
Villain Is A Teacher Of Heros

When I woke up after a pretty crappy death, what greeted me was one of those famous fantasy worlds! I didn’t expect anything like becoming the strongest with a common job, or rising to the top with the weakest class… All I wanted was to live a slow farming life, but the world just wouldn’t leave me alone! And so I equally backstabbed good people and bad people alike, becoming a villain with a true sense of equality and just when I was about to retire and enjoy a proper life on a farm… “Master!” My former disciple at the evil organisation, currently the hero of justice came looking for me. Can’t you all just leave me alone?

Avi_Lekhak · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs

The Future Hero's Story

Raina Rel Swin.

Even if I look like this I'm from the Raina ducal family, one of the military pillars of the Karuan Empire, the strongest empire in the continent.

The strongest nation in the continent, and among those one of the greatest nobles which had imperial blood running through its veins.

It sounds good when you hear about it.

But because of that I'm 37th in line to the throne.

Being in the line to the throne is great. It's a chance to be the greatest power, the Emperor himself!

But that, you need to be ranked high for it to be worth anything. 37th isn't even worth ranking. Rather, a perfect condition to get myself killed off quietly in a ditch somewhere.

Plus, the succession problem is already half – no, pretty much completely over.

Two princes and a princess were in a three-way war, but one day the princess pushed all her backing onto one of the princes.

Even now, it's said that if the princess had been a boy, this entire succession fight would never have happened.

The other two princes had been half-cooperatively wary of her, but since all her might went behind a single person, game over.

Because of this, my brothers quickly gave up their plans for the throne and aimed for the duke's position instead.

That's right. It's good. Succession rights. To a dukedom!

The next best seat after an emperor! A man must have big dreams!

But you know, I don't really give a crap. I just wanted to eat and have fun in the territory!

But to keep that me in check, while spouting the biggest damn bullshit such as 'for the empire!' or 'for His Imperial Majesty!' they gave me a secret mission as a duke's son.

You call it a secret mission. Oi. To infiltrate the evil organization Howling, that's pretty much been around since the start of the empire.

You all fucking mad? If you're that devoted to empire and emperor then you go!

But due to my upbringing as a military family, actually no, a clan that existed purely to fight from birth, under my training as a Raina child I recorded great results in my days in the lower barracks. I received the highest designation of 1, and entered hell.

"Now my fresh hatchlings with eggshell still stuck on your feathers, welcome. I am the one in charge of Squad 1, Instructor Naruan."

The man speaking to us from the pedestal was Instructor Naruan, a name which we heard of even the lower barracks and had been frequently brought up by the instructors themselves as well.

Apparently, a man cursed by the gods. Because of that, he couldn't feel mana, nor could he use it.

Apparently, a man with the mark of the devil. Because of that, the moment the devil's magic weapon in his hands sound out, even gods could only grovel under his feet.

Apparently, the greatest career pathway course in the entire organization. Simply enough, as long as you could safely survive the training course, vice-captain was a given, you could even become one of the ten people at the absolute top of the organisation, the greatest course to success.

Allegedly, the organization's greatest recycler. Trash would be separated out from humans by his hand.

But my first impressions of him were simple.

'That's not a man. That's a devil!'

The instructor looked down at us with a cold expression.

But I saw. The faint, but definite smile of a child whose parents just bought them a new toy!

"Other instructors start training from today, but Just. For. Today. I'll be giving you kids the day off. If I talk any more my mouth will hurt and you'll only get pissed. Go to your assigned dorms and for today, enjoy your day off."

From around me I could hear the sounds of idiots being happy.

Ahh, you morons! Did none of you get it? His meaning when he said he would rest us 'just for today!'

And training really did begin the moment today turned to tomorrow.


-Rise and shine, soldiers!


They said that there would be an early start. They said it would be hard from the word go.

So they said rest up and grow fast.

So the majority slept at around 2200 hours. Even the ones later to bed slept at around 2300 hours.

But compared to them who were sleeping peacefully, filled with an anxious unease I didn't sleep, but prepared.

