
Chapter 60: Ye Tian Being Tormented Crazy

At the same time.

Porsche car.

Ye Tian looked at the pickup truck in the rearview mirror and rushed towards him, his expression became more and more gloomy, and his black pupils were full of murderous aura!


He has not lost his reason!

Yang Chen couldn't say what he said, and he wouldn't throw this pot on Yang's mindlessly.

Calmly analyze, there are only two groups of people who are likely to deal with themselves in the entire Demon City.

One, the Yang family!

Second, it is the fake Yang Chen who calculated everything!

Ye Tian can't tell who's this person right now, only wait until he finds the Li family, and after seeing the Yang family, he solves this misunderstanding little by little and finds out the truth!

No matter who it is, as long as he dares to shoot himself, he will definitely pay a bloody price!

Thinking of this, instead of panic, Ye Tian smiled contemptuously and looked around.

He had to admit that this game was perfect. Not only could it fake the false appearance of an accident, but as long as it was not discovered in advance, it would have been noticed, and it would be impossible to escape it.


Use this trick to deal with yourself, it is really looking for the wrong target!

Thinking of this, Ye Tian directly touched the door handle with his left hand.

He is confident. The moment he opened the door, he jumped out and landed on the truck next to him. Whether he jumped to a safe place or snatched the truck over, it all depends on what he thinks. NS.

But Ye Tian found that the door could not be opened.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move at all!

Ye Tian quickly raised his foot and kicked the door.

His strength was so great that he deformed the end of the door in a few strokes, but he just couldn't open it!

At this time, the pickup truck behind collided with him, leaving only more than a hundred meters away.

Ye Tian was finally anxious, riveting enough strength, and both feet went up to the door together!

This time, he can definitely open the door and complete the Jedi escape!


In such a sudden moment.

Ye Tian only felt that his legs were weak, and there was also a slight tingling, as if they were cramping, and his strength was instantly reduced!

The door didn't open!

The pickup truck behind was also roaring with its engine, and it slammed into it!


Ye Tian's face was green and even a little distorted. He yelled and became wise. He quickly sat upright and operated the steering wheel. Within a few seconds, he successfully deflected the Porsche front a little bit.


Just in the next second.

The pickup truck slammed into the Porsche, without slowing down!

How could a small car like Porsche withstand such a collision?

The pickup truck behind is still stomping on the accelerator.

This also caused the Porsche to be forced back and forth, and the entire body was directly deformed and began to gather in the middle!

Although Ye Tian turned the front of the car in time to make the deformation of the body a little irregular, and did not directly squash him, his arms and legs still inevitably changed shape, making a scalp tingling bone cracking sound!


The severe pain caused Ye Tian to scream, but his strong willpower prompted him to still turn the steering wheel to prevent the body from being deformed back and forth, squeezing himself to the point!

Because the impact force of the pickup truck is too strong.

Coupled with Ye Tian's perfect self-protection.

The Porsche, which was deformed and unable to look directly at it, was directly knocked out of the gap by a pickup truck. After several laps on the spot, it slammed into the curb, and then stopped.

The two trucks, one off-road and one pickup truck, also continued to drive towards.

They turned a corner and stopped at the entrance of the Inspectorate. Then a few expressionless drivers came down from above, raised their hands on the spot, and surrendered without saying a word!

In this scene, look at the pedestrians and vehicles passing by!

They took out their phones one after another, and they shot Ye Tian's Porsche wildly!

After a while.

A person climbed out of the car, causing horrified exclamations around him.

His limbs were severely deformed, and his body was covered in blood. He was embarrassed like a bereaved dog, just lying motionless on the ground.It was Ye Tian.

Ye Tian buried his head on the road, he didn't dare to look up to see people!

The resentment and anger in his heart almost swallowed him!

The sound of the surrounding people taking pictures is even more like a dagger, piercing his heart!

His dignified generation of peerless soldiers, benefactors of the Li family of the Demon Capital Hidden Family, not only did not have a paper fan, but was framed to this field after returning to the Demon Capital!


He swears that he must get the person who did this thing out!

Sao Paulo Grand Hotel.

Through the bright floor-to-ceiling windows.

Gu Yan ate steak, drank red wine, listened to elegant jazz, and calmly looked at Ye Tian's embarrassed look outside the window.

A smile flashed in his heart.


Worthy of being the hero of Xiaobaiwen, even so he didn't die, he was just seriously injured.

But this is not important anymore.

If you can make him seriously injured, you can make him die. As long as your layout is reasonable and reasonable, Ye Tian's protagonist's halo will not take effect on him and do things that are contrary to common sense.

