
Vera - The King

Vera, an illegitimate child of a King born with the special traits of the royal family goes into hiding after her parent's murder. Later she encounters her half-sister and joins hands to take revenge on the one who betrayed them and get back the throne. Vera's life as a royal prince, her secret love, tragic life and duties... this story navigates through those...

vasuki_king · Fantasía
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41 Chs

Eternal Flame Level Archi

"Prana? Archi?" confused Vera asked.

"Pay attention, Vera; Prana has five levels. Every mage begins at level 1, Archi, the lowest tier. A mage who has only unlocked his Archi level can use his magic core through one of his body's parts. I heard you used your palms to generate fire. Your prana and strength, the everlasting flame, are therefore channelled through your hands. At this level, the mage can only utilise his power arbitrarily, destroying whatever or fighting, but when you reach your second level, Mesis, you may manifest your flame in any object you touch without destroying any of it." "Let me demonstrate," Roman stepped to the centre and stood motionless, eyes closed. A blue light sprang from his chest, and water spheres began to round him.

"My chest is a Prana channel," he explained. Then, when he pulled out Behemoth, his blade abruptly became a manifestation of his might. Swirls of sparkling blue water began to form around the sword. It was immediately absorbed by the sword and transformed into a gleaming prana-wrapped weapon. "This is my Mesis level," Roman explained. Others, including Vera, were stunned and still.

"Sir Roman, what are the other levels?" she inquired

"Kyrios is the third level; at this point, your prana will combine with your magical talent and encase your body in armour. It can take whatever form you like." Roman's entire body began to glow like a blue star, then faded. A gleaming silver and blue full-body armour emerged on his body, with a power that no low-rank wizard could match. The armour itself was enough to frighten the adversaries away. Roman noted that Vera was diligent of his words.

"Now, it is the fourth level, Apeiro. It is the greatest rank a typical mage can reach. Anyone at this level may make their prana combined with their magic abilities materialise around them in a certain radius based on their prana level. By merely unlocking my Apeiro, I can eliminate hundreds of people who are aimed at me from any direction. Unfortunately, I can't show you how. The ability to summon spirits is a further ability of Apeiro. Nevertheless, it only occurs when your physical body is too frail to support your potent magical core. Since we Luwicks have incredible physical power from birth, nobody performs it." Roman remarked as he reverted to his old self.

"So, you are at Apeiro level? That's already monstrous; then what is the fifth level?" asked Mazzi

"Yes, I've heard that Inci only picks mages with Kyrios and Apeiro levels to serve as their shadows, while Mesis and Archi are regarded as being of extremely low ranks. However, the shadows who attacked Vera and Banami were not of the Kyrios or Apeiro calibre," Ceasar explained.

"Logan must have dispatched shadows to kill the person who met with Lady Catherine since he didn't know Vera existed," Erwin reasoned.

"That may be true, now tell me the fifth level, Sir Roman," Vera responded.

Theikos, often known as the level of divinity, is the fifth level of prana. When you reach the Theikos, you will become a deity, an invincible being with enormous strength, and your entire body pranas will open. If you possessed a spirit, it will combine with your body, enhancing your prana and giving you superhuman skills. Only one person—Morrier Leighann, your ancestor—was capable of opening all five levels of prana. Because of this, it is written in every history book that he ignited a whole nation with his single gaze," stated Roman.

"How do I release Theikos within a year?" All of them were stunned by Vera's query.

Vera, let's first master your Archi because even the great Morrier spent more than three decades to unlock his Theikos."

Like an obstinate aristocrat, she said, "Sir, I want to train for opening my Theikos."

"It isn't feasible. You will now obey my commands since I am your master," Roman sharpened his words.

"Sir, I'm not trying to be rude or spoilt; I'm merely prompted to climb to the top. Time won't wait for me; I'm the only one who can move past it. And I want to do it. I want to prepare for my Theikos' awakening. How am I able to stand up if I can't make any assurances to the people who look up to me? I want to be someone people can rely on. Sir Roman If I win a duel with you, will you teach me?" Vera inquired once again. Others were utterly deafeningly silent.

"Hahaha... I like your spirit and I can sense a greater ruler and a magnificent magic core inside you. However, you cannot steal a blessing; a mage must first learn patience. I will agree to a battle after you successfully accomplish your Mesis level, even though I disagree with what you believe."

"Agreed, then may we commence?" She shone as her lips curled into an elegant scowl.

Mazzi received training from Caesar and Erwin as they followed Roman's directions and fought with him to improve his life force. Vera was placed inside the magic circle that Roman had made in the middle of the ground to assess her Archi. As she sat there, she made an effort to re-create the eternal flame in her palms.

"Why doesn't it appear? Shit! come on. Vera, stay focused; you can achieve it. Do I have to battle anyone because every time I had the eternal flame, I was in peril? No... I'll have to focus, and I'll have to open my Archi. Find the key deep inside yourself, and you can open it. Go back to my first contact with the eternal flame; I don't recall much about it, but I'm sure I saw someone in it. What was it?"

