
Villain's Untold Story

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in the body of a handsome person. Wait, this body belongs to Owen Regulus. He was the sole heir of the ruling family. His background represents the sole word – power. He was adored by everyone. No one could match his talent and his appearance. But there was a problem. He was a villain of a modern fantasy novel who was destined to die at the hands of the protagonist. His whole purpose became solely to become a stepping stone for him. I am not gonna meet the same fate as Owen meets. I will survive no matter what. I will use my knowledge of mine to overcome the death flag on me. But even if I survive from him there will be no guarantee I will survive I world like this. I need to get stronger. Strong enough to survive in this freaking world. ___________ Novel cover art is not mine. I don't know who is the artist but I can remove if you want. ___________ THANKS FOR READING ___________ Discord - OverloadHunter

OverloadHunter · Fantasía
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16 Chs


"Hero of the Ruined World" was a futuristic fantasy novel that had once soared to great heights in popularity. Its journey began with a skyrocketing rating, capturing the hearts of readers with its gripping storyline and imaginative world. But as the story unfolded, it seemed to have lost its way, and its readership had dwindled to only half of what it once was.

The novel's opening chapters had set the stage for a promising adventure, introducing readers to a captivating world filled with advanced technology, magic, and the trials of a hero. Readers were initially drawn in by the vivid descriptions and well-crafted characters, creating high hopes for an epic tale.

However, somewhere along the way, the narrative had taken a turn that left many readers disappointed. It was as if the story had veered off course, and the plot lost its momentum, causing a significant drop in readership.

Despite the initial promise and the world's potential, "Hero of the Ruined World" had become a tale of unfulfilled expectations and dwindling enthusiasm. Yet, for those who persevered through the journey, there was always a glimmer of hope that the story might find its way and once again rise to the greatness it had initially promised. I was one of them.

The reason for the decline in readership halfway through the novel was hard to ignore. It seemed like the story had taken a darker turn, and the death toll of characters was rising at an alarming rate. People had flocked to the novel initially for the promise of an exciting adventure, but the constant, relentless killings had left them disheartened and frustrated.

The main character, the hero of the story, had begun acquiring power-ups at a staggering pace. While some readers enjoyed witnessing the protagonist's growth, others felt it had become excessive and unrealistic. The rapid accumulation of strength had made the story feel less like a thrilling adventure and more like an exercise in wish-fulfilment.

As the plot unfolded, it seemed that the author had lost sight of the story's original charm. The balance between action, character development, and plot progression had tipped too far, leaving many readers longing for the earlier, more balanced chapters. The allure of the novel had been tarnished, and readers were left with mixed feelings about its future.

The backdrop of this novel began just like any other, with a seemingly ordinary world. However, everything changed on that fateful day, January 1, 2030. Unexplainable and ominous rifts started appearing all over the globe, tearing through the fabric of reality itself. From these rifts emerged nightmarish, demon-like creatures, their appearance marking the beginning of a cataclysmic event that would forever alter the course of history.

As these malevolent beings poured forth from the rifts, they unleashed chaos and terror upon our world. Cities were plunged into turmoil as humanity found itself confronting an existential threat unlike any other. 

In this world, unlike the typical tales of awakening magical powers, people didn't harness mana or mystical abilities.

Instead, they relied on their resourcefulness and modern weaponry to mount a fierce defence against the invading demons. Their arsenal included cutting-edge technology and even the devastating power of nuclear weapons, showcasing a resolute determination to protect their world.

In a brutal and relentless battle, humanity faced off against the hordes of demonic adversaries. Their resolve, coupled with their advanced weaponry, enabled them to push back the dark forces that had emerged from the rifts. The war was hard-fought, and the price paid was steep.

After a long and gruelling struggle, humanity emerged victorious, managing to repel the demon invasion. The world was saved, but the cost was staggering – half of the global population had perished in the conflict.

Just when it seemed that the humans had successfully pushed back the demonic hordes, a moment of dread washed over them as an immense rift tore open in the sky. From this gaping portal, three colossal demons emerged, each exuding an aura of malevolence that sent shivers down the spines of those who bore witness to their arrival.