With Gu Yan's current power in the Demon Capital, it is simply too simple to squeeze Ye Tian to death.

But… the role of the tool man has not been played out.

Stay with him for two more days.

Whenever he finds Yang Yuanhong, when is his death date.

But before that…

How can Gu Yan make Ye Tian feel better for a minute and a second?

His back players are unimaginable.

I took out my cell phone and made a call, "The ambulance can come.

"Yes, let Ye Tian be placed in the Fourth Hospital and let him and Wang Zilong be neighbors."

This call is over.

Within a few minutes, an ambulance flashed emergency lights and came to Ye Tian.

A few paramedics in white coats got off the car, carried Ye Tian onto a stretcher, and pulled them directly into the back of the car and took them away.

That's right!

Even if Ye Tian enters the hospital, Gu Yan can't let him recuperate with peace of mind!

Wang Zilong, will have a meticulous and comprehensive "chic care" for Ye Tian!

Gu Yan made another phone call.

It's connected soon!

"Check me whether Yang Yuanhong has traveled recently, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

Gu Yan put down the knife and fork, took the handkerchief and wiped his mouth, and said lightly.

The reply on the phone was very fast, "Gu Gongzi, I found out. Yang Yuanhong will take his favorite lover to the private hot spring the next night."

"Which store?

"One of the most luxurious clubs in the Magic City, the Golden Pavilion.

Gu Yan nodded, "Tell the chairman of Jin that I will also go the next night. In addition, you order to send some people…

In the next five minutes, after Gu Yan gave some details to his men, he hung up the phone.

The night after tomorrow, Golden Pavilion!

It was also when Ye Tian played his final role!

Help Gu Yan, get rid of Yang Yuanhong, help him harvest the interests of the Yang family, and let Yang Chen take the lead!

And Yang Yuanhong's lover?

Gu Yan smiled and hoped that she would bring Zhao Chuning's earrings.


At this time, Gu Yan's phone rang, and when he picked it up, it turned out to be a message from Su Qingyue!

"Gu Gongzi, do you have time lately? I want to talk to you.

Shall we "go out alone?"

There are not only these two sentences.

Gu Yan also discovered that Su Qingyue also changed her original landscape photo portrait to a selfie today, and sent Gu Yan a cat emoticon pack.

Take over and look forward to.jpg.

Change her previous style.

After Gu Yan thought for a while, he typed a line, "The next night, I will take a bath in the hot spring at Jin Pavilion, come?"

"Private hot spring, just the two of us."

Su Qingyue did not respond in seconds this time.

After all, for a girl like Su Qingyue who received elite education and grew up, let alone go to a hot spring with a man, even she would not do this kind of thing herself!

One, because the Su family would not let her go to such a place.

Second, Su Qingyue was still conservative in her heart, let alone hot springs, she didn't even wear a short skirt.



Five minutes passed, but Su Qingyue's news came again.

She agreed!

Gu Yan was not surprised.

From the gambling agreement to a dinner at Tiandong's house, Su Qingyue's mentality has now been completely changed by herself, and this effect is normal.

Gu Yan locked the screen of the phone, picked up the coat on the side, put it on and walked out the door.

He is now looking forward to the night after tomorrow…

Ye Tian, ​​Yang Yuanhong, Su Qingyue, and the woman wearing Zhao Chuning earrings.

Finance, power, color.

Cover it all!

And Gu Yan didn't have much to do, he just had to go to experience life while controlling this chessboard, and finally get all the benefits in his pocket!

"Gu Gongzi, go slowly!"

When Gu Yan walked to the door, there were two waitresses who were more than seven minutes away, smiling and bowing at ninety degrees.

The owner of the Sao Paulo Hotel even came forward to say goodbye to Gu Yan.

Gu Yan walked out of the hotel without squinting.

I don't know how many powerful people behind me, the people, cast a fiery look at Gu Yan.

Voices of appreciation, admiration, and admiration are endless!

The Fourth Hospital of Magic City.

licu ward.

"This patient, do you have any relatives or friends in Devil?"

"The cost of the operation, including the cost of the ward and the cost of the medicine, are all on the list. Today, the total is 58,000 yuan. Do you have medical insurance?"

A middle-aged doctor took the bill in his hand, looked at the young man on the hospital bed, and sighed.

As a doctor, it is our bounden duty to save the dead and heal the wounded.

However, if the patient is delayed in paying the money, and there is no household management, the hospital may stop taking the medicine!

But what makes him have to be surprised is.

