
Vector Control in MHA [COMPLETED]

Completed/Dropped A normal man, through some bullshit luck, got chosen to reincarnate in another world after getting killed by the legendary Truck-kun. Distraught at the fact that he died without losing his V-Card, he becomes impatient and wanted to get the reincarnation process over quickly. Because of this, he ended up annoying the ROB overseeing his reincarnation, and to spite him, the ROB rigged his quest system. Because of this he ended up being forced to keep the timelines of the worlds he travels to intact and as close to canon as possible. If not, the world collapses. The problem? The bad guys all have power ups while the good guys get nothing. Follow our resident MC as he tried to keep the timelines intact while doing his best to become relevant and interact with the characters... and maybe get some girls on the way. Maybe. ----- First world: MHA I'm planning to have harem in the story but I REALLY want to keep it small, like 1-2 people per world, 3 if we're pushing it and it's a harem heavy world (e.g. DXD). During the beginning, the MC's personality will be... finicky. I haven't really decided what personality to give the MC at this point. Well, I tried giving him a cool-headed personality, but... that backfired. I don't want to write a character like that. So yeah, you have been warned. The story will generally follow canon but the way certain events are carried out can change. First time writing, I accept constructive criticism, tell my how I can improve and I'll do my best! I also apologise for any plot holes. DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything except for my own OC. The cover pic is something I found off google, it's not mine.

DJDAN · Cómic
Sin suficientes valoraciones
130 Chs

Chapter 62 stuff happened idk what to put for the title

Mezo, Fumikage, Izuku, Shoto, Katsuki and a random person from 1B who is knocked out, ended up teaming together and began their journey back to camp. They decided to cut through the forest to save time instead of walking along the trail.

Along the way, they end up meeting with Ochako and Tsuyu facing off against Himiko Toga. Because everything moved at a much faster pace, Himoko didn't get as much blood as she should have. But looking at her, it seems she doesn't really mind. Odd…

Knowing that she can't win against all of them, she escaped.

The 2 different groups talked with each other, exchanging their movement plans. Luckily, they're all in an area where I placed one of my spy bugs in, so I could listen in.

Izuku- "Who was that girl?"

Ochako- "A villain. She was nuts."

Shoto- "This is not time to be standing around. Let's keep moving."

Izuku- "Right. Why don't you two come with us? We're guarding Kacchan and heading for camp."

Ochako- "Huh?"

Tsuyu- "Guarding Bakugo? But… Where is he?"

Izuku and his group freeze, before slowly turning around… They don't find anyone. Katsuki is missing.

Well, I know where he is.

???- "Looking for him?"

Their group turns towards the direction of the voice. They find a man in a yellow coat and a top hat with a feather in it and a mask casually standing on a branch in a tree playing with a single marble.

Atsuhiro Sako AKA Mr Compress. He has the quirk called 'compress' that lets him compress things he touches into a small marble size.

Mr Compress- "I've taken him with my magic."

Hoh? I see you've also learned the art of Bullshit-no-Jutsu.

Izuku- "Give him back!"

Mr Compress- " 'Give him back'? What an odd thing to say. Bakugo doesn't belong to anybody!"

Shoto- "Move!"

Shoto runs past Izuku and sends a pillar of ice right to Mr Compress, who easily jumps out of the way.

Mr Compress- "Vanguard Action Squad! The mission is completed! Meet back at our evacuation point in 5 minutes as planned!"

Fumikage- "You're not getting away!"

Mr Compress got away.

Mission failed, we'll get 'em next time.

Originally, Fumikage is also supposed to be abducted by Mr Compress, but he wasn't this time. He was only taken away in the first place because Mr Compress saw Fumikage's raw power, especially at night, and took a liking to him. But since his Dark Shadow was subdued rather quickly, his power wasn't shown, and as a consequence, he wasn't abducted alongside Katsuki.

Mr Compress is jumping from tree to tree and is somehow outrunning everyone else. I don't fucking know how though, he has no physical enhancement quirk and he can jump like a fucking ninja.

