
Viego. A being bound by Chaos. (DXD/MARVEL/?? Fanfic)

The story tells of a boy who reincarnates into the body of the son of the little-known Blacksmith God Walter from the Nordic Pantheon. And over time and events, the main character changes, but it is not known whether for good or bad.

Kriuswer · Cómic
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58 Chs

Chapter 9

Viego being on the market in addition to purchasing basics such as basic steel ore from Wanehaim, basic horned boar skins, and materials needed for handles and basic foodstuffs. Which cost him 15 gold coins, which is much more than he was paying recently, because the quantity ordered is much more than usual.

Viego also ordered a large amount of Dark Steel ore to spare his mental strength. Because even though his power usage limit has increased. It is the need to upgrade the ore that charges Vi too much, making the amount much smaller. And because of the greater workforce. Viego can afford to add extra expense to higher-end redheads. He paid 19 gold coins for this rude. Viego did not foresee it, but apparently staying on this steel has recently increased. So the precious one naturally grew. Leaving Vi with 213 gold coins and 75 silver coins.

Viego kept going through the ore stalls for half an hour, looking for a strange new ore. And the choice, although extensive, there was not much that he could decide on. Not counting basic ores such as steel from Wanehaim or Alfhaim. Most of the stalls sell high-quality ores, the value of which is very high. You say, when Viego was browsing the imported stalls, the shopkeepers were selling not the basic metals from those lands, but the more expensive and more desirable metal ores.

However, one stall stood out in Vi's line of sight. Normally, no one can assemble this stall because it is located in the corner of the market square, next to the garbage cans. Of course we are talking about the part of the market devoted to mateala, leather and the like. Which is located in the lower left square of the market square.

Viego slowly walked towards the peculiar stall. The stall looked very dilapidated, the stall had only a rectangular wooden skeleton with a thin green ragged fabric to keep the vendor out of the sun or rain. Under the stall, apart from the seller to whom we will go in a moment, there are many wooden crates one meter high, although some more. They are all open, and inside Vigo could see metals, some still mixed with the ground. However, Viego he felt a slight chill from each of them.

Some metals were completely black and some dark green, the overall color was significant. Viego even saw that some of the chests contained trees, from small sticks to coarse trunks. Viego could not hide his interest, especially when the current special dealer waits for his orders and looks at the customer with glowing eyes.

If Viego could describe the merchant's appearance in a simple sentence. It would be "A skeleton wearing a ragged pink gown and a blue turban." But despite that fact, Viego did not get scared. Instead, he felt excited because 100% of the person does not sell ordinary goods, although it is a bit racist. But Viego did not care. it's the slightest.


Viego is not sure how to address. Inferring from the dress, he started.

(Viego)-I'm sorry. Lady. Where do all these goods come from and do you have a limit on how much the customer can buy?

Then something happened that scared Vi a little. Two green points appeared in the skeleton's eye sockets. And while the female skeleton spoke, her lower jaw did not move. It only opened slightly.

(Jacky)-Hello, young Asgardian. My name is Jacki, and these goods come from Helhaim. And no, I have no limit to how much a customer can buy.

Ignoring the terrifying mix of a mother's voice and a ghoul's voice. The mere news that there is "life" in Helhaim, aside from Hela, is surprising. Viego speculated that somehow Hela must have eaten despite being the goddess of death. So sending traders and raising funds. It may even have been Odin's idea to ease conscience or something like that. Viego didn't know, but he was sure of one thing. He hit the JackPot, the jackpot. Everyone avoids this stag, leaving wood and metals with a predisposition to magic and possibly with the magic of death, darkness, poison and darkness in general. he wasn't sure because he hadn't read everything about ores with Helhi and promised to study when he returned, because that might be what he was looking for.

(Viego)-I'm really interested in buying your goods. And could you tell me something about them?

(Jacky)-Of course. At the request of "my Goddess". We obtain ores and raw materials to sell them and buy goods for our goddess. This dark green with bits of earth is common Helhaim steel we have the most and really my child. All these crates contain these very red ones. These three chests with these lighter or darker green ores, this is Octiron, there is not much of it because it is quite rare, the other is Helfhaim silver.

