
Three Terraced Layered Garden

It is rare for a Grade One Runaway City to possess a Garden of their own, making it invaluable among other Grade One Runaway Cities. Unfortunately, this has led to the downfall of many, turning the Garden's existence into a tightly kept secret. Even when shared, it is only with other Runaway Cities with whom they have a rigid, secure trade contract.

"Oh? What kind of information did the Wanderlust Travelling Tortoise Runaway City secure?" Orion asked, intrigued by this new piece of information.

The Migrating Deer Archipelago Runaway City!

He was certain that the High Dryads were beings similar to the tree nymphs, capable of utilizing nature energy. Of course, he was aware he could be wrong, having already encountered the 'Drakmin' –the half-minotaur, half-dragon race—but he was confident his thoughts weren't far off the mark.