

Goodluck_Deborah · Ciudad
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12 Chs

Cuite and adorable little girl

Where are we going Oliver ...you will get to know when we get there ..

she could only nod ...they have being walking for some minutes now and she feels tired ..

..... Arrrrrgh she gasped resting her both hands on her both kneels while panting haivily ..

wats wrong with you Oliver asked worriedly..

Am ..am fine she said rasing one hand in the air ...are you sure you are alright Oliver asked again ...

yes am fine , let's go ...

... few minutes after , Oliver announced their arrival ..

finally she said as she came to a halt and stared at the little tash house in front of her...

, he gestured for her to come , holding her hand , they went in together ..

Earlier ...

Diego , Diego ...

Hey wifey am right here he said faking a smile ,while he held her hands .

I..I can't do this anymore she said obviously looking weak and pale ...

What do you mean he asked staring into her eyes ..you have to try ..just this once okay ,pls for my sake he said trying to strain tears from falling from his eyes ....

You need to leave now sir ,it's time ..

do this for me okay ..he said as he got up and placed a kiss on her head before leaving ..

.....Lucy , Lucy No no you can't do this to me

stay with me Lucy , stay with me he said shaking her slightly , don't go our babies needs you ..saying that he cried bitterly ...

sounds of laughter could be heard ..

I promise to stand by you

to love you , to cherish you , in sickness and in health ...she took those vows in tears ..

She was asked to place ashes on his head ,

which was the final part of the wedding ...

She did so and he did the same too ..

(is a conk tradition of the ware wolfs )

it stands for connection and feelings ..

when your partner is going through any sort of pains or in danger , the other will be able to feel it ...it makes the bond between married wolfs strong ..

Earlier after he left the delivery room , 40munites of waiting outside , he started feeling uneasy ..

something in him told him something is wrong..

when he couldn't hold in any longer , he barged into the delivery room ..lo and behold , his wife was almost fading , she had lost lot of blood ...

she couldn't afford to open her eyes properly

He rushed to her and got on his kneels ...Am here okay , you have nothing to worry about ..

he gave her an asuring smiles ,

that very minute she mustered courage and pushed with all the strength in her ...

A cry of a baby could be heard audibly from the delivery room..

you made it he said smiling widely ..you made it , thank you ,thank you , thank you he said and showered kisses all over her ..

she was weak at this point but managed to fake a smile ...

Can I hold my baby she said trying to sit up ..

Oh sure why not , here he said handing the baby over to her...

she has your eyes he said smiling widely at the baby in the mothers hand ...

you are so beautiful , I can't believe you finally came into this world unharmed ...

looking up with the baby in her arms she couldn't thank the universe with words for letting this adorable baby come into the world ....so she let her tears flow with no restrictions ..

What's the problem , why are you crying are you not happy ..

No don't say that , these are tears of Joy ..of course am happy having to carry this charm in my arms ...

she feels like haven ...

She is our haven he repeated and hugged them both ..

After some minutes, they disengaged and looked at each other , then to the baby ..

do you have a name for her ..he asked her while staring at the baby ..

yes I do , wey long ago before I convinced her . How about you she asked looking at him

I think I do ...

you do she asked , smiling widely, ..

yes I do now that I think about it ..

Soo what is it ..

ummm you tell first ..

no you go first ...

common he said smiling ..

I insist .....fine but we have to say it together .

okay okay we will say it in 3 , 2 , 1 ...

they both echoed...,"Heaven"...

seriously , ....yes seriously ..

How ..ho..how is that ..have I ever say that to you ..

no you haven't ..you know she feels like haven ...her conception brought so many good things , it added sweetness to our home , it made me feel like a complete man ...

And today she has done the same thing , she has brought so much joy to us ..

I know right she said sounding emotional

Laura , Laura can you hear me please wake up

please I beg you he said as he took the lifeless body of the little girl in his arms ...

remember , remember I told you I will be home early today to spend the weekend with you , saying that he wiped his eyes .... do something he yelled at Mira .

Am am thinking saying that she paced in circles ..

ummm okay okay let me try , but I just hope it's not late for her .. saying that she bent on her both legs and closed her eyes slightly ...

for some minutes she remained still without saying a word ..

