
Species and ranks


Humans (classic) unlimited potential but also very vulnerable, easy to kill, but once in a blue moon talent appears or geniuses. One of the Most abundant species of all. Second to monsters. Also have numerous races acclimated to different parts of the globe

Humans (demi) unlimited potential. But are ostracized by pure species for their heritage. They are half human and elf, demon and in rare cases monsters, however nobody talks of how they were born, especially the monster Demi-humans.

Elves: forest lovers, quick, silent, and deadly. Live very long and primarily live in forests. But can become adventurers. Known for being egotistical, but that's just a stereotype.

Demons: lots of different types but are normally refers to humanoid demons such as imps and the such. Enemy to humanity. Ruled by the demon king and the 72 demon generals.

(All groups above have some religion and some can reincarnate if in the good grace of gods)

Exiled: goblins, orcs, ogres, kobolds, and the like deemed unruly and unfit. Killed and treated as monsters by humans, and elves. will form groups with one another. But still kill monsters. used as slaves to demon kind.

Undead: hated by all living things. As they are not meant to live and are quickly put Down by their living counterparts, adventures, or members of religion, normally not intelligent. abandoned by gods. Easy experience. Some can never truly die and suffer for eternity.

Monsters: includes undead, they are generally referred the animal category but includes beholders and other such beings known to magic. (Has intelligence but is generally ignored for slaughter and is known as the starting point of adventuring.) they drop valuables and are known for their experience value. They have the highest population of all races. Monsters have different reproductive groups some taking days to be born while others take millennium. They are all grouped as monsters even if it's a different species. It's all about the survival of the fittest. Most are under nature gods and such. Can become companions (except undead). Normally are in good terms with elves.

Gods: the higher up the rank the more lazy. Ruled by an arch god.

Human, demon, elf, and exiled ranks Ranks:

Unranked: most likely a villager

F: trash, dude you can't even kill a boar, your better off with slimes

D: common thug strength, known for bullying the weak and getting bullied

C: common adventurer / soldier.

B: veteran adventurer / soldier

A: enough to become a general

S: probably the king

SS: enough to join a hero group

SSS: basically a hero (There are numerous heroes not limited to 7)

King of heroes: more of a title but belongs to the one strongest hero

Has The the plus and minus system


Lesser gods: on par with dragons but most respondent to all prayers but mostly can't do anything.

Regular gods: enough to reincarnate someone Respondent to lots of prayers.

11 High gods: stuck on their high horses, represent the 11 commandments

7 counselors: why seven? Nobody knows. They're the ones who chose the heroes.

Arch god: only one is allowed.

Huge gap between ranks

Monster Ranks:

It's by level and evolution.


7 continents each ruled by a high god with numerous heroes on each one.