
Vegaspete - Calling for You

Bypluto · Derivados de obras
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strangers no more


It seemed like life was always on my side. This was probably because I tried to never sin against the universe. Why would I try and get bad karma!

And then I met him.


"There's an auction going on today, you will be going in my stead" Boss Kinn said in a huff.

"Yes sir," I paused "May I ask why?"

He leaned his head back and looked up at the sky as he lifted his cigarette to his lips. "I'm not in a good mood, so I don't want to go," he said after a few minutes.

"But won't your father be upset"

"I don't care what he thinks of me right now" he sighed and patted my shoulder. "be a good boy and do this for me. Please Pete" It was my turn to sigh. It wasn't like I couldn't say no, I could. and for many reasons! The first is he wasn't my main boss, I technically worked for his father and then his oldest brother, than him. There was also the fact that I was a bodyguard, so going in place of a member of one of the most powerful families in the country was most definitely not in the job description. And then there was the fact that the Main family usually respected their employees.

At least better than the Minor family.

The Minor Family were the Main's worst enemy... and their cousins.  They often had to act cordially with one another for either the press or working together because they shared a lot of the same enemies.

I had only met The head of the Minor Family and some of their bodyguards. I was thankful I had never met the eldest son though. I heard terrible things about him and his brutality.

Finally, I sighed and gave in. "Fine, I'll go" he must've wanted alone time with one of his many lovers tonight, so I'll be kind and give him what he wants.

That night, as I headed into the auction I was surprised by how fancy it was. I had never accompanied any of the Main family to an auction before. I usually stayed home with Khun and watched shows and movies until the sun came up.

"Mr. Pete?" a girl approached me and I smiled at her "Boss Kinn asked me to escort you to your seat since it's your first time" I nodded and followed her to an empty table in a dark corner "enjoy" she bowed and scurried away quickly. I sat and took a look around, there were many different people whom I recognized (mainly because it was part of my job to know all of our competitors) and even some who I didn't.

As I scanned the room, my eyes landed on a pair of dark eyes that were already staring at me. They glistened and they seemed to say "come to me" while also saying "stay far away" at the same time. I looked at the rest of the person who belonged to the eyes and let out an unintentional gasp. His hair was swept nicely out of his face, his lips were turned up in a smirk and he had the most handsome chin I had ever laid my eyes upon. I instantly recognized him as the one Varga I had yet to meet.

Vegas "Red" Theerapanyakul

He lifted his hand that was holding a cup of what appeared to be whiskey up in the air and nodded to me before taking a sip of it and returning to talking to his company.

My heart would not stop pounding against my chest and I was afraid everyone near me could hear it. Though I wasn't sure why it was pounding so hard, I assumed it was because of nerves. I mean... Boss Vegas was one of the most ruthless men to live in this century. At least that's what Arm and Pol had told me.

The auction began and I kept forgetting what I was supposed to bid on. What was it?

"30,000 going once" I looked up to see who had bid that. Vegas. And he was looking right at me with an almost threatening glare.

What had I done to him?

Then it dawned on me! The Main family wanted that vase! What an idiot I was! I quickly lifted my little sign, almost knocking my water off the table.

"40,000 from the Main family!"

Boss Vegas lifted his sign again, only making me lift mine as well. Boss Kinn had told me to do whatever I could to get that vase. It was a family heirloom that had been stolen apparently and they didn't care how much they had to spend to get it back.

'That must be why He's so persistent to get his hands on it I thought

"200,000!" I yelled as I stood up, tired of going back and forth with Boss Vegas.

I stared directly into his eyes with a stupid grin and expected him to either be shocked or bid again. But he just nodded and smirked back at me.

Shit will Boss Kinn be mad I spent that much so willingly?

I didn't wait to hear the rest of the items, I got up and gave the lady the address of where to ship it, paid, and left.

As I reached my car I noticed his slim figure leaning against it, a toothpick in his mouth. he had taken his jacket off and put it on top of the car, his sleeves to his white shirt were rolled up and I gulped as his veins in his crossed arms tensed and untensed... like they were teasing me.


I bowed in greeting but stayed a good distance away from him.

"200,000, huh?" I could only nod "I wonder how the Main family will take it"

this time I gulped

how would they take it?

"I should go" my voice came out in a squeak

"or you could stay" there seemed to be a suggestive tone in his voice and as if being within ten feet of him didn't scare me enough, that sent me over the edge.

"I really must go Boss Vegas" I bowed again and this time used my hands and gestured for him to move. He let out a low chuckle before grabbing his jacket and moving out of the way. I quickly got into the car and was about to drive away when he put his hand on the front of it and motioned for me to roll down my window. I hesitatingly did so.

"Let's not be strangers"

After I didn't say anything he raised an eyebrow and I gulped down my fear.

"Pete" and before he could say anything more I sped off

Ugh. I wish Arm and Pol wouldn't tell me horrifying stories about him! I acted like a scared puppy around the bastard!


I was starting to wonder if tonight was ever going to get interesting.

And then he walked in.

The head bodyguard to my oldest cousin.

His suit fit him nicely, and you could see that he was very fit under his clothes. His lips looked soft and his hair was fluffier than most hair I had seen but in a tame way. He looked like an innocent flower but his eyes gave off a different vibe. A dangerous one?

I thought it was funny that the Main family sent a bodyguard to do their bidding. What if he messed up? They seriously weren't thinking at all.

I raised my glass at him and his face flushed. Does he have that kind of reaction to me? Good.

I knew that our family heirloom vase was here, I also knew my dad could care less about it, but of course, because Wanted to want it, I was sent to get it. A small part of me hoped someone outbid me so he would be angry but then I remembered that he would be angry at me.

So I kept bidding.

Then Pete started to bid. Of course, They would also want it.

For some reason, I started to care less about dad hurting me. I don't know why though.

"200,000!" He exclaimed excitedly. It looked like smoke was coming out of his ears. I did affect him, didn't I? Good.

I watched as he scurried to give his information to the right people. I grinned to myself and headed out to his car to wait for him. Of course, it was hot so I took off my jacket and rolled up my sleeves.

When Pete spotted me he stopped dead in his tracks and looked me up and down. I Couldn't tell if he was doing it subconsciously or not, but he gulped and loosened the tie around his neck.

"200,000, huh?" I asked and he nodded in response "I wonder how the Main family will take it"

My words looked like they scared him a bit, but he hid them well.

"I should go" he squeaked cutely

"or you could stay" I didn't mean for there to be a suggestive tone... but it ended up coming out that way.

"I really must go Boss Vegas" I moved for him and watched as he hopped in the car

Before he could drive on, I placed my hand on the car and motioned for him to roll down his window "Let's not be strangers"

"Pete" he introduced himself before quickly speeding off

Nice to meet you, Pete

Well— here I go. This is very short and has some mistakes in it but I might add more and will be correcting those mistakes.

I love VegasPete but some of the scenes in the book break my heart, so this is a story where *some* of those things never happen.

I also don't know if I want Kinn and Porsche to already be together or not... but oh well! it's a work in progress!

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