
Villain: Puppeteer Narrator

After being the narrator of the bored gods for who knows how long, Auriel knew that his future was bleak and uncertain. His life was boring and hard after suppressing his true self to live a few days more to live until he couldn't. It was unknown if it was luck or bad luck but, his punishment after he made a god furious was to transmigrate into the body of a villainous piggy noble he was narrating a while ago.  This was both an opportunity for him to live a good life to spite the gods and while at it maybe torment the protagonist who he deemed as the reason for his punishment.   But for some reason, troubles were following him like a plague. Vicious fiends who possess bodies, shape shifts, manipulate the minds of people, and are more vicious than fiends, humans.  Fortunately, he possessed the power to control things like a puppet. However, this newfound ability came at a price that he didn't know… ----------- Join my Discord server : https://discord.gg/H5fw9qhk2a

Kayleren · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
88 Chs

Colorful sight

(There is a mention of r*pe and human experimentation in this chapter.)

After following Gordon's lead, Auriel got out of the gloomy atmosphere of the Weaver mansion and its permanent metallic scent that was always on the air and found himself in the colorful streets of the capital city of Macien kingdom, Mortuus. 

Children were playing around, trying to catch each other while their parents were buying vegetables, fruits, or a mix of both. Couples were acting lovely dovely, giving flowers, kissing, or feeding each other, making Auriel cringe inside. 

It was definitely a beautiful and strange sight to see for Auriel, after living in the dark, haunted house-like mansion for 20 days. 

But Auriel didn't get deceived by this seemingly beautiful sight as he knew that everything had a dark side and this city wasn't an exception. 

The Macien kingdom was the most powerful kingdom of the continent and its capital city's welfare level was very high enough for common people such as these couples, children, and parents that were known as commoners to live with ease. 

So, what was the dark side of this city? 

Well, it didn't have any slums, homeless people, and orphans. 

Auriel didn't believe that this city was wealthy enough to not have these kinds of people, but he didn't know where they were. 

But he had some guesses about it. 

'Probably they are using them for human experimentation, making them soldiers and burning the useless ones.' Auriel thought after seeing the colorful sight of the commoners and their daily life. 

Auriel didn't have any time to get out of the Weaver mansion to relax, and after experiencing this for just a few minutes, he decided to relax occasionally to let his mind rest. 

Auriel thought that there was no need for him to work hard every day while he wasn't a complete villain, so it would be idiotic if Silas was going to hunt him down while he didn't do anything. 

Relaxing the mind was the best way to improve the efficiency of his hard work and Auriel was going to take this route. Though he chose to do this mostly because of his laziness instead of improving his efficiency. 

After savoring the unfamiliarly familiar sight of common people, Auriel turned to Sebastian, who was watching the clingy couples with an envious gaze. 

A small smile appeared on Auriel's face as he found this amusing. 

"Did you have a lover before being a death row criminal?" Auriel asked abruptly and added with a smile while emphasizing the 'death row criminal'.

"Or did you become a death row criminal because of your lover?" 

Sebastian flinched after hearing this and Auriel's smile stretched to his ear. 

"Tell me more about your lover and your reason for being a criminal." 

As a narrator, Auriel was always hungry for new stories and curious about the things that he didn't know. So, there was no way for him to be not curious about Sebastian, who was a cowardly naive looking man and a death row criminal. 

"Umm…" Sebastian hesitated a second before saying it quickly because of his fear of Auriel. 

"I killed her parents." 

Auriel's eyes widened and looked at Sebastian if he was serious, but after seeing Sebastian's expression that was telling him that he didn't lie and he was completely serious about this. 


Auriel couldn't but laugh out loudly, making people around him look at him with curiosity and annoyance, but after seeing Auriel's attire, which was screaming 'I am high noble!', they swiftly turned back to head from him. 

After Auriel's laugh dimmed down, he wiped the tears that came from his eyes and gave a strong pat on Sebastian's shoulder. 

"That was a good one." Auriel said, then gave a slap to Sebastian's nape. 

"But I didn't know you were an idiot other than being naive and cowardly. Why did you even kill your girl's parents?" He asked and added with a suspicious tone: 

"And it is pretty strange for you to become a death row criminal just because you killed 2 people while you were an Awakened. What did you do other than killing?"

Sebastian trembled and began to sweat after being found out by Auriel very quickly. He tried to take a step back subconsciously, but Auriel tightened the string around Sebastian's neck, making him unable to get away and breathe. 

"Hey hey! Tell me and I will let you breathe even if you did the most disgusting things." 

Sebastian parted his lips after his face became purple and he managed to squeeze out a few words. 

"I forced her!!"

Auriel loosened the string he was holding enough for Sebastian to breathe but not enough for Sebastian to move. 

"Are you sure that she was your lover? Why did you r*pe her and kill her parent?" 

Even Auriel was a little bit shocked after hearing Sebastian and didn't understand what Sebastian was even talking about. 

Killing the parents of your lover and r*ping her isn't something a sane person would do, and from what Auriel could see, Sebastian was completely sane and a coward. 

"They didn't…" Sebastian began to explain slowly with a low voice, to which Auriel listened attentively without missing a word or emotion from Sebastian. 

And a few minutes later, Sebastian's story was over. 

"So, you are saying that you had a lover but her parents didn't give her to you, hence you killed them with a momentary impulse, and r*ped your lover after she was scared and disgusted with you after you brutally murdered her parents." Auriel said with disgust evident in his voice, then turned to Gordon, who listened to the story with a stone cold face. 

"Remind me to cut this trash's tongue when we returned to the Weaver mansion. I am sure he won't need it."

"I will personally do that, young master Auriel."