
The Caretakers

"Yes," a firm and authoritative voice resounded from the left, capturing Mrs Shani's attention and causing her to divert her gaze from Caretaker Ivor. Her eyes wandered past the peculiar wooden structure of the tree hut, carefully crafted with the assistance of the four-eared people, until they settled on Caretaker Naida, who was nearing the age of seventy in just a couple of years and held the position of the second oldest Caretaker in the room.

"But, as Caretaker Ivor has already explained, we didn't undertake these actions on a whim. We did it because it was the only way to safeguard the village," Caretaker Naida interjected, her voice tinged with a hint of weariness. Being a caretaker came with numerous responsibilities, and burdens that weighed heavily on their shoulders.