Dawn at the earliest.

But rising at midnight on the dot!

And add to that I could even see the precursors to bombardment magic outside the window!

"What the hell!"

"Wake up you nutcases!"

Four to a room. I kicked aside the ones who were still sleeping and jumped out the window.

I chose the first floor which was comparatively safer to escape from than a higher floor, the results were successful.

And what I could see in the sky were countless magic formations.

The sight really was impressive, but thinking how their targets were the rooms that I had been in just now sent shivers down my spine.

"Oh ho. That's one up and ready."

And looking at the lodgings being half-turned to dust as if he was amused by the sight, was Instructor Naruan as he turned to me.

O gods! What crimes did I commit in my past life, to let alone be sent to an evil organization, but to be fated to be sent off to this devil of an instructor?!

Shortly after I was lost in my frustration and despair, I heard Instructor Naruan's satisfied voice.

"49 people successfully awake."

What kind of training has half its cohort drop out when it hasn't even started!

"It seems that the primary training was quite tough for you. I am not an evil instructor. For your peers that needed sleep, I will give them plenty of time to get it."

The 51 that couldn't wake up is probably headed for an eternal sleep. From what I heard, they're being sent back for primary training again.

The ones whose skills are okay will probably go back for higher training, but the rest of them will probably made into high-quality meat shields?

"Now then, the first training."

The instructor tossed me a sheet of parchment as I was standing in front.

"Hm current time 00:34. Hmm… Alright, leisurely make your way over to the place marked on the map by 0300 hours.

Listening to his words, I stared blankly at the place marked on the map.

If my orientation skills I learned in primary training weren't different to here, the place marked on the map is at least a two hour run at full sprint.

The 'leisure' time the instructor spoke of was barely 20 minutes. And also, it takes OVER two hours at a dead sprint.

If people run at their highest effort then they need to rest, and walk slowly. Namely, an impossible condition.

"Oh, if you feel like you can't make it to the destination then feel free to give up. You can just come back and sleep together with the rest of your peers."

He said as if to reassure us, but looking at Instructor Naruan's quaint smile, I, no, everyone standing here thought the exact same thing.

– If you fall behind you die.

And I saw the limits of humanity.


It was a moment where we could see just how much fear could drive us onwards, just what humans were capable of.

But hell hadn't even begun yet.

"Ooh. I've heard forty nine had survived the first attack, but to think forty nine would be here as well… As an instructor, I am exceedingly happy! Really, I am so proud of you who were called the most promising cohort in recent history! I am so, so, soooo happy, in fact, it feels like I might as well be crying tears of joy right now."

Frivolous words. But his face was as cold and expressionless as ever. That made it even more frightening.

"Ahh, it is said that the teachings of a teacher is akin to the heavens itself, but to think you'd make me cry… The gods above must be crying in joy with me as well."

His eyes turned slightly to the skies as his words carried a hint of mania to them as well.

Because he did, my own eyes naturally turned upwards as well.

Clear sky. Sparkling stars. Weather which seemed like it would never, ever rain with this cloudless sky. Because of that, I shivered. I'd heard of it before.

The imperial soldiers, and in particular, the units under direct imperial control used the word 'rain' in their slang.

"Right, the tears of the heavens. It seems like the ground will get wet from the tears that turn into rain, and it would be a problem if my dear disciples caught a cold from the rain. So use your umbrella."

"Wait, this?"

The staff that someone tossed to us at the instructor's words. And another trainee let out a horrified shout.

What the fuck!

I was screaming internally yet it felt as if the words were caught in my throat.

That was the special magic bombardment defense tool that was developed by the imperial forces. Why was a Class 2 defense tool which was strictly monitored by the imperial family themselves doing here of all places!

"Oho. So there's already someone who can recognize the umbrella. This'll be simple, then."

Grand magicdefencee staff. The special forces of the empire call it an 'umbrella.' in that case, the rain that we had been hearing of all this time could mean only one thing.

"Make it rain."

And with those words, silver rain blanketed the sky.