
Vengeance of The Broken Lycan Prince [BL]

[MATURE CONTENT] "Kiss or Kill?" "Karma." ***** Broken by a pack that was supposed to be home, Tamiko swore to never attend any mating ceremonies. He knew they would eventually reject him, so he didn't want to risk the heartbreak even more. However, a lonely best friend in need of a mate and a bunch of convincing later, Tamiko found himself at the entrance of the mating ceremony. As if that wasn't enough, the midnight moon gave him what he didn't want the most. A mate. But not just any mate. Gabe; the alpha's dark son, a man who made it his mission to make Tamiko's life harder, and also the man Tamiko hated more than life itself. As their eyes glowed in the night, Tamiko didn't see a mate, he saw a very rare opportunity; a chance to run, or be the one that Gabe ran from. He chose the latter. Like a gift from the moon, he realized the one thing that could burn down the Grealor pack. He bore the mark of lycan royalty, more precisely, King Zaffuto's mark. The outcast, Tamiko, was the lost lycan prince.

she_osprey · LGBT+
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149 Chs

Will You Be There?


Tamiko was gone when Kosta woke up the following morning. He wasn't sure when the young prince woke up and left, but one thing he knew was that Tamiko wasn't coming back. At least not anytime soon.

For a moment there, Igor Konstantin considered the fact that maybe, just maybe, he wasn't enough to make Tamiko stay, but then he didn't even have time to wallow. He was the chief of Lucyna, so he had to get up and do his duties.

He had bounties to go get and people to keep in line. He had a life that needed to move on, but damn did he wish to wake up and see Tamiko just one more time. The thought that Tamiko had lied to him broke his heart, but what else could Kosta do?

It wasn't like he could wallow the entire time and wait for someone to come and comfort him. There was nothing that would ever be the same and this time, Kosta felt the pain Tamiko had felt when Tamiko had woken up to a letter.

Well, at least he had left a letter, right? 

Tamiko left him nothing.

"Good morning Konstantin… the good chief!" Sanjiro the nuisance made a show at the door and Kosta grumbled. He had to make sure that no one knew he was deserted because he wasn't sure he would know how to deal with this.

Tamiko had looked at him with love last night. He had worshiped Kosta's body the entire night, like it was the best thing that happened. Even as they slept, Kosta had felt Tamiko between his legs.

Maybe the entire night was just an illusion he needed to shake off, right? Besides, what else could he do that wouldn't bring attention to him? If he made a run for it, he would look like a wimp, and Igor Konstantin was no wimp.

"What the fuck do you want, Sanji?" Kosta asked begrudgingly as he struggled to get up. He couldn't feel his legs at the moment and he was sure he would be down if he tried to prove himself wrong so he used his magic to get himself going.

He had to be out there and he had to make sure he was in her right state if the king needed him. Perhaps his duties would make him feel a little better than someone who had been tasted and dumped on the same night, right?

"You and your erasthai had quite the wild night the entire castle smells of caramel. I am here to bring you a little something to clear the scent off so that you both don't walk around smelling like sex," Sanji spoke, his words horrifying Kosta to the core.

Funny how he was the one to deal with the aftermath of what had happened. How the fuck was he supposed to deal with that reality? Tamiko's lavender scent was the only thing he needed right now, but even that was a long wish for him.

He was doomed.

"Go away and leave me alone!!" Kosta shouted before correcting himself, "Leave us the fuck alone!"

"Are you okay, Igor?" Sanji asked and it took everything in Costa not to break down.

"Leave, Sanji," Kosta insisted.

"Okay… I'll leave. Just… if you need someone to talk to, I'll be here for you," Sanji said earnestly and Kosta sighed. He hated this. He had never relied on anyone for the longest time and now the one person who came and broke his walls had left.

Granted Tamiko had been set to leave yesterday, but the fact that he left made Kosta's heart bleed. He hadn't expected this. He hadn't hoped for much and yet at the same time a part of him had hoped that Tamiko would stay.

'You'll be okay, Konstantin. You'll be okay,' the Lycan chief said to himself as he got up, cleaned the room, cleaned their bed… his bed, and made sure everything was neat. Then again, the more he cleaned up, the more he remembered Tamiko.

They had been doing okay the entire time, so why the fuck had Tamiko pulled a disappearing act on him? When the fuck had it gotten to this point where they didn't have the right to say anything?

And so, in silence with a broken heart, a heart that was shattering bit by bit, a heart that was starting to question everything, Igor Konstantin opened the door to his room, knowing that they probably knew what had happened to him last night.

He made sure to mask his scent, and make sure that no one knew that he was the one with a caramel scent, a scent considered so feminine that he had never seen someone who had it. Maybe he was cursed, right?

"Oh chief, congratulations!" some of the Lycans said to the Lycan chief, happy for him that they had completed the mating. It was not the truth, but from what had happened last night and the thickened scents of caramel and lavender, it would be hard to deny.

So reluctantly with a forced smile on his face, the Lycan chief accepted the congratulations, smiling like asleep at the messages he was receiving, messages meant for the both of them, but here he was, alone, with no one beside him.

"Thank you…" Kosta said as he walked around them. 

"Good morning chief," Sadako greeted when Kosta stepped out of the palace. He felt his chest constricting and needed to get some air, away from everyone. He needed to get it through his head that this was really happening to him, and he needed to face it.

"Hello Igor, how are you this morning?" Sadako granted enthusiastically and Koata felt like he had been punched in the stomach. He wasn't sure how long he could do this. Everything was going so well and now it was all so fucked up.

"Doing great, is there anything that needs my attention before I leave for the bounty hunt?" Kosta asked not to listen to anything that the Lycan lord had to say. 

He knew this would be about Tamiko and frankly, Kosta wasn't sure if that's what he needed at the moment. Maybe he would sooner or later, but until then he had to take a step back and wait it out.

"You're leaving for the bounty? Tamiko didn't mention that… I thought you both were going out today?" Sadako asked curiously as he looked at the Lycan chief. It was almost like they had been on different pages.

"Out?" Kosta asked before Lord Sadako stared at the Lycan chief and then around him.

"Oh shit, would you look at the time? I have to go meet with Zaffuto. I shall see you later on. Have a good day," Lord Sadako said hurriedly as he made a literal run from the Lycan chief, leaving a confused Igor standing there.

"What the hell was that about?" Kata sled with a sigh, before he began patrolling the camps. He needed to make sure that all was alright before he left. Besides, he needed to report to the king.

However, ten minutes later, Kosta didn't feel like staying in Kawai, so he went to the Lycan king's office to say his goodbyes at least for the moment. But then when he reached the Lycan king's office and found it empty Kosta knew something was not right.

King Zaffuto Hinata always left his office in the afternoons.

Where was the king?

And even better, where was the Lycan prince?



* End of triple update. Thank you for holding out last week, sigh... 

Suspicious Hinatas lol... Maybe Tamiko didn't leave, right? Sadako uncle knows something, I think hihi

she_ospreycreators' thoughts