

Liv is an ordinary school girl until she finds a mask and she slowly loses her mind until she becomes a villain, her girlfriend tries to convince her she isn’t a villain but she is too far gone.

Qwart22 · Fantasía
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34 Chs


I woke up and finished my spell, if this works then I'll finally be able to graduate from my school and if it doesn't... let's not talk about that. I finished drawing the circle and sprinkled on the Vicilium and suddenly the ground started rumbling and not long after a crack appeared in the hill. I jumped down and headed to the bottom, it's got to be here somewhere, I eventually reached the very bottom and found the Vicilium dust, except now it was brown, I picked it up and put it in my pouch, I then cast a spell telling me what the time is, nearly time for school, I summoned my broom to my side and hopped on and flew to school. I walked through the school ignoring the hungry flowers and weeping vines that the class trouble makers planted last week, it's a surprise the janitor hasn't cleaned them up yet, not long after I arrived in class and sat down.

"so today class we will be showing off our most powerful spell and remember the most powerful spell caster wins Vicilium dust that lets you travel back in time 20 seconds"

the class went one by one each showing off moderately powerful spells, the strongest so far was probably a meteorite spell and then it was my turn. I spun the staff above my head, did a little twirl, and then bonked myself on the head. "Ouch, that hurt! wait what was I doing again? oh yeah!" I then slammed my staff onto the floor and the ground started rumbling again and the floor started to crack and then it ripped apart making a massive canyon around the school.

"my my, that is strong, give me a second whilst I fix this spell-"

"there's no need sir, after all, it is my turn now"

oh great, it's Amanda, she is definitely going to be the big bad villain in a few years, she's just one of those look at me I'm the main character of this story but I'm secretly the evil villain type of person she just has that aura around her.

"Well go ahead Amanda, show us your spell"

Amanda raised her staff to the sky and as she did a massive tsunami came and filled in my earthquake creating a massive moat around the school.

"my my, you both work so well together, by working together you have created something that normally takes many people many months in a matter of minutes and for that, I will reward each of you with half of the Vicilium dust" we both took it but gave each other death glares as we took it, we then went back to where we were waiting for the lesson to end and after five minutes (which might I say felt like an eternity) the lesson finally ended and I headed back to my locker to pick up my bag and of course, she is here, "What do you want Amanda?"

"Listen, darling, you should hand over the Vicilium because we both know I won it fair and square"

"you won it? That's a funny joke because I do recall being the one who created a massive canyon around the school that you filled in with useless water."

"useless? the only useless thing here is your lazy ass, we all know that you just sit around in class doing nothing all day"

"I do nothing? Ha! if I did nothing then how did I make a massive earthquake that surrounded the entire place"

"you know what, keep it, you'll probably use it up for no reason anyways so it doesn't matter, also how did you know I was here?"

"wow, you're the one calling me lazy when you don't even know how Vicilium works eesh, it's because when Vicilium dust gets split up it glows when it gets close to other Vicilium generated from the same spell and since you have the same one as me it started glowing, have a look."

Amanda looked at the glass jar.

"whatever see you, tomorrow idiot."