with discipline and only made occasional comments to each other. The only other time they talked was on their comms to report status.

They held their guns with vigilance, ready to make precise holes in anyone's head from a single order.

From all of this alone, one could see that the military of the UFA did not slack. Though what really mattered was the number and strength of their superpowered people.

The regular military was still important as a well-equipped and trained team god take on a lower level of superpowered individuals.

Now, once one got past the military cordon, they would see many humvees, trucks, and other military vehicles. There was also a tank on the corner of each street, ready to turn its enemy into ashes or mush.

Past all of this was the mall itself, where there were several officers in formal military attire. They had countless badges and medals. There were also the insignias that showed their ranks.

"Is this where the children of three important families fought?" asked a certain Lieutenant General with three stars on each of his shoulders.

A colonel with an eagle insignia took out a stack of reports and handed them to the middle-aged man who had spoken just now.

"Yes sir. One from the Duketh family, one from the Frontessa, and one from the Frontera Clan. They did their best to protect themselves and the citizens and only fell somewhat short. They were saved by one of 'that' bureau's new recruits."

The young colonel gave a simplified version f the report he handed to his superior. The Lieutenant-General nodded and looked over the pieces of paper himself only to confirm the specifics.

"The Frontera and Frontessa families that are branches of the Front Clan. Their heirs are somehow familiar with the Duketh's oldest daughter. The intelligence agencies need to pay more attention to this." the Lieutenant General mumbled the first two sentences while the last one was an order.

The Colonel replied with a yes sir and asked if anything else was needed by the Lieutenant-General. After the colonel was gone, the Lieutenant General burned the file and looked at the scene where remnants of the blue ape's dead bodies and some humans who had been unfortunate casualties.

His eyebrows furrowed as he made an angered expression. "Calm down Calvin. You are Lieutenant-General Amythet now. You can't get angry over every death."

The man calmed himself down and went back to the stern and focused gaze as he looked at his smartphone that was relaying live feed of a fight ongoing with the mastermind of this event with the military's special agents.


In an underground location that was once this city's subway system from years ago, there were men in black combat suits wielding a variety of cold weapons.

These 30 men and women were engaging in combat against the very blue apes that had caused the wreckage in a certain part of the city today.

There is a stark difference between these apes and the other ones as they are over 15 feet tall, their blue fur had red streaks and their eyes were pitch black, devoid of any emotions.

The swords, katanas, spears, and whips were all glowing in different colors that paired with the type of mana their owners were using. The abilities they tossed out one after another wore out the 7 apes that were forming a wall in front of a certain figure.

The apes didn't last long as within 15 minutes, they had all fallen as the man they protected hadn't made a single move at all. They died just like they were living at the time, lifelessly.

Afterward, the men and women from the military surrounded the man who was at least 6 foot 5 inches with a somewhat toned and well-proportioned body. His legs were quite long though and people would assume that he was a model as long he could show them a good face.

"Finally! That took you a while. Well, that's fine as you have given me a satisfactory show." said the man as he gave congratulatory claps. The black fog that was surrounding his figure had started to form small hands that were clapping in tow.

The man had made a full audience of claps by himself as if he had just finished watching an opera where the singing was just out of the world and the audience could only offer claps and a standing ovation. There was a sarcastic tone to his voice that made this show somewhat humiliating for the military.

"Do not attempt to activate your mana or you will not leave this place alive." declared a dark-skinned man with a very muscular body with his bicep muscles being especially prominent. He had a distinctive, square jaw that was not found in the rest of the group.

"Hehehe. The UFA special forces are as stuck up as always. You know very well that you can't stop me from leaving." One would expect a villain such as this man to be the type that talks too much and does a lot of monologues.

Unexpectedly, he snapped his finger as soon as his sentence was finished. The oof around him went poof and dispersed and he was gone.

After a while, a younger member of the team asked "Why was that so easy? He just left without playing any pranks."

"Sh!t! You idiot, don't jinx. it." replied one of his seniors with a distraught look. For them, they could only hope that this meeting with that guy was anti-climatic.

"HAHAHAHA!!! TOO LATE!!! HERE YOU GO!" the man who had just left had his voice appear here as a row of speakers revealed themselves from the darkness in the old subway station.

Under the feet of the relaxed team members, there appeared black rusted metal chains that were tied to the floor in a magical manner as they seem to stretch down to the abyss.


This recording was left by the man as he was notorious for his pranks during and before combat. This was the first time that their target, codenamed "Ancestor Prank Master", did one of his shenanigans after he was only gone.

"They told you not to jinx it!" yelled one of the young women on the team as he hide her face in embarrassment. Not once had that eccentric prankster lied. Since he was saying the truth, they really had to pee on these chains to get themselves free.

There wasn't a single thick-faced person her as all of them were showing their own form of embarrassment.


Lieutenant-General Calvin Amythet saw all of this on his smartphone that he crushed in his hands after the scene ended.

Without actually showing his anger on his face, he left the premises of the mall and entered his luxury car. He drove it to his office where he needed to prepare for a press conference where he had to explain himself.

He needed to control public unrest, find an explanation for the dungeon break and make sure that the military does not receive much public backlash. He was going to have quite the headache tonight.

On the roof of a skyscraper not so far away from Lieutenant-General Amythet's office, the man covered in black fog looked down at the scene below and let out a deep sigh.

He looked u the sky that was filled with dark clouds as the weather on this planet was somehow unreliable at times as it seemed a rainstorm was approaching.

As he waited for the rain to fall from above and wash the black fog from him, a small portal with a height of 4 feet appeared beside him.

It was a little girl, a toddler that stepped out from it. She had a very cute, refreshing face that made people appreciate the adorableness of children. Her eyes were crimson red while her shoulder-length hair was emerald green with blue eyes that were as clear as crystal.

There was only childishness and innocence in her eyes like it should be with a toddler.

"Big bwaddur, is big bwaddur Ryan going to stay here?" she asked very cutely.

A smile formed on the face of the man under the fog, his sister could see past the fog so it didn't matter.

"Yeah. I'll send you over once he's settled in and found a pretty big sister to play with," he said cheerfully while rubbing the child's head.

"Really? I can play with another pwetty sister?" she asked again.

"Yes. brother won't lie to. I have already seen her and she is very pretty. No, go back to the room. I'll be back a little later."

"Okway big bwaddur." the girl waddled over to the man, hugged him, and then left through her personal, tiny portal.

As soon as she left, the rain started pouring down hard. As it fell on the body of this man, the fog disappeared completely and his brilliant face was once again revealed to the world. Only, there was no one to see.

The man enjoyed the rain as he let himself be drenched. He loved the rain and he loved his family even more. Everything he does is for them.

The opening part was heavy-hearted. I hope it wasn't that hard to read.

I mentioned Ryan brother and sister before. Told you he wasn't what you would expect.

Ashley_Dannescreators' thoughts