
Chapter 106: The Magnum War Part 6: Evening Rain

-The Original Timeline (2023 AD)-

Dondre's POV

-"Currently we're here at Howard Cooke Boulevard, where just moments ago, the critically acclaimed Hero 'Velocity' along with his fanatic Sidekick 'Acceleration' were in a heated chase with the up and rising 'Scarlet Devil', before ultimately ending with the Devil's escape."- Spoke the television

"There's already news coverage?" I questioned, "These media people are even faster than speedsters."

"Well of course." Cas responded, "It is their job to report things in real time after all."

Watching as she fixed her pearly blonde hair, I used the embarrassment I'd been feeling to keep my emotions in check.

"What's the matter? Still beat up about earlier?" She inquired

"Yeah...he got really pissed at me for this one."

"Don't let that get to you. You know that's just how he is. But none the less you're still one of us." She encouraged

She's always so kind and supportive of me, and to be honest she's the only one around here that actually understands me.

"Cas," I nervously called her attention, "There's something I need to tell you."

"What's on your mind?" She questioned

"Well we've both known each other for years, and you're the only one around here that truly gets me. So I think that I lo-"

Interrupting my confession was none other than Romaine himself. I could tell on his face that he knew exactly what he just did.

"I'm not interrupting anything here am I?" He cheekily questioned, putting his arm around Cas' shoulder

"No, but Dondre was just in the middle of telling me something important. Weren't you?" Cas deferred

"No." I looked away from the two, "It wasn't anything important. Forget about it."

"You weren't just trying to make a move on Cas, were you? Especially after the stunt you pulled just now." He questioned, deepening his voice for intimidation

"N-no of course not."

"Oh come on Romaine, Dondre would never do anything like that." Cas defended, "We don't even think of each other that way, right Dondre?"


Wanting to avoid further confrontation, I left the building immediately.

Desperately escaping the streets of Montego City, I ran past Romaine's dedicated hero statue at the Square and bolted towards the mountains.

Ascending up the abandoned mountains at top speed, all the pain and agony I'd kept inside started tearing me apart. The faster I ran, the more I could feel myself being consumed by the pain.

As the rain poured onto the ground, Romaine's words from earlier began drowning out all the sound around me.

"What kind of idiot lets a guy like that get away?"

"This is why you'll never be a hero. You'll always just be my sidekick."

"You have nowhere else to go. No one will ever love you."

Heartbroken tears escaped my eyes as I continued accelerating, and my body started growing numb. In one final burst, I unleashed all my negative emotions, skyrocketing off the peak of then mountain. I felt as my lightning was corrupted by the unrelenting hatred and despair, crying our in pain as it tore apart my flesh.

As I was now plummeting hundreds of feet downwards, I took comfort in the idea that soon all my pain would end; even though it all hurt now, I would soon be free. I gave into the feeling, allowing gravity to have it's way with me.

Even though for a while I felt a slight sense of peace, in my final moments all I experienced was regret. The way I lived my life, letting Romaine always step on me like that, never fulfilling my dreams, and not telling Cas how I really felt about her. I wanted nothing more than a second chance at life, though at this point there was no going back.

Desperately opening my eyes, I watched as the heavens opened, striking down a giant bolt of black lightning. The pain and energy from the bolt consumed me, and I screamed as it's power overwhelmed me.

Though it only lasted a few moment, it felt like an eternity; but once it was all over, that was the end for me.

-Current Timeline (2019 AD)-

Waking up, I found myself at the base of the mountain that I'd jumped off of. The sun was bright, the wind was mild, and everything around me was peaceful. So then why was my soul so chastised? I couldn't sit still; all I felt was hatred.

Walking over to a pond nearby, I took a glance at my reflection. Though I peered with agonized eyes, what stared back at me was my innocent 15 year old self. And to add onto that, my skin was completely fine, showing none of the damage I'd sustained last night.

"Was it all just a dream?" I questioned aloud, "No, how else did I end up here."

Suddenly I realized that Romaine and Cas we unaware of my whereabouts. In a panic, I looked to dash off towards the lab, before hesitating.

"They probably don't even notice I'm gone." I muttered, "And if they did they wouldn't even care."

As I entertained the thoughts of the others not caring about me, I watched as my reflection morphed into something much more repulsive. I allowed the negative emotions to engulf me, changing my perception of reality.

Now taking a full glance at myself, the hero suit that I'd been wearing was completely singed, now appearing pitch black and tattered; actually, the suit itself was burned onto my skin, what I assume was the result of the lightning bolt. Though I wasn't able to remove the mask, the part of my face that was visible had no form of skin or muscle, all I could see was a burnt skull.

"So this, is my true form" I speculated, realizing that the lightning bolt had also severely damaged my vocal chords, "It was all real then."

"I had wished for a second chance, could this be it?" I pondered

When I surged myself with electricity, it felt much different from before. A lot more corrupt, yet powerful; and bore the same hue as the lightning bolt that struck me.

It was then that I instantly knew what to do. I'd never let myself succumb to what I did in my previous life. And I'll never stop until Romaine suffers for everything he did to me.


It wasn't until after that scene at the pond that I took haven in a cave in the mountain, and found out that I had actually gone back in time.

From that day on I left behind my emotional ties to 'Dondre Robinson', only using him as a persona in my plans.

But I don't of the night I got struck by lightning as the day I died. I think of it as the day I evolved.

The day I became Black Zero.