The physical fitness of this young man was exceptionally good, he recovered quite quickly, and he was already out of danger!

It's just a comminuted fracture and deformation of the limbs, no matter how well he recovers, no matter how advanced the treatment is, he will suffer permanent scars in the future.

The first is the unsightly appearance.

Furthermore, there are inconveniences in operation, which are inevitable.

Ye Tian was lying on the hospital bed, wearing a hospital gown, with various instruments in his body.

The face under the breathing mask was a little pale, but in his black eyes, the anger and resentment still did not disappear!

The "patient? Mr. Ye?" the middle-aged doctor reiterated in doubt again.

"Have you ever heard of the Li Family of Demon Capital Hidden World?"

Ye Tian Aa smiled, but now he has both hands and feet in casts. Although he feels that he can walk on the ground now, he is still going to put on a suit first, so as not to cause any trouble.

So he turned his head, bit the pillow with his teeth, and picked it up.

Then he stopped a piece of copper under the pillow, turned his head and threw up on the hospital bed, and smiled at the middle-aged doctor: "Give this piece of copper to the Yinshi Li family."

"Five thousand eight?

"You have as much money as you want!"

The middle-aged doctor sighed when he saw Ye Tian like this, a little unreasonable appeared in his expression.

He turned around and slammed the door out, and dropped a word before leaving.

"If there is no medical expenses, we will stop the medicine for you in three days!"

Ye Tian didn't care about the doctor's ridicule, he was lying on the bed, and his mind was combing everything that happened today!

In the end, he decided!I will be discharged from the hospital the day after tomorrow at the latest.

It was made by the Yang family, so he would give it back.

If the Yang family did not do it, then he would join hands with the Li family to investigate the "fake Yang Chen" together!


Just then, the door of the ward was pushed open again.

Ye Tian didn't even look at it, took a deep breath, and said coldly, "I owe you money, and I will give you a lot of money after I leave the hospital."

"But now, I advise you not to provoke me.

"Hungry? Are you?"

However, in response to him, only a middle-aged man laughed coldly.

Ye Tian looked at it subconsciously, but his expression was startled.

I saw a middle-aged man in a hospital gown with crutches standing at the door of the ward, behind him there were two sturdy black bodyguards standing behind.


Ye Tian squinted his eyes and smiled: "Are you the Yang family? Or another group of people. You did what you did on Prosperity Road today?"

The middle-aged man is Wang Zilong.

Wang Zilong didn't answer Ye Tian's question, and smiled.

Mr. Gu had told him to take care of this man with "chic care".

Then he doesn't care whether Ye Tian is a human or a ghost.

Talk to him?

Wang Zilong is even less interested!

"Hit me, just follow the wound!"

Wang Zilong waved his hand and shouted coldly.

The two bodyguards (Nuo Zhao's) behind him immediately rushed up, pulled out the swing stick from his waist, and greeted Ye Tian!

Ye Tian smiled contemptuously.

He is a generation of soldiers, even if he is injured now, he can't be injured by these two little fish and shrimps.

Three under five divided by two, solved these two miscellaneous fish.

Ye Tian leaned against the wall. He is now in plaster on all his limbs, and he just caused throbbing pain when he did it, causing the anger in his heart to be mobilized again!

He looked at Wang Zilong viciously.

Laozi "All of you are in the hospital, you still don't stop, very good, this feud will be forged from today, let Laozi die!"

With that said, Ye Tian was about to do something against Wang Zilong.

However, Wang Zilong had already prepared, waved, and more bodyguards in black rushed in.

Ye Tian's expression changed a little at this time.

If it is said that when he was in his heyday, he would not be afraid to come to dozens of such people.

But he is injured now, it will definitely be a bit difficult to resist so many people!

He didn't read it either, so he went straight on.

Twenty minutes later…

The ward was full of bodyguards.

Wang Zilong sneered, holding a stick, and walking towards Ye Tian who was lying on the ground, "Are you really good at hitting?"



This stick hit Ye Tian's leg directly!

Ye Tian was weak, and the pain swept through his body, but he just gritted his teeth and said nothing!

"Tough bones? Huh?"

"You are so good at fighting, so let Laozi stand up and fight! Come on!"

Wang Zilong yelled, cursing everything, and every time he had to greet Ye Tian's wound fiercely!

Just don't hit the lungs!

Just to torture hard!

Ye Tian could hold it back once or twice, but soon he couldn't hold it anymore.

The screams resounded in the ICU ward

But no doctor or security guard came here.

the reason is simple.

The entire fourth hospital uses real estate developed by Wang Zilong