
Metal Sphere achieved

The next morning, Reigner gathered as many people as he could.

In order to not show any suspicious feelings, he had to split up the forces and make Nightmare's screams to be highly influential. The horses right away, and so troops. Then, once 'the beast' attacked, everyone lost consciousness.

This was the perfect excuse for Reigner.

His troops had fallen asleep surrounded by the Mells' Household. It was not that strange for them to die first before Reigner, the powerful noble with metal creation, could awaken to take care of the beast.

He lamented loudly about Miss Mells' death including her people.

Thanks to that, Reigner secretly managed to get approval from the surviving troops of her household. They were already far in their expedition, so it would be unwise to go back to the capital.

It is better to become the subordinates of Medusa Household!

Even if it was temporary, Reigner revealed a satisfied smile when no one looked. However, while Reigner was moving forth with his plans, there was also a hidden emotion welled up within one, sensitive heart.

It was Paula whose expression was clouded with worry and a little sadness.


[You have acquired 2nd phrase of metal origin!]

The second phrase is a useful one. Reigner's metal aura could seep out from his body! It was a necessary step if he wanted to unfold the powerful metal sphere around him. When he first did a common release, his body shook as it was not that weak.

His metal origin was modified with veins all over it. It was not a mere circulation of energy in a common manner, but he did his best to increase the effectiveness of his power! If the first release is so strong, then how would it be if he modifies his veins with 2nd phrase?

[Metal Sphere Technique created!]

Reigner had the recipe all ready. He could pass it and create as many as he wants of these techniques. What he needed was a blank book, so that it can be held by the third party! There was a blank book prepared by his maids within his hand already.

He properly held it, then the technique began turning into a raw item so that everyone can learn it. This is going to be a present for the fourth princess, Paula.

The earthling left his carriage, then the sight of the princess instantly draw itself on his eyes. She was sitting calmly on the log, not disturbed by the hard seat. Her fingers were fiddling, dancing as she pondered something deeply.

Her long hair was also unrestrained, combed by the slight breeze that treated it as if high quality leaves. A beautiful, fresh green color surely could attract nature along with her high senses.

Reigner stood in a daze, then he let out a faint smile.

Long hair suits Paula for sure.

"Paula, I have a present for you."



"Ah! Mr. Reigner... I just-"

"Haha, are you perhaps worried about the expedition?"

There was already death left on their march. It wouldn't be strange for the fourth princess who had been sheltered and neglected due to her blindness and royal bloodline that is not suitable for the mighty metal lion creation.

"I would like you to listen to."

Reigner copped Paula's hand, then put it on the book's cover. It was emitting some metal aura already, so the lady could guess that this is the technique. She caressed the cover slightly, then Reigner opened it.

He began reading the content for Paula surrounded by nothing but nature.

No one else could hear it.

Some time passed and Reigner's non-stopping lips finally could rest. He sighed, closed the book, then relished on the emotion welling up within his heart. His voice conveyed how deeply Reigner wants Paula to learn the new technique, the new path.

The honest goal and Paula's sensitive heart were the powerful aspects that allowed Paula to grasp onto a new technique quickly. While Reigner was relishing on the contentment thumping within him, Paula was collecting the information and sorting it within her mind.

Metal Sphere.

It was something amazing.

She felt close to it and once utilized, her senses heightened. The whole area around her in at least ten meters was outlined within her mind. The lady's high senses allowed her to perceive a lot from the start.

There was a lot of room to improve, but Paula was already releasing some tears. The drops tickled her cheeks as she flushed with her sincere emotions. She couldn't get the better husband and never imagined to get someone as good as Reigner.

"Is it a success? It must be."


Reigner wiped her tears, but no matter what, Paula didn't stop crying. He could only keep his hand around her face while she extended her own to grasp his own. The princess was outlining Reigner's face.

Though she had hugged and held him for many times, it was now a clear outline that confirmed her image of him within her mind.

"We will train together from now on."


Reigner wanted to put the technique on the cane in case Paula failed to learn it. However, it looks like the royal bloodline can not be underestimated. He chuckled and mindlessly continued to share that contentment of his.

"The metal creation, battle style, and more. I am sure Paula will learn all of those so that no one will even think of opposing you."


At this moment, Paula understood.

Reigner was giving a lot to her because his plans and future never lied in The Perante Kingdom. She flinched as this realization struck her and to hide her sorrow and sadness, the lady buried herself within his chest.


"Silly, you can not sit at home all day long. Show off your adorable beauty with pride and honor. Enjoy life as much as you can without anyone stopping or hindering you. It also includes your bloodline."


Reigner could only mistake her questions. He believed she is too shocked by the new technique and possibilities that were now widely opened.