
VERNER: The Devil Hunter

After watching his mother get killed and entire village destroyed by the devil king Malachar, Verner a young spirited boy joins the Guardian society and becomes a devil hunter, with one goal in his mind, to find the devil king and get revenge for the death of his mother.

Chisom_Vincent · Acción
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14 Chs

My first devil hunt Part 3

"Thunder Flash Spear... RELEASE!!!"

Gustor and Litira only saw a flash of lightning and all of a sudden they couldn't move, much to their confusion

"What the hell?..."

'GBOOMM!!!' A roaring thunder sound exploded through the air as the two devils watched all their limbs get slashed off their bodies, completely stunned by the immense power of the weapon this kid possessed. Verner had the same stance as he did before the attack, almost like he didn't move at all. "That's two now, just one left" he thought to himself as he remembered Rodric's words about the limits of this basically overpowered ability. He stood up and looked around to see how much damage he had done, only to hear Litira laughing deviously.

"You're one dumb devil hunter aren't you?" Verner was terrified as he watched the devils he had just dismantled slowly grow their limbs back like nothing happened. "The only way to kill a devil is to cut off it's head or destroy it's heart...my, I can't believe I'm telling you this, I feel like the dumb one now". Litira focused most of her dark energy to regrow her legs only, then she released twelve of her worm tentacles from her back, Gustor had regrown his legs too and focused most of his dark energy to heal one of his hands completely since he needed the blade immediately.

Verner looked annoyed and disappointed at the same time, he was very angry at himself that he forgot something that important, it wasn't too late though, he took the stance again, one knee bent, the other leg flexed backwards, his sword held horizontally across his face, and then...

"Thunder Flash Spear...GAAAHH!!!!"

He yelled in pain as two of Litira's tentacles burst out of the ground and drilled into his stomach.

"Did you really think we were gonna let you do that shit again?" Litira had her devilish smile on her face, Verner snarled and slashed the tentacles off before leaping off to a rooftop but was quickly chased by Gustor. 'SLASH! SLASH!! WHAM!!' both fighters slashed at each other in a heated duel on the rooftop. Verner slashed, dodged, leaped, doing everything he could to avoid getting touched by Gustor's massive blade. "Shit!" Verner cursed as he noticed Gustor's other arm was almost completely healed, he could barely keep up with only one of his blades, two would be a nightmare to deal with, both fighters clashed their swords on the rooftop until they locked blades and came to a halt. Litira's tentacles burst out of the roof just underneath Verner but he jumped back to dodge them. He was starting to feel the heat of this battle.

"What's the matter kid, starting to regret already?" Litira summoned dozens of giant worm tentacles out of the building Verner was was standing on, literally destroying it. Verner leaped from building from building as more and more tentacles kept popping out of everywhere, all of them trying to jab him, he kept on running to avoid all of them, slashing anyone that came too close, until one slapped him to the ground, he landed with a loud thump.

"Enough of this" Gustor said as he shrunk the veil he cast over the village slightly by drawing dark energy from it, this allowed him to instantly heal his second arm and complete his pair of blades, as well as increasing his overall body strength.

Verner started to imagine losing this fight again, sunrise was still hours away and there was no way he was going to keep them busy for that long. He picked himself up from the ground and stood on his feet, panting and sweating profusely, he held his sword upright with both arms and gnashed his teeth. Litira had a wide smile on her face as she admired Verner's resilience, she looked at Gustor, giving him a signal to attack

Gustor charged towards Verner so quickly that he created a shockwave, Verner was scared by how much faster he had become. Gustor took full advantage of his extra blade and superior speed, slashing at Verner relentlessly and giving him no time to think or strike back, all he could do was block Gustor's attacks. Gustor swiped one off his blades towards Verner's head but he blocked it with his sword, "Gotcha now" he thought as he lounged his second blade towards Verner whose sword was already occupied, Verner leaped backwards to escape what would have been certain death.

He held his sword upright again, waiting for Gustor to do his speed attack again, but then,

"GAAAAH!!!" Verner screamed as three of Litira's tentacles grew out of the ground and stabbed into his back, he tried to turn and slash them off but three more burst of of the ground in front of him and drilled into his stomach, he coughed out blood from his mouth.

"You humans are such delusional creatures" Litira used her tentacles to lift him from the ground and pull him closer to her. "You should have left this place when you had the chance, but no...you wanted to be a hero, you wanted the people of this village to tell stories and sing songs of some 'brave hunter at midnight who slayed two devils and saved the valley', pathetic" Gustor stood by to watch his mistress devour her prey.

"But one thing they never realize, is that the hero's journey ALWAYS ends like this", she used her tentacles to draw some blood from him just to get a taste, then quickly dislodged her tentacles from his body

"BLWUUEEH!!" she shouted as she tried to vomit, even though she didn't eat through her mouth, "so bitter!!, what is this!!, what are you?!!!" she kept cursing and trying to throw up. Their eyes widened with shock as they saw Verner struggle to get back up, his sword still in his hand, his wounds were already healing.

"Something's not right" she thought to herself, no normal human can just pick themselves up after getting stabbed by her tentacles six times, his blood was extremely bitter, and to make things worse, his wounds were already healing. Gustor didn't have time to think and charged towards Verner, but he jumped up to avoid the attack, making Gustor hit Litira instead and crashing both of them into a building behind. He ran away as fast as he could and scattered musk around to hide his scent then hid behind a building. He wondered what had just happened, he had never been injured so badly in his life, not even close.

He could still hear the sounds of the desperate villagers from wherever they were, most of them were at the edge of the veil trying to find a way out of it, but nothing was working.

" Think think think!!!" he muttered while ramming his forehead on his folded knees. If he was going to survive this night, if he was going to save this village, then he was going to need a plan, as fast as possible...