
Versatile Sword God

In a world where strength are valued, the strong are worshipped. Jian Nantian a young sword cultivator with unyielding determination embark on a journey to become the strongest in the world full of dangers and monsters "With a sword in my hand no one below or above the heaven's is my match, even the heavens trembles at my presence" Follow Jian Nantian as he gradually grow into a peerless genius through the storm's of life to a peerless sword God.

Kizz_Brown · Fantasía
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6 Chs


From outside the purple moon City, a green-robed, white-haired elder walked over slowly, barefoot.The weathered elder was holding a piece of cloth, with the words "Tong Shen" (all-powerful) and "Suan Ming" (fortune-telling).

When he reached the Incineration Moon City's entrance, he paused for a moment to see the snowfall in the city. An unfathomable smile appeared on his wrinkled face.

"This day has finally come."

After pausing, the bare-foot elder walked into the city.


It was the middle of the night, but the Governor's mansion was well lit, with large hordes of people moving back and forth hurriedly.

In the inner courtyard, a number of people stood there anxiously. Governor chu xuanyuan was pacing around.

"It's been so many hours, the rascal still does not want to come out?" chu xuanyuan scolded as he paced around.

"Father, there's no rush, you have already waited for nine years and nine months. What are these few hours to you?" the cold young man, sixteen or seventeen years of age, replied with a smile.

He was chu xuanyuan eldest son, chu Chen.

chu xuanyuan had a son and a daughter, but the daughter was not in the city at the moment.

"What do you know? It's because he's been inside for so long," chu xuanyuan replied.

chu Chen smiled but did not say anything more.

At that moment, a servant hurried in.

"Sir, a Taoist Priest is outside waiting to see you," the servant said.

"What time is it already? Just refuse him," chu xuanyuan waved his hand. He was in no mood to meet an irrelevant Taoist Priest.

"Sir, the man is named Taoist Priest Xuan Shen, he said you would definitely meet him if you heard his name," the servant replied.

"Taoist Priest Xuan Shen?" chu xuanyuan flinched for a moment. Even chu Chen was shocked.

Taoist Priest Xuan Shen was a bigshot at Exalted Han empire. Even the Exalted Han empire Governor had plenty of respect for him.

Exalted Han empire had a lot of clans and families and were all-powerful experts.

Many even guessed that Taoist Priest Xuan Shen was a super expert.

No Governor could afford to offend such a bigshot. He could visit such people in his daily life, but now this Taoist Priest Xuan Shen had come down personally.

"It's really Taoist Priest Xuan Shen?" chu xuanyuan was somewhat unsure.

"That's what he said," the servant replied.

"Send him in," chu xuanyuan said then waved his hand, "No, I'll bring him in myself."

chu xuanyuan and chuChen rushed towards the main gates.

The two soon reached the entrance and indeed saw a smiling, green-robed, barefoot elder holding a piece of cloth.

chu xuanyuan determined that the man looked exactly like the famed Taoist Priest Xuan Shen, and he could not see through him, as if the man was a vast ocean, but he could only interpret a droplet of him.

"It's definitely Taoist Priest Xuan Shen," chu xuanyuan was sure, and bowed, "Greetings Taoist Elder, chu xuanyuan at your service."

"You're too kind, I should be paying my respects instead, Governor," Taoist Priest Xuan Shen bowed as well.

"May I ask what brings you here today?" chu xuanyuan asked humbly. He would have asked him to come in for tea on a usual day, but that day was no usual day. He was too anxious to have any small talk with him.

"Governor chu , truth be told, I'm here for the soon-to-be-born kid," Taoist Priest Xuan Shen smiled.

chu xuanyuan and chu Chen were shocked.

The servants and maids beside them were dumbfounded as well.

chu xuanyuan had given orders for no news to be spread regarding his wife Jiang shaoxu long pregnancy. Furthermore, the news about Jiang shaoxu going into labour could only be known by some people within the Governor mansion.

But Taoist Priest Xuan Shen, like a prophet, knew that the child was about to be born.

"Governor chu, you not going to let me in?" Taoist Priest Xuan Shen smiled.

chu xuanyuan immediately reacted, "How could I refuse? Please."

chu xuanyuan and chu Chen soon brought Taoist Priest Xuan Shen to that door in the inner courtyard.

Thinking of what was happening inside, chu xuanyuan could no longer calm himself down and started pacing around.

Taoist Priest Xuan Shen smiled. "No rush, Governor, nothing's wrong with the child, it's simply not time yet."

chu xuanyuan stopped and looked towards him, "Elder, then when will my child be born?"

"At the latter part of the Zi Hour (11 pm-1 am)," Taoist Priest Xuan Shen smiled.

The surrounding people frowned.

"How can you be so sure, Taoist Elder?" chu xuanyuan asked.

Even though others regarded Taoist Priest Xuan Shen like a deity, chu xuanyuan had to see it to believe it.

"I observe the weather. This snow that has been going on for nine years and nine months will eventually stop at the later part of the Zi hour, making it nine years, nine months, and nine days!"

"Nine is a good number, three nines make it an excellent progression. The little boy will come out then," Taoist Priest Xuan Shen said.

chu xuanyuan suspicions grew further.

chu Chen asked directly asked, "Elder, that's too abstract, don't you think? What three nines, so if the child is born another nine hours later would that not make it four nines? Also, how do you know the child will be a boy?"

"Don't be rude,Chen," chu xuanyuan scolded, but deep inside he felt the same.

Taoist Priest Xuan Shen's words were too abstract for him to believe.

Taoist Priest Xuan Shen simply smiled. "Watch and see," he said.

Time passed.

"Sir, it's the Zi hour now," a servant said.

"Okay," chu xuanyuan nodded.

Another hour passed by.

"Sir, it's the latter half of the Zi hour now," the servant said again.

But before he could finish his sentence:


A refreshing wail of a baby resounded across the room.