Viego was ready to buy anything, but despite everything, the woman was a trader and so he got a lot of information from her. So Viego decided to say straight, slightly risking a large valuable.

(Viego)-Honestly, I am interested in a permanent contract with your Lady. Regarding the purchase of steel from Helhaim, however, I am curious about what you offer.

When Viego he said that, he could swear that he saw a flash in one eye socket and a slight smile despite the lack of skin on the woman's face.

(Jacky)-My Lady, she would be extremely pleased with the cooperation. As you can see, we don't have too many customers. So, My Lady, I am offering a precious 5 gold coin for a case. The box contains an average of 400 kg of ore. The price for Octrium chests is 30 gold coins, and silver Helhaim - 10 gold coins. Unfortunately, I only have 6 steel crates and one for the others.

(Viego)-I'll take anything, I have lots of ideas. And there's a lot of risk of damaging the metal so I'm not going to risk it. Tell the Lady that I come to the market every Saturday and I will look out for the stall. And if your Lady would like to buy something or to forge something for her. I am more than honored to offer my services.

Viego knew this was dangerous territory. However, when he thinks about the things he can create if he has the right knowledge and skills, a smile appears on his face. Even so, Viego wonders if his thoughts are wrong. It might be better not to sell such weapons, but he decided to keep it for now.

(Jacky)-My lady appreciates the suggestions. It will be 70 gold coins in total.

Then Viego gave the address where to deliver the goods and other formalities. And then, after saying goodbye to Vi, he headed towards the nearest bookstore.

On the way, Viego thought. Viego was sure he would be able to craft magical equipment, now having a metal that naturally possesses some kind of energy. But he is also not sure what properties a specific steel has and what properties it will gain after improving. But he has an idea how to get the metal to gain a certain attribute during the Upgrade. However, this also requires knowledge.

Viego was halfway there and thought of the law as well, and would he have no trouble selling Helhaim steel swords or having the attributes of a dark category. After an in-depth analysis, it is no. If the sale of weapons or equipment made of Helhaim steel was illegal, it would not be possible to buy it on the market. As for weapon attributes, Asgard basically has no magic swords or weapons at all. Only weapons that have been infused with the wielder's power, or that have a rune that may have a temporary similar effect. However, there is no ordinary weapon that has the effect of heating up red or emitting a fireball and launching it, for example. Viego knew that knowledge of the runes was crucial, so he hopefully stepped inside.

There weren't many customers these days, and those who were now were flipping through the shelves for specific books. Viego could see from the outside that the bookstore is large, but inside it seems even bigger. Exit the cash register, by which is an elderly woman in a dress typical of Asgardian women, opposite the entrance. There are a lot of shelves around, broken down into categories. But the interesting thing is that each book has a bright blue fleece the size of a thumb. And from what Vi observed, it turns green when someone holds it, and when another client gives it to the woman at the checkout. She took off the rune and then the transaction was done.

Viego has seen many departments such as cooking, fencing, beauty, romance, history and much more. There were a lot of shelves here, and Viego had to look around for a while to find the "Magic" section.

An interesting thing to have a precious thing hanging on a rope next to each book. And the choice was quite peculiar. For example, a book entitled "The Basic Rune, Basics and Analysis" cost 130 gold coins. Overall, more detailed books did not fall below 100 gold coins. And the more advanced ones exceeded 1000 gold coins. The choice was extensive, but the precious ones were cosmic.

Viego searched the bookshelf for a long time in search of a specific book or a similar one. And he found a few, such as a generic new-looking book called Odin Bornson's Rune Base for 170 gold coins. Which is a lot more than Viego has. So he kept reading until he found a very thick old, really old Valkiri Academy textbook on the basics of runes. With a price of 80 gold coins.

Viego did not choose it just because it was valuable for a book of this type. Because they were lower in other textbooks from slightly later years. However, this one was much thinner and had fewer sides. So adding 20 gold coins and getting an old textbook before the laws that shortened the information came in is pretty cheap for 80 gold coins. So Viego gladly went to the cash register and bought the book.

Then, on the way back, Viego bought a jewelery deal for 2 gold coins and returned to his home with a smile.