I found her she yelled with a deep smile plastered on her face ..

she is in pain she said with her eyes still tightly closed .

in pain why ..do something he charged harshly ..

am trying but they won't let her go .. ..

leave me alone what do you want from me , am but a little child ...let me go she tried to struggle out of their grip but couldn't ..

you are a treat and we can't afford to let you out at least not yet ...

what do you mean she asked confused with tears in her eyes ..

just then a light shone so bright that it was able to make everyone blind for the next 10munities ..

come over here ...

who are you and what do you want form me ..

am here to help you and you need to come with me now before they can regain their sight ...

earlier ....while she was contemplating on using magic to get Laura's sprit out , someone appeared in front of her.

what are you doing here , what do you want ...

just use your magic instead , isn't that why we are different , to be able to do different things ..

you know i can't use my magic at least not yet untill my training is over ..

that why am here to help , so use the Dam magic before her soul gets lost for ever ...

that minute the urge to save came for her completely ..she could feel her powers at its peak and boom it erupted like a volcano and sent everyone around flying to the wall ..

Laura pov...

I can't trust you , you all are evil , what is it about me that attracts evil people to me except ..

Mr Oliver Mira replied before she could..

You ..you know mr Oliver , she asked surprised ..

yes I do , he saved me too just like he did for you and Declan , like you said he is a nice man ...

for some minutes she stood rooted to the ground ..

so do you trust me now ..

she looked at her for a while ..fine I will come with you but not because I trust you ..

hurry they will be up soon ..

she tried walking up to were Mira was but couldn't ..

something was holding her back ..

what the she said as she stared at the heavy chain on her right leg ..

shoot they are getting up can you hurry ...Mira said irritatedly ..

well I can't ..

why not ,I told you I won't harm you pls come with me .

not that saying that she looked at her leg ...am stock I have a chain round my leg.

what .. a chain why ...umm okay calm down she said worriedly...

do you know any spell that can help ..

no I don't she said rolling her eyes , besides you are the genius here figure it out ..


are you even here to help . .

ummm I dont know what to do Laura , you got any idea she asked hoping for a yes ..

wait i over heard this some where but I don't know how it works..

okay okay try ..

she closed her eyes tightly and start reciting some strange words ...ma..du..le ..Ed ra ..pha..

she opened her eyes to still find the chains holding her bound..

disappointedly she sat on the floor ..it's not working she said sadly ..

oh common try again , you only tried once and you conclude that it's dose'nt work , first you have to believe in your self and your abilities ..

common get up try again ..

okay ..she closed her eyes tightly again and recited the same spell again ..ma..du..le .. Ed ra ..pha ..

click the chain broke in two ..

I did it she said smiling and jumping..

you did it yeeeeey..

YOU ...and angry voice echoed from behind ..

oh know we need to leave this place now .. saying that Mira held her hands in hers and disappeared ..

mmmm this taste so delicious Oliver you cook so we'll ..

you think so ..

yes ..can I have some ...

sure why not , but that will be on the dining ...

common she said making a face ...

fine get a plate ..

ain't you the coolest big bro in the world ..

big bro mmm I like the sound of that saying that he handed the place of chicken soup to her ..

how about me can I have some she said from behind with her tiny voice ...

they both turned around and had a good laugh ..

sure my lady ... coming right away saying that he mad a slight bow ..

she giggled and hugged him from behind ..

I love you ..

and I love you too my lady ..

At the dining

were is Declan , you promised he would come over ..

ummmm yes Declan were is he ...he ummmm...

Declan is on an errand and will be back soon , Mira said coming from the kitchen...

Oliver mouthed a thank you and excused himself ..

she dropped the pitcher on the table and sat down next to her ...so Lily how are ..

it's not lily ...Laura . saying that she gulped down big portion of the soup...

am sorry ..

it's fine , she said staring the bowl of soup in front of her...

what you don't like the food , it's very tasty....

not that , am calculating on how am going to finish this , big brother don't like it when I waste food ...

Oh that ...well I can help ...

how , wait you will help me return it to the pot ..



