
Villain's Survival: I refuse to be the Mc's stepping stone

''Life gave me nothing, all that I achieved was from my might alone'' ---------------------- One of the most pitiful thing I can think of , is not being in control of your life, all of my existence played around the need to survive from the mistakes of people I never knew ,talked or even saw. I was stuck repaying a debt I didn't even know existed. My life took a dark turn as I did whatever it took to fill my stomach—blackmailing, stealing, extorting—anything to survive. Yet one day as I woke up , what closed in from my eyes were not the cockroaches of my apartment but a luxurious room. Countless servants, meals that seemed like feasts, and elegant clothes awaited me each day. Yet not everything that shone was gold, as I soon discovered that I had transmigrated inside the body of Favian Delecroix, the first and weakest villain of the novel '' The Call's of Narain''. Unfortunately for me , the damage was already done , as upon myself I had invoked the ire of the main character of the novel, someone I had no hope to beat if I was to remain as I was. Nonetheless, I was determined to overcome the challenges presented by this unexpected opportunity, and I vowed to do everything in my power to survive the perils and make the most of this second chance at life. [I kindly request readers to Reach at least the First ten chapters , before deciding wethever to give It a chance or not ]

Allevatore_dicapre · Fantasía
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88 Chs

Chapter 24: Small Heaven

Lucas pov:

The sun beamed down from a clear sky, casting a warm glow upon the green hill where I lay. I closed my eyes, allowing the gentle rays to kiss my face. The warmth seeped through my skin, creating a soothing sensation that eased the tension in my muscles. The soft rustling of leaves and the distant chirping of birds formed a serene symphony, embracing me in the tranquility of the moment. 

I felt a gentle tug on my shoulder, pulling me from the serenity of the moment. Opening my eyes, I discovered a familiar weight on my shoulder. Tilting my head, I looked down to see Elenoir, her eyes closed, resting peacefully. A tender smile crossed my lips as I leaned down, placing a soft kiss on her forehead

As Elenoir opened her eyes and smiled at me, I couldn't help but wonder how much I would sacrifice to keep that radiant expression on her face. Unfortunately, the slimy bastard remained holed up inside his mansion after our encounter..... Maybe I should have taken the opportunity to end him right then and there, he was likely bluffing about the consequences. Was I truly willing to take that chance, though? No, I wouldn't have dared.

That bastard knew how to play his cards, and he was far too dangerous to be left alive. I certainly couldn't leave my family here, especially not knowing when Favian might make a move against them.

I needed to eliminate him as soon as I could. The only question that lingered was when and how to execute my plan.

After that day, the slimy bastard became even more cautious. He beefed up the security around the mansion, posting more guards and even incorporating magical circles near the entrances. It made the prospect of attacking him directly in his fortified abode too risky. The heightened defenses meant I would have to bide my time, waiting patiently for the perfect opportunity to strike when he was vulnerable and alone. The waiting game was no stranger to me, but the stakes were higher than ever, and patience would be my most valuable ally.

Lost in contemplation, I gazed over the picturesque landscape, a green hill basking under the warm embrace of the sun. The rustling leaves whispered secrets, but my mind was absorbed in devising a plan. 

Then, a revelation struck me – his ambition for the magical academy. Nobles often saw it as a stepping stone to prestige and power. I could exploit this opportunity to my advantage. His departure for the academy exam created a window of vulnerability, a chance to strike either on his way there or upon his return once he fails.

Because speaking the truth, there was no way in hell he was passing the exam , I fought against him once already, actually twice if we count the trashing I gave him in his room .

Then during his return I can ambush his carriage, slaughter the guards, take him hostage, faking it being a bandit attack and wanting ransom until I kill him and destroy any tracks, at which point the count will either think that some of his rivals did the attack and killed his heir or that the bandits killed him and run with the ransom.

Either way no one will think that it was-

''What are you thinking about?''Enveloped in these thoughts, I failed to notice Elenoir's gentle presence until she playfully pinched my cheek . Her head rested on my shoulder.

"I was just pondering ways to protect you all," I replied with a smile, gently playing with her hair.

"Protect me? Am I in danger?" she asked, a light laugh escaping her lips.

"Every moment you're not with me, it feels like you're in danger," I confessed, sealing the sentiment with a tender kiss.

She chuckled, seemingly amused, and then teasingly asked, "Will you save me from a dragon?"

I looked into her eyes, a playful glint in my own. "The moment I get a horse, I'll be your shining knight, ready to face any dragon that dares cross our path."

Elenoir giggled at my response, the sound like music to my ears. "Oh, a shining knight on a horse? How romantic," she teased, a twinkle in her eyes.

"Absolutely," I replied, with a mockingly serious expression. "Though, I must warn you, dragons are quite fearsome creatures. It might take more than just a horse and a sword."

She raised an eyebrow playfully. "What else do you need, then? A suit of armor, perhaps?"

"Ah, well, a suit of armor would be a good start," I said, matching her playful tone. "And maybe a shield, a trusty steed, and, of course, the most important ingredient—a brave heart and a beautiful princess.Good thing I have both..."

In that moment, time seemed to slow as I lost myself in Elenoir's eyes. The world faded away, leaving only the warmth of her presence. My hand gently cupped her cheek, feeling the softness beneath my fingertips. The connection deepened as our lips met in a tender kiss.

As the kiss continued, my hand gradually traced a path down from her cheek to her hip. Elenoir responded in kind, her own hand finding a place on my shoulder, drawing me closer.

 "Let us be here, together, in this world we create.I will be his king and you my queen. The world is ours to be taken and I want you to share his seat with me"

''I will gladly await that moment then ''Our laughter intertwined as we stumbled and fell together. The world seemed to echo our joy, and in that shared laughter, there was a simplicity that transcended the complexities of life.

I will give my life to protect this feelings, I have decided I will hit him when he returns from the exam after failing it 

"Favian, your fate was decided the moment you went against me," I whispered to the open air, my words carried away by the wind. "You made your own bed; blame yourself."

The atmosphere seemed to respond with a solemn silence, echoing the inevitability of the path I had chosen. In this world I was the judge and the executioner, and my blade would befall against those that threaten my happiness, and the first head was already decided....