
Very Ordinary Kingdom

"Earth's age is up, Earth will be destroyed in 10 minutes." "The 15-year requirement is fulfilled." "The host will be teleported to the Cavar Realm."

Riski_Chimera · Juegos
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3 Chs


Lein intended to survey the area around the Core Base and search for food.

"Follow me," said Lein to the witches.

To avoid getting lost, he walked straight in one direction.

After walking for 50 meters, Lein found a tree that bore fruit similar to oranges. He plucked 10 pieces.

[Coffee Fruit]

Fresh fruit from the barren plains.

Lein peeled one fruit and tried it. The taste was sweet and the texture fine and fibrous. The fruit contained a lot of water, which diluted the taste. Lein ate three more pieces until he was satisfied and his energy was replenished.

He resumed his search for food and animals to hunt.



After almost five hours of walking within a one-kilometer radius of the Core Base, Lein had found no animals or other living creatures. It was late afternoon, and he decided to return to the Core Base. All his pockets and the three wizards were filled with 30 Kopis each, enough for a week or so.


On the way home, Lein encountered a group of red-eyed spiders. There were three groups, each consisting of three or four spiders.

[Night Spider]

Attack: 1

Defense: 20

"Defense is only 20...The army of magicians can definitely kill them with four fireball shots," Lein thought, devising a strategy.

The distance was far enough, and Lein felt confident. He ordered his army of mages to attack. Three fireballs flew towards the spiders, and the spider's blood was reduced by a quarter. Sensing the attack, the spiders moved towards Lein and the witches.

The witches threw fireballs while moving backwards, as per Lein's orders.

[Killing Night Spider] Exp +1

[Killing Night Spider] Exp +1

Every time he killed a night spider, Lein received a notification that he gained experience. Aside from experience, he also obtained ingredients when the spider died.

With the tactic of throwing fireballs while walking backwards, Lein killed all the night spiders. He searched all the spider corpses and picked up the items that had fallen.

From the 10 spiders, he obtained seven core crystals and a spiderweb scroll.

[Spiderweb Scroll]

Obtained the night spider skill.

"Use y/n?"

Lein voted yes.

"Congratulations, Host, you have obtained a new skill. Please check the status panel."

[Status Panel]

Name: Lein

Level: 1 (10/100 exp)

Core Base: Level 1

Defense: 100

Attack: 1

Skill: (Spiderweb)

Storage (10 slots): 7 crystals.

(Spiderweb) Throws a spiderweb to trap the target for 1 second. (15 seconds)

Seeing the system storage area, Lein deposited all the Kopis into it.

Lein then returned home to the Core Base.


In the depths of the green forest stood a building similar to Lein's Core Base.

Inside were two people, a mother and son, holding a lot of fresh fruit in their hands.

The 10-year-old child asked his mother, "Where is our sister? Why isn't she coming with us?"

"Your brother is also coming with us, but he hasn't arrived yet. Be patient," his mother said to calm the little boy.

They were the Lein family. As the system had said, only humans over 15 years of age could obtain a Core Base. The only difference between their Core Base and Lein's was the barracks building. The barracks was grander than Lein's and had a blue aura.

The three strong warriors stood obediently beside the mother and daughter, their bodies adorned in white armor and wielding white iron swords and shields.

Lein arrived at the Core Base at night and found no living creatures other than spiders. He entered the bamboo house and slept on the bamboo mattress, the only comfortable place to sleep.