
Villain Retirement

16 years old-- most boys would be falling in love, as their hormones all rise to unprecedented levels. Riley, however, at age 16... killed the world's number 1 superhero. Discord Link : discord.gg/MBbJ3jJN7Q Warning: MC is in the spectrum. Very Edgy.

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1140 Chs

Chapter 719: Edward Gray

"Whatever happens inside, I want you to calm down and ignore them. Okay?"


Riley, and the one leading the cleaners of Aerith's statue, Claire, were now in one of the largest buildings in the settlement; made from wood, flashings, and whatever bleachers were left in the large stadium. It was also the most lit establishment, perhaps a testament to how much the people value the place.

As to why it seemed so important, well, it was obvious—it's a bar.

"I don't think I need to explain this to you again, but everyone here is a firm supporter of Megawoman," Claire was in front of Riley; her hand, already on the door as she had been orienting Riley about the trades and ways of the settlement… which is aptly named Megawoman City for obvious reasons,

"Some are even hardcore fans and part of a cult. So, if I were you, I would avoid talking smack about the Girl Above, okay?"