Vera began concentrating on that evening. She experienced her recollection as a moving image in front of her. When the soldier hurt her, she cried out for assistance, calling her parents, somebody she could think of, and then La. On her hands, which were grasping the soldier's legs, the flame suddenly emerged. She was merely driven by a desire to somehow survive.

"I wish to live, and I summoned La; he came, like a bright eye in the fire, and saw me, pitied me, and said, "I see thee, embrace me, child, I shall hedge thee," Oh, he did say that. I am aware that he intended for me to accept him, therefore I must do that in order for him to protect me. Vera exclaimed in her head, "La, I see you, I embrace you, protect me," as both of her palms flashed like a fire pit in the faraway horizon. She didn't experience any pain, and neither was her palm harmed, even though they turn crimson-yellow and began to blister.

"It's as fresh, warm, and caressing as embracing my mother on a cold night." The fire that sheltered Vera that day resembled her mother; it accepted her, wrapped her in her burning garment, and protected her from all the danger like a mother hen. When she opened her eyes, Mazzi, Ceasar, and Erwin were standing in front of her, stunned and perplexed.

While Roman was grinning, his heart was thumping. "I know the prophecy mentions her, even though she completely unlocked her Archi within hours, huh? I should be cognizant that I am dealing with the Morrier Leighann's second appearance," pondered Roman.

Vera, it's time to learn how to use your Archi, get up," said Roman with a sneer. Vera was eager to hear that she was ready.

Meanwhile, Jugo was headed home, thinking to himself, "Why would I go personally collect the book when we can send a messenger eagle? If I stay there much longer, my mother would shout at me to get married as usual. I should not have gotten engaged in this, prophecy child. I am interested and happy that I was able to avoid Sir Roman's training, though. I should relax at home."

At the same moment, another individual was on their way elsewhere. He moved rapidly and alone on a brown horse. It was Jaser, Marcus' knight, and his goal was Shoma, the capital city of Loistava.


His Highness called me after publicly imitating our execution. He gave me a soft nod and said, "Jaser, have a seat," but I could see the power he had in his gaze. It is both wonderful and dangerous.

"You asked for me, your highness, but kindly allow me to show my gratitude for sparing my master's life. I shall obey whatever you order me," I said kneeling.

"You don't want to thank me for saving your life? It's a pleasure to meet you, Jaser, the obedient servant." He smiled.

"Your Highness, I owe you my eternal gratitude." I said, "I spent my entire life giving Lord Marcus all I had, and I'm prepared to die for him at any time; I consider it a blessing, a very honourable one." He looked at me as though he approved of my response. Now that I've spoken with him, I'm not feeling the pressure I did when he first called. Still, I'm not sure whether he's a nice person.

"Jaser, you promised to give your life in order to keep Marcus safe. I'm going to ask you that now. You must have heard the arrangement I reached with your lord,"

"Yes, your highness, I will do anything,"

"Go to Shoma now. I want you to be close to Marcus while keeping your identity a secret. Marcus may be attacked; if so, you are needed. You won't be travelling alone," he added.

"Ehh! not alone? Will my companions come along with me?"

"No, they'll practise with the other Egur guards. You'll be travelling with a mage," he said, and then a knock on the door followed.

"Right on time, you may enter mage," he said.

A girl with brown hair and round spectacles came who initially gave off the impression of being frail. She was decked out in a stunning red dress, black cloak, and witch hat.

"I greet your highness, Prince Vera Willard Leighann of Loistava. My name is Pompie Torta, and I am a royal mage who serves the mighty nation of Egur and its monarch Kaisar Yula Egur. I shall now be serving you under our king's command. Please give me instructions," she said with grace. Even without a magic core, I can still feel her strong aura surrounding her. Although she may appear to be as serene and sweet as his highness, she can be rather deadly.

"Pompie, rise; you will accompany Jaser to Shoma. This is your moment to demonstrate your mastery of manipulative magic and magic potions, as I've heard. I shall leave this mission to you two."

Worry not, Your Highness; all you need to do is wear this crystal chain, and I will convey all information to you by magic message transportation. This is connected to mine in my hand and merged with it. This needs a person's Prana to work, and because you have the magic core, you will be able to converse for five minutes when it is completely charged. It will glow like a star; all you have to do is touch it and call my name," she enthusiastically said.

"You are an energetic one. Jaser, you won't be bored on this expedition," he remarked, and I knew precisely what he meant. Even after I've warned her a thousand times, she keeps talking.

Now, deep within a desert...

"Sir Jaser Please slow down; I'm unable to ride much faster. I have a sore back; should we take a break? I'm hungry, too," Pompie cried from another steed, behind Jaser.

"Sir Jaser, are you hearing me? Let's camp here,"

It's not even midday," pondered Jaser

"Sir, Jaser, I brought delicious food and drinks. Let's chat as we eat. I am from a powerful magic-using noble family called Torta in the Egur region. My father was close to the late king. I grew up with the present king Kaisar. You know, he is fantastic and possesses a strong magic core. We used to fight back then. We now argue primarily verbally. Oh! There was a humorous story." Pompie never stopped talking.

Jaser pondered, "Master save me, I can't socialise with her."


Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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