
Victor Crane (DC/MARVEL)

Cheating is not cheating if it's you doing it (⁠⌐⁠■⁠-⁠■⁠)b Hate me, love me, do whatever you want, but don't you dare demand me a harem Also there is no schedule, this is not my passion, its barely a hobby

1934_5 · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
19 Chs


Victor Crane, a name given to me by the sweet matron of the orphanage I was left at. At first, I was clearly quite perturbed by my situation, being reborn and all that. But thanks to a few things I managed to acquire postmortem, I quickly managed to control myself and adapt. After all, I was now a bona fide genius beyond anything that ever was or will be... That is, if we don't add the omniscient god on a fancy gaming chair, or the beings from higher dimensions... Yeah...

Anyway, let me summarize my last fifteen years in this new life. The first years were the easiest for me. Don't believe those other Isekai protagonists; being a baby is awesome. Two years straight where I could just doze off into my mind, reorganizing my memories and relearning whatever I forgot? Awesome. Breastfeeding? Call me weird, kinky, or whatever, but that was very good. Not having to get up from my ass to eat? Nice. Diapers? Revolutionary inventions, comfortable and practical.

Then came my third to fifth years of life; things got more complicated, but not by a lot. I started walking around the orphanage, bringing a lot of concern to the caretakers as I didn't care to let them know where I'd go, but that was only in the beginning, as I quite enjoyed walking around. Then came the one thing I agree with the other protags on: dealing with kids is quite a bore... Not! You know how fun it is to run around screaming and laughing until you're all out of energy? Yeah, till now I can't really respect those guys and gals as they're always wrong. Because of that, I'm no loner, I actually have friends, childish friends but that's what friendship is all about, I figure.

Then another five years passed, and you know what? I'm not going to summarize anymore. Fuck y'all, we're in the present.


"Victor!" I heard from behind me, it sounded preoccupied, but overshadowed by anger.

Ah, matron Garcia, or Margaret Garcia for those close to her, like me. She's a sweet, not-so-old lady, only in her forties, and capable of breaking a lot of young hearts that think life's a hentai. But all that mature beauty is nowhere to be seen because of the frown on her face.

"Heyyy Ms. Garcia, what a lovely day, innit?" I asked turning around and flashing my best smile, which probably looked hella funny considering they're pearly white and my face is covered in black smudges.

"Don't you 'Ms. Garcia' me, young man!" She yelled in my face, pulling me away from my project with ease, thanks to my accursed childish body. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" she asked, the anger subsiding now that she saw I was okay.

"Fixing the heater?" It's quite obvious if you look around, but let her be; she's just worried for my sake.

"What'd I tell you about tinkering with things that might explode?!" The anger was back as she violently rubbed a wet cloth trying to clean my face.

"Go for it?" I asked with a smile. Now I'm just messing with her.

"No!" Hehe.

Now, why am I messing with things explicitly told not to mess with? Because fuck authority and all that... And because it's around five hundred bucks for a guy to get here and say we need another one, which will cost at least a few thousand bucks. I'm not letting my people be ripped off by the scum bred by capitalism and consumerism.

Eventually, I calmed her and promised to be more careful... Such naivete, how did she survive until now? Anyway, back to the heater. It's a very old one, powered by gas, very expensive. This won't do, not at all.

First, I inspected the heater thoroughly, noting the worn-out parts and the inefficient design, typical of those dicks controlling the world, forcing the hands of the people to buy new things. The gas burner was corroded, and the thermostat was malfunctioning. The metal casing was rusty, and the insulation was almost non-existent. It's a miracle this piece of crap never gave out since the day I got here... Or should I say it's thanks to me? Nah, don't want to brag and tell y'all how I secretly kept this thing up and running until it gave up and died.

Anyway, I discarded the old gas burner and thermostat. Using one of my cheats, I summoned the necessary materials to upgrade this antique into a state-of-the-art, clean energy machine, worthy of the orphanage that is home to the great Victor Crane MUAHAHAHA... Ahem, anyway, I summoned high-quality graphene sheets to replace the corroded metal casing. Graphene is incredibly strong, light, and an excellent conductor of heat. For insulation, I'll use aerogel. This material is known for its excellent thermal insulating properties, making the heater more efficient.

I also plan to integrate supercapacitors I created just for this, to store and quickly release energy. These would replace the old thermostat and allow for precise temperature control. To convert the heat generated back into electrical energy, I plan on using thermoelectric generators, that I 'borrowed' from the school lab, don't worry, I won them a few money prizes so it's technically mine. This would make the heater not only efficient but also capable of generating its own power. I'm also going to replace the traditional heating elements with carbon nanotube heating elements. Yeah, I was lucky to find these; who the fuck throws things like these in a junkyard? Anyway, they provide superior heating efficiency and longevity. For a clean energy source, I'll use flexible solar panels, also scavenged and fixed from the junkyard, to the exterior of the heater. These panels would harness solar energy during the day, stored in the supercapacitors for use whenever needed.

With all the components ready, I began the assembly. First, I carefully lined the interior of the heater with aerogel, ensuring there were no gaps. Next, I installed the carbon nanotube heating elements, connecting them to the supercapacitors. The graphene sheets were used to form a sleek and sturdy outer casing, providing both durability and excellent heat conduction.

The thermoelectric generators were integrated into the system to capture any excess heat and convert it back into electricity, which would be fed into the supercapacitors. Finally, I mounted the flexible solar panels onto the heater, ensuring they were optimally placed to capture sunlight throughout the day. And yes, this bitch is outside, to the dismay of the poor janitor who fought the killing cold every winter to make sure it was running. God bless that man, he's now going to enjoy a nice warm Christmas instead, all thanks to moi.

Anyway, after a few hours of precise work, the heater was ready. I powered it on, and it quickly warmed up the building to a comfortable temperature, at least I hope it is. The supercapacitors ensured that the heater maintained a consistent temperature, and the thermoelectric generators kept it running efficiently.

The entire system was now self-sustaining, using clean solar energy and capable of lasting for centuries with minimal maintenance. Miss Garcia would never have to worry about expensive heating bills or breakdowns again. Am I awesome or am I awesome?