
Villain Is A Teacher Of Heros

When I woke up after a pretty crappy death, what greeted me was one of those famous fantasy worlds! I didn’t expect anything like becoming the strongest with a common job, or rising to the top with the weakest class… All I wanted was to live a slow farming life, but the world just wouldn’t leave me alone! And so I equally backstabbed good people and bad people alike, becoming a villain with a true sense of equality and just when I was about to retire and enjoy a proper life on a farm… “Master!” My former disciple at the evil organisation, currently the hero of justice came looking for me. Can’t you all just leave me alone?

Avi_Lekhak · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
22 Chs

Is It That Tasty?

"Is it that tasty?"

As I said that watching the three kids scarf down a simple bread and soup, No. 1000 nodded as if she had no time to waste talking, No. 17 blushed slightly and No. 1 said brazenly.

"The food is not tasty, we are hungry."

But unlike his attitude he quickly slapped away No. 1000's hands away from his bread.

It's not like I couldn't understand them. It's probably because it's been a while since they ate food fit for humans.

After serving them a seven-day full course of every type of bombardment the organization had to offer, they were given a pouch of jerky and moved immediately to the mountains. Just as they got over altitude sickness, a raft in the middle of the ocean. And after hearing that they were sick and tired of water, they had magic-sealing cuffs normally used for mage prisoners shacked onto their arms and thrown into the middle of the desert.

Even then, No. 1000's survival ability was magnificent.

An appetite that would even let her eat poison mushrooms for the taste.

Maybe she has some Poison Immunity MAX that you'd only find in novels, but even if she eats poisonous mushrooms she shows no signs or symptoms of poisoning.

I thought for a bit whether it was some type of mushroom I didn't know about, but then No. 1 tried copying her and immediately rolled his eyes back frothing at his mouth, I even had to use an emergency antidote to barely save him.

On the ocean, they caught a lot of fish, but her skills at cooking fish just right with basic magic were particularly praiseworthy.

Even No. 17 who's a magic prodigy occasionally burns hers, but No. 1000's skill where she didn't burn her fish, not even once, was close to miraculous.

Her final actions in particular, in the desert, had even me horrified.

Without even a hint of hesitation, as soon as their drinking water ran out, she immediately bottled her own piss in her water canteen!

The other two were horrified at No. 1000's actions, and continued looking for an oasis, but there was no way I'd be that easy on them.

Since I had brought them all to a place where I had already determined there was no oasis, it was fun watching them gradually drying out.

Especially when No. 17, who had held out till the end finally drank her own urine, just when the shame and humiliation started to fade away from her face, when she asked me how to gather water, as I showed her how to use leather to gather morning dew and cacti as a water source, her soulless dead face was absolutely priceless.

And roughly two months of training passed by like that, and now we were back at our beloved barracks.

After a simple meal, I decided to give them a rest day today.

Although I was being quite benevolent, I don't think my disciples appreciate their teacher's kindness.

"Today… Then what's happening tomorrow?"


Although their three horrified stares stung a bit, I need to endure.

Yes, the heart of a teacher must be as high as the sky and deep as the sea!

"You may rest until the sun rises tomorrow morning."

But their suspicious looks still haven't disappeared.

Ahhh. In that case.

"Or should we start now?"

"We're okay!"

"Thanks for the break!"

"I'll come out when it's dinnertime."

As I looked at them hurriedly turn around and head to the dorms, I sighed.

Why do all my disciples have such little faith in their instructor?

As I walked out pondering this, an exclamation just naturally sprang to my mouth.

Look at those dorms! Perfectly restored! Even if it looks like that it's a specially made dormitory.

It was made so that the higher you go, the less risk there is of someone dying from the building collapsing.

Since the building collapses at least two, three times a year, it was made easy to destroy, easy to fix, light and cheap.

Perhaps the only downsides were that the roof blew off during a storm every now and then, and the building was sometimes cut in half when the kids were fighting?

Well even so, if you make them come out and start surviving, then emergency weather activity training complete! No matter that this is a fantasy neighborhood where magic is life, the power of mother nature is fearsome even here.

You need to overcome those environments in order to be tenacious enough to not die wherever you go.

Oh, thinking about it, trapping them in a cave-in like the dormitories seems like a good training plan.

Survival where there isn't the faintest speck of light! Should I try drawing up a plan? I thought as I entered my office.

"Oh, Master, welcome…"


Something weird is inside.

Mm. why is she here? It's been ages since she graduated, why is she here?

I opened the door again.

"Master! Why did you shut…"


I shut the door again. Yep. It's her. It's common sense to avoid the local mad dog when she's around.

Plus, if it has rabies, it is highly recommended that you run away as fast as possible. If you get bitten while fighting it's only your loss.

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"Master? Master? If the door doesn't lock from the outside, then Master is holding onto it, right? Is it alright when your ex-disciple is here and not letting her in… Wait, no, not letting her out?"

This is the problem. The heavily shaking doorknob. I'm holding onto it as hard as I can, but the moment I let go, I'm caught.

"Master? Are you listening? Can I think of this as confinement play? To think Master had this kind of preference…"

She's bullshitting something, but I ignore it. The door handle is shaking more violently but it feels like it's going to break at any moment.

"What are you doing, Instructor?"

But salvation came at the most perfect timing.

"What is the problem, No. 1."

"Ah, I came to replace the equipment damaged in the desert."

"Alright then, hold onto this door for a minute."

With a quiet voice, I call No. 1 over and have him hold onto the door, and put some effort into it.

Even though he looked confused, No. 1 held on to the door with all his strength, and I turned around and gapped it as fast as I could.

Let's run first.

The others are problematic in their own right, but that one is particularly troublesome.

She's oddly similar to my previous workplace's boss, and her crazy bitch personality is also similar and hence even more uncomfortable.

It's dangerous to be bare-handed. In that case, I should prepare at least the minimal weapon for self-defence. The training's going to progress to the next stage soon enough anyway, so I might as well grab it early.