Now that I think about it, something doesn't make sense. He could have just abducted Katsuki and ran away and no one would be any wiser, but he just had to make a show of things. Does he like showing off? I think he does, it just doesn't make any sense otherwise.

Meanwhile, I am still sitting up in a tree. It's a different tree this time actually. In my arms is Momo Yaoyoruzu who is blushing heavily. I don't know why though. I'm just holding her over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Oh wait, maybe the blood is getting to her head?

Thinking so, I put her down next to me.

Arata- "You good?"

Momo- "Mmm…"

She seems ok. That's good.

How did this happen?


I was sitting there watching everything unfold through my neuro linker when I feel some vibrations.

Arata- "They're finally here."

I mutter while smiling in a certain direction. Suddenly, bursting out of the brush is Momo running away from a green-skinned Nomu with a bunch of arms with chainsaws coming out of its back. The chainsaws are on fire though… is it its Divine Augment? Fucking cool.

But as soon as I looked at Momo, I immediately feel a heartache. She looks so scared. I mean, I planned this, I calculated that she would run by here, similarly to how I calculated where exactly to hide all the suitcases along the trail. I thought it will be fine.

Don't get me wrong, everything IS fine, but… Momo…

I couldn't hold myself back anymore and jump off the tree, run up to the Nomu, touch it and reverse every single vector I can control.


The Nomu turned to dust. Honestly, I would have tortured it but the Nomu shouldn't be able to register any pain, so I just erased it. I turn around to Momo and did something that even shocked myself.

I hugged her.

Arata- "… I'm… Sorry…"

That's all I could say. I wanted to say so much more but I couldn't. I don't know what to say.

Momo, who was tensed up just recently, relaxed her body and leaned into me. Her rushed breathing calmed down and became more serene as she rests her arms on my chest. Thank goodness.

I planned everything, no one should have gotten hurt. No one would have gotten hurt either. That includes Momo. Then… why did I do that?

The moment I saw her terrified face, my heart twisted in guilt and pain. Any sort of playfulness I had disappeared. Why? I never felt like this.

What happened to [Gamer's Mind]?

I check any notifications to see if this can be explained. Eventually, I find something.

[&%^%^ has temporarily suppressed one of the effects of Gamer's Mind.]

What? What is going on? What is this? Something can suppress the [Gamer's Mind] effect? How? It's supposed to be a skill supported by the world. It's impossible to remove its effect, even temporarily unless by another skill supported by the world. But no such thing is supposed to appear here in this world.

Who? I need to think mor-

Momo- "Arata?"

She looks up from my chest and looks at me with a concerned face. Looking at her, my body released the tension that I didn't even know it had. *Sigh* I'm not used to feeling these raw emotions…

Arata- "Nothing. We should leave before more Nomu's arrive."

Momo- "Mmm."

She calmly smiles at me. Honestly… I can't help but love her.

Now, there's an even bigger problem… how do I carry her? I normally would have carried her in a princess carry, but just thinking about that…

[Your Poker Face skill has levelled up]

Thank god for [Poker Face] skill.

Wait, no, don't thank god. Fuck god.

So, I just do the next best thing, I carry her over my shoulder.

What? I'm an advocate of gender equality. If I'm going to feel uncomfortable carrying her, she should too.

(Flashback-no-Jutsu end)

And so now we're here collecting all the collapsed students around the forest. As for Izuku and his team, I don't need to worry. As I said, I planned for everything.


A/N: Chapter end! Invasion arc is nearly over! I might just put the ending and aftermath in the same chapter. Who knows?

MC: Actually I have a question.

AN: Shoot.

MC: *Gunshot*

AN: Ahh… my leg… ahh…

MC: What happened to the other guy that was supposed to be with Momo? In canon, there was supposed to be another guy from 1B.

AN: My fucking leg… ahh…

MC: Did he die? No, I didn't fail the quest… maybe another butterfly effect?

AN: MC… Fuck you… ahh…

MC: You're still here?

AN: *Fucking dies*

Let me know if I missed anything! Also consider dropping a power stone, you get a free one daily!