In the eerie silence that followed, the lead demon, whose presence seemed to command the others, spoke in an ominous tone, "Current - E. Potential - S." It showed a sinister, unsettling smile that sent a chill through the hearts of all who beheld it. The meaning of these cryptic words remained shrouded in mystery, but their implications were ominous.

With a sinister grin, the demon continued, "We will return soon, and as a token of appreciation for defeating our reconnaissance team, we shall bestow upon you a gift." In its outstretched hand, a mysterious orb appeared, hovering with an otherworldly aura. With a swift motion, it released the orb, sending it soaring into the sky. The moment it collided with the heavens, the orb erupted into a dazzling display of light and energy.

As the luminous spectacle unfolded, the demon revealed, "Now, your world will gain access to the dormant mana that has lain dormant for so long." The implications of this revelation were profound and left the human survivors in both awe and trepidation. 

With their final enigmatic statement, the three demons returned to the rift, vanishing from sight as the portal sealed itself. 

As the malevolent demons vanished into the rift, a sudden and heavy wind began to howl through the world. It was as if the very elements were responding to their departure. The sky darkened, and a series of cyclonic storms and earthquakes erupted across the globe, unleashing unprecedented devastation.

In an astonishing turn of events, the continents themselves started to shift and merge, coming together to form a colossal new supercontinent. The cataclysmic forces at play were overwhelming, dwarfing even the threat posed by the demons. The world as humanity knew it was being reshaped before their eyes, and the sheer scale of these calamities left little room for hope.

Amidst the chaos, only a mere 5 per cent of the human population managed to survive the devastating natural disasters. It was a staggering and sobering loss, and the scale of the tragedy was almost too much to comprehend.

But as the demons had foretold, a remarkable change had taken place. The world was now infused with mana, a powerful force that held the promise of untapped potential. It was a newfound source of strength in a world forever altered, offering the remaining survivors a chance to rebuild and confront the unpredictable future that lay ahead.

After several decades had passed since the catastrophic events involving the demons and the transformation of Earth, a new chapter in the world's history unfolded. It began when numerous otherworldly species, including dwarves, elves, orcs, and many more, sought refuge on Earth. Their home planets had been ravaged and destroyed by the relentless demon army, leaving them with no choice but to seek sanctuary in this new world.

The dwarves and elves, in particular, arrived with a peaceful intent. They assimilated into the human societies, maintaining cordial relations, and fostering mutual understanding. With time, they shared their knowledge and wisdom, contributing to a harmonious coexistence between species.

However, the orcs, werewolves, vampires, and some other species took a radically different approach. They banded together to form an alliance known as Stygian. In stark contrast to the dwarves and elves, the members of Stygian had their own agenda. They perceived humans as vulnerable and believed it was their destiny to dominate and rule this world.

As the members of Stygian began to gain influence and power, tensions escalated. The delicate equilibrium between the various species was threatened. The peaceful coexistence that had prevailed for decades was now at risk of unravelling, and Earth found itself on the precipice of another epic conflict.

In the tumultuous times that followed the formation of the Stygian alliance, a striking division became evident among the species residing on Earth. Stygian had set its sights on human dominions, launching a relentless attack against humanity. In response, the dwarves and elves, who had chosen peaceful coexistence, refrained from participating in the conflict.

This decision to remain neutral in the ongoing war between the humans and Stygian demonstrated the unwavering resolve of the dwarves and elves to maintain their harmonious relationships with humanity. They believed in diplomacy, cooperation, and understanding, choosing not to involve themselves in the brutal clashes that engulfed the human territories.

As the years turned into centuries, the struggle between Stygian and the humans raged on. 

This setting served as the background for the novel.

After all the explanations, I still have one question in mind, "Why, of all novels, did I have to land in one filled with war and monsters?"

As my frustrated voice echoed with questions about my inexplicable transmigration into this novel, a sudden realization struck me like a lightning bolt.

It wasn't just the type of story I had been thrust into that worried me. I had also become aware of the identity whose body I now occupied, and the gravity of the situation grew even more daunting and it was an even greater problem.