

Vasterra is a world that is filled with stories of different people and narratives based on different points of view. It's a compilation of stories of adventures and world-building. Start your adventure in the world of Vasterra.

RwiNoe · Fantasía
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23 Chs

Wanderlust 1.2

"Yes, you are right about that," the teacher replied.

"Where did you know that?" Her seatmate, Ford, asked.

"Where? In your house's library?" She answered, maintaining her poker face.

"Our house? We have something like that in the library? Well, I don't like reading," Ford asked back in disbelief.

Eigh can't help but massage her temples after hearing what Ford said. It's not about how shocked she was, but rather, she was kind of expecting the reason behind that. But hearing that she was right about her conclusion was painful to imagine. "You are really one of a kind, Ford. What did I expect?"

"Well, I'm strong, I know."

'yes, all brute. No brain,' she said in her mind.

She didn't mind her anymore as she looked towards the front of the class to start listening to the teacher's answer.

"According to history, during the time of the first Tribe leader, they came here to find a place to seek shelter away from the Modavi King. At first, the tribesmen were skeptical about living in this place but the tribeleader went on with it. But once they reach a plain, where this city we are now, all they found was nothing but famine. There was nothIng.  No animal to hunt, no berries to pick, no seeds were able to bloom. But one day, when they were about to run out of food to eat, the Tribesleader went on a journey to traverse the mountain veil, he thought that the veil must be protecting some kind of treasure in such wilderness, animals to hunt and fruits to pick. Months later, they thought the tribeleader was already dead since there was no signs of him coming back. But one day when they were about to comeback to the lower parts of the moutain, the veil suddenly opened and the tribe leader came back with fruits on his back and pulling a dead dear towards them.  When he was asked where did he get them, he only answered, "Our tribe will never lose to anyone." 

"Oohhhh. Ive never heard nor read something like that before," Eigh, who was silently listening, said. Unlike other kids, including Ford, who never listen and seem to be disinterested in the topic, Eigh was the only one who really put those details into her head.

"Well, it is much more of a folklore, tbh. There wasn't really proof in that story, and it has only been passed down from generation to generation. But it's better than nothing."

"Yes, right." Eigh agreed with her sentiment.

Feeling the connection and having interest in the story, the teacher continued. "After that, it was said that everything we had came from inside the veil when it opened. The first generation picked up berries and vegetables available from there and planted it on the plain, and it worked; they grew flowers and bore fruits for them to eat. The animals from the veil were also sent to the plain to be bred and increase their population for an additional supply of food. So, like my grandma always told me, we should be thankful for the veil and respect it when it's in slumber and welcome it warmly when it shows itself yet again."

Her enthusiasm was through the roof, but it wasn't contagious enough to wake the kids whose brains were in slumber. But for her, a single listener is already enough to keep talking.

"So, any other questions?" She looked around from those in the front until the back, where the two were. She saw that Eigh only gave her a look, which probably meant that she didn't have any questions anymore. "None? Okay, now I'll be moving on to what's happening next week."

This time, the dead came back to life. After all, everyone in the room only cared about their future.

"Let me give you an overview." She picked up a chalk and started scribbling on the board. "In our 12-month cycle each year, every 3 months, the veil opens, weak enough for a person of power to cross and do their work, but only for the last month of that season will the veil weaken enough that even a newborn baby can come inside and feel safe. Hence, your age of ceremony starts at this age when your body is good enough to handle the power of spirit beings."

Everyone in the room started to listen to what the teacher was talking about. This concludes that they only came here today for this sole topic.

"Next week, every 8-year-old will be coming inside the veil to find your power capacity and start your adventure.

Inside the Veil, you have your own decision on what you want to do. You can either start your enlightenment first or start looking for a spirit beast.

Going for enlightenment first is mostly the first thing we recommend doing. All you have to do is practice your mental aptitude in the middle of the snow and try to gain enlightenment in regards to the power of ice, our tribe's most reliable treasure—the power to control ice.

The other one is to look for a spirit beast to partner with. The only good thing about looking for a Spirit Beast first is that you will gain enlightenment in regards to the power of Ice Fast because you are sharing your degree of knowledge about the power with the Spirit Beast itself. But the downside of it is that if you contract with a spirit beast with low knowledge, then you will only gain the same aptitude. Increasing it will all depend on the hard work of your spirit beast and not on your own. Another downside is that it's hard to find affinity with a spirit beast. Usually the first thing they look for is if both of you have the same affinity for an element, which is why learning and being enlightened by the element of ice can help you find your spirit beast fast.

But, of course, sometimes it's all due to luck or maybe destiny. All you have to do is take the opportunity while it lasts.

Failing this year doesn't mean there's no chance to come back up. Of course, next year, when the veil opens up again, you can come back, but you have to compete during the first two months when the veil is still not safe for everyone. Also, you are not allowed to join the ranks of 8-year-olds. Which is why I'm really saying that you have to take this opportunity while you can.

But for now, let's start with the basics. Can anyone here recite the three aspects of power in this world? "

A couple of hands were raised, and the teacher pointed at the student in front.

"Recite the aspects of power."

The kid stood up and started counting one finger after the other.

"First is... elements. The power to wield the basic elements such as earth, wind, water, and fