
Useful toy creation!

After breakfast, Reigner and Paula gathered their strongest soldiers.

The most trustful, Johne and his wife were the first ones to arrive. The sight of both of them staying close to each other was always amusing for Reigner. Because Johne is kinda good, but most importantly, the trustful guy who aims for strength, Reigner personally apologized for his actions.

But Johne understood his feelings back then.

A mere punishment was something he also enjoyed, but then things turned out the way they are now.

When Unni saw Reigner's smirking at them, she cursed inwardly then threw her eyes to the side. It was a tad cute considering their current relationship. Soon, Reigner's soldiers whose strength was high arrived in tandem.

Their hands went up to salute as their boots joined up loudly. They stood frozen while Reigner's eyes skimmed through them and their equipment.

Kitted out in nothing weak, the soldiers were exuding pretty strong metal aura as Reigner boosted the equipment as much as he could. They were aware of that and so their loyalty was high. In their case, Reigner treated them a little more than soldiers, but he knew his limits.

If he appears too friendly, then everything he had done so far can just vanish into thin air.

"All of you are aware of the situation. We are going to investigate the lands occupied by the Lora Kingdom's forces. They should be rather too lax right now, but keep an eye on your surroundings."

The eyes of everyone shone with a mix of apprehension and resolve. However, such a situation was to be expected at some point. The feeling of apprehension slowly disappeared when the soldiers peeked at their equipment while remembering the days of harsh training.

Their leader was also the man with a unique creation and the rumors of princess slapping everyone including General Huhtes also spread out widely overnight.

"There are three areas where Lora's people had been swarming with high numbers."

Reigner is going to split up his people into three groups. Of course, he also did the best of his Item Creation System. He created the small walkie-talkie for each leader of the group. These were possible thanks to the metal sphere.

Metal sphere with those items is weak and thus can be extended.

The area of search is not small, but the weak metal sphere can be extended throughout it wholly as its only utilization is to convey the message.

"Can it really convey the message in such a long-distance?"

"It should."

Reigner peeked at the information with his awakened power, then nodded.

Everyone was a little skeptical, but Reigner was always modifying weapons, preparing up the equipment, and so on. He was the item creator, so his small toys had always been talked in the free time for the soldiers.

Now, the usage of the toy had huge importance!

Regardless of that, no one dared to say their thoughts aloud except Johne. Soon enough, they just decided to put all their belief into Reigner's power and split up. The three groups silently marched using the forest and environment as cover.

On his road here, Reigner was keeping an eye on the surroundings, but also on Paula. She was trying to use something, but due to the tension in her heart, it was kinda hard. Of course, the lady wanted to connect to the world.

Ask the nature of the help!

She accomplished her goal when the hawk descended.

The appearance of the predator had startled Reigner and five soldiers behind him. However, it turned out to be too docile on Paula's forearm. The bird's claws didn't even wound her as it took a good seat.

"Now, that's the surprise."

"Hawk will help us. No one should pay attention to it as long as it doesn't express its killing intent."

"Perante Metal Kingdom is known due to its metal creations, but not real ones. They won't suspect anything."


The new teammate enjoyed Paula's finger scratching its feathers, then the party finally spotted a group not too far away. They were surrounding something and upon closer look, it was as if some kind of entrance.

The entrance toward the unknown place could be seen with a naked eye as Lora's people used their earth magic to dig it out. The deep hole spread itself in every direction around this very entrance.

They could move the soil, but not the unknown material forming the entrance.

A lot of people began gathering around that, pouring in their earth magic into an entrance. Unluckily enough, the entrance didn't even budge and kept its mysteries for itself...

"We have found something, come to us."

"Got it."

"Yes, Noble Medusa!"

The new toys of Reigner proved to be useful! The soldiers of his began gathering slowly around him, their eyes dilated as they did their best to peek at the entrance. It was as if adorned with authentic, old bronze tiles.

The earth magic was exuding something similar to bronze glint, but it paled in comparison to the entrance. Its doors were still closed.

"What's the plan? If they use too much of their earth magic, then we can easily kill them."

Johne was like good bruh Reigner needed. He was cringing each time someone called him Noble Medusa and such strict, army like the position was not for him. There was no way for Reigner to let it go through, so he withstood that cringing within his stomach.

And kept Johne close in his troops.

"If they can not open an entrance, then there is no way for us to do so. And why should we let such a chance go? Energy is an energy, it can be useful for us even if different type."

"So we are waiting... Alright."

In the meantime, Mr. Hawk was flying around the Lora Kingdom's people. It had been listening to them carefully as Paula requested. The hawk didn't bring any attention and flew in circles, seeming to think whether descend to go for the preys or not!

It was a kinda good cover.

Soon, it came back, not giving away the location of Reigner and Paula at all.

"Apparently, around a week is needed for the entrance to open... They had been trying to confirm the bloodline that had sealed down this place. It turned out that the already lost noble family was the one to do so, so they are searching for their descendants that already lowered their lives to be commoners."

"Ohhh, what a nice development. Rising from the bottom, I wonder if such a noble family would act differently with the experience from the bottom tier."

To such a question from Mr. Reigner, everyone around him shook their heads with faint smiles.

"One week, huh~~ Let's go back then. We don't have enough supplies to stay for a week here."

Thanks for reading so far. There is a chance :D

InsanelyParanoidcreators' thoughts