
Vaulstrae (Paused)

One fateful day, Asaki's life took an unexpected turn when the apocalypse struck the continent of Vaulstrae. Indeed, black smoke, emanating from the dead body of an old man, started changing almost all the earth population into bloodthirsty creatures. But on the other hand... It seems that those who survived the First Night got something in return, supernatural abilities gave by strange scrolls which appeared from nowhere. At this moment, Asaki didn't know it yet, but this was the beginning of the deadliest hunt the world had ever known.

Sauldor · Fantasía
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43 Chs

Fight With The Monsters

"I couldn't... Save him too..."

Frozen in horror, the girl's body refused to move, her crying eyes still locked on the man's body. At the same moment, thousands of thoughts crossed her mind, some even being small memories.

'Why am I not the one... The one dying while trying to save the other...'

Until not, she always survived because of the others, she... Why wasn't she dying ?? Why was she already crushed by the weight of so many dead ??

'Why... Why am I the one surviving this...'

Celia was now loudly crying, holding with her shaky hands her painful broken arm, thousands of tears running down her cheeks now.

"Why ??!!!"

Once again, the Aurora reopened her eyes, gazing with wrath at the ugly creature walking at her with a wide smile.

"Why are you doing this ?!!"

She yelled, once again, still sobbing uncontrollably... Around her, the world started to stop being blurry, filling instead by red sparks tainted by blood.

"What are you ?!! What did we do to deserve this ?!!"

Not even a bit surprised by the girl's behaviors, the Minotaur kept walking, strains of saliva flowing from between its yellow teeth, proudly dressing across its wide and dreadful smile.


Violent coughs escaped from Celia's mouth, covering the ground with even more drops of blood as tears slowly started to cease crossing her face.

Gritting her teeth, the Aurora furiously looked at the monster, profusely shaking as moans of anger and pain kept elevating from her sobbing body. She hated it... She hated this place, this situation... She hated those lies, those dead corpses...


A furious scream made the creature back away, Celia screaming during again, again and again, during seconds, even more blood coming out of her mouth.

"I can't save anybody..."

But it didn't take too long for the Minotaur to regain its confidence, only a couple of meters away from Celia now. The shaking girl kept looking at it with wrath, tears of hatred drying on her skin as she yelled once more, like an animal would.


The Minotaur grabbed her by the neck, easily elevating her whole body as he approached her head to his mouth, slowly, but widely, opening.

From the inside of it, drops of droll and blood landed on the ground, revealing little by little sharper and sharper fangs, some even still covered by blood and flesh.

Celia furiously tried to escape from the creature's grip, moving her torso, arms, legs, and even head as violently as she could. But sadly, it didn't stopped her face to dangerously approach the wide mouth, only a few centimeters away from beheading her.

"Ugh !!"

Even hardly, the girl kept brutally struggle, her feets finally reaching the creature's body, tanking all of her kicks without even reacting.

Celia's body now, was almost partially inside of the Minotaur's mouth, saliva dirtily landing on her as fangs slightly rubbed against her back, ready to close at any moment.

"By the... Lords..."

The Aurora yelled one last time, pushing with her legs her body away of the fangs, small cracks appearing onto it. The creature started to put even more strength with his arm, curving the girl's body a little, but yet...

Time passing by, her strength only continued to grow even stronger, soon rivalizing with the Minotaur's strength.



Her legs suddenly lifted, to crash against the creature's maw, its whole head violently turning to the right. But still... It wasn't enough to make it release her...

So Celia, did it again, kicking the bastard's face over and over, over and over, during dozens times, her face only filled by wrath and panic.

"Aah !! Aaaahh ! Aaaah !!"

And after a dozen of kick, the Minotaur fell on one knee, releasing at the same moment the girl as blood crazily escaped from its nose, or whatever it could be.

As soon as Celia got released, she yelled once again, jumping on the creature's to wrap her leg around the base of its neck, still filled by an inhuman rage thanks to instinct.

'Die !! Die !! Die !! Die !!!'

Without any hint of elegance, Celia then brutally redressed her torso, again and again, continuously giving headbutt to the monster with a totally new brutality. Blood then soon covered the two bodies, even though...

It was only one entity's blood.

"Monster ! Monster ! Monster....!!"

During seconds, the girl kept violently headbutting the creature, soon screaming in pain as it clumsily got up, hardly reaching the girl with its gray claws.

But once it did so, Celia quickly jumped away, using her only useful arm to grab one of the large cooking knife she stole at a house's kitchen.

The two killers then silently faced each other, one brandishing the knife with a totally new posture, and the other, miserably holding its deformed face, where blood and flesh came out.

"Cough cough..."

One second passed, nobody moved...

Behind the monster, stayed totally motionless the corpse of Asaki.

A second one passed, Celia took a step forward, in the middle of propelling herself to the monster...

The Minotaur still was hiding its face, moaning of pain as the girl propelled to him.

A third passed, and the knife dangerously reached the creature's heart, as a scream of war accompanied the Aurora's movement.

And as the metal blade met the tender gray skin...

The blade broke.