
Viajante Witcher - SI AU

Don't expect anything elaborate. I'm just writing as a way to clear my mind and escape my depression. In case I ever post this, you don't have to leave your useless comments, just constructive ones. Whether they are encouragement, because you are enjoying it, or because you can see where it could be improved. Regarding chapters, I have no idea, I will just write and release when I can. I need to finish my degree soon, get a job or I won't be able to pay my bills anymore. The grammar will suck anyway, because I'm really lazy, and no, I don't have people to correct it because it needs money, and I'm unemployed. I don't own any universe that will be used, much less its characters. As for the timeline, I don't give a shit. My patreon is.... https://patreon.com/Noxville753 Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

Emerson_Leite · Derivados de juegos
Sin suficientes valoraciones
65 Chs

38. Resoluções no Norte

It has been two moons since the fall of House Greyjoy. Obviously, those nice southern men were drooling over what kind of machine was created for a castle to be brought down.

There were no more dragons in the world, so tearing down a castle was a distant dream, but now, a small family in the North has achieved this feat, in just one night. The blessed men of the south didn't want to miss the chance to have that power in their hands.

Lord Stark was having a serious problem with this.

The King's Hand demanded reparations for the events, King Robert wanted to be able to talk to his friend and understand what was going on, and two other houses were investing heavily to find a way to get their hands on the Galleons.

Political currents were in turmoil, and Westeros appeared to be striding towards war. Six of the seven houses of the South, which constitute power, were talking more than usual these days.

It wasn't hard to see crows coming and going from the great castles in the south, especially those that had their noble houses close to the sea. They were the most concerned about the situation. Poking the jaguar with the stick too short can make the jaguar savagely attack.



The situation was at a point where Ned Stark could wait no longer. He knew that his decision, while popular and supported by the North, would have a significant impact.

"Good to see you at my house, I hope the trip was as pleasant as possible. I won't take pleasantries, I like to get straight to the point.

The North can, no, is being seen as a target. Thanks to our Lord Glover's off-the-chart inventions, the houses of the south are plotting, and only together can we stand up to whatever it may be. That's why I decided to have this meeting.

The decision made here today must remain a secret, and must not be leaked, or we will put many of our homes and families in jeopardy. That said, I'd like to hear your thoughts on reaching an agreement."

The man was really tense, and the culprit was very calm, drinking from a mug, over in the corner at one of the tables. Accompanied by the boy were two beauties, his mother and sister, as well as his recovered uncle.

"What can the blood-lickers of the south do to us people of the north that they haven't already done? We starve because of them, cold because of them, thirst because of them, we bleed in their wars, caused by them. What else?" They want?" howls Lord Umber from his chair.

"Funny you should ask that, my lord." I say, still sitting in my chair but getting everyone's attention. "The South's intentions towards the North are more than clear. They are afraid." I saw many of the men laugh at my statement.

"Elaborate son." says Ned, and that made those wise men of the North take it seriously now.

"When the Starks of old knelt to avert carnage, they were branded cowards and countless of our ancestors could not bear the shame, leaving Westeros. They saw no reason not to fight.

Our army has always been bigger than the south, we are stronger, more resistant and more persevering than they are. The last war is real proof of that. But still, who kept this force together, it was the Stark royal house. Yes, the ancient kings of the North kept the North alive.

Even though our ancestors abandoned these lands, we still maintain the status of the strongest and most united kingdom in Westeros. Obviously, the South wants to keep the North quiet, just weakening us from time to time.

They know better than we do that if the South tries open war against the North, the South's defeat will be quick and easy. I don't say that out of arrogance, I say that out of logic. Their armies are unprepared, weak, and the southern houses lack unity and fellowship.

They kill each other for benefits, betray and conspire against each other, just to keep themselves above, thinking this is a good thing.

We are completely different. We believe in each of the houses, we help each other, and we know that when we are all strong, the North will be protected, and we will stay safe.

Together, we fight against hunger, against the cold, against corruption. Any lord here who is seen to be in cahoots with any house in the south will be discarded and disrespected by the other houses, whether neighbors or not.

In the recent past, when Rickard Stark decided to marry his son to a Southerner, his idea was to have a freer and safer passage of food and provisions to the North, but even that was not taken seriously, neither by ours nor by the Southerners. .

So a small house from the North manages to create a ship capable of eradicating the enemies of the South. It would be just another house for Southerners to eliminate, but there's a problem with that. The houses of the North see the little house as one of their own, and would never allow its extermination.

That same house, has been working hard to alleviate the hunger that the northern houses face, and has received more and more support from other houses, whether close by or farther away. It makes Southerners afraid.

Fear that his most incisive advances will cause an uproar against not just one house in the North, but against the whole North. None of them wants to be responsible for causing a war they are doomed to lose.

I come to that meeting, with a resolution made. I don't care if the North serves me on a platter for the Southerners or not. But what I can say is, I will fall, but I will fall hard, northerners or southerners, it doesn't matter." I finish, receiving support from my mother and sister, who take my hands.

Just over 10 seconds of silence later, Lord Umber stands up. "I don't know who, or what makes you think my house would abandon another of the North, but if I hear you talking such nonsense as the North abandoning one of its own, I swear, you a lord or no, I'll knock your ass ass like your uncle should be doing right now."

Little by little, the little giggles gained strength. One Lord threatening to beat another's ass was, to say the least, amusing. The laughter grew stronger, until the room filled with people laughing at the pair's unconventional interaction.

"If Umber gets tired, I lend my arm to continue the lesson." screams Lady Mormont. The laughter rises. I see my uncle take just one step to the side. Traitor.

"Okay, alright. Now that we know the target is going to fight, I ask you gentlemen, what will the North's stance be?" Ned asks, still laughing.

"If the south wants war, we'll give them one. One they'll never forget." yells Lord Karstark, earning a roar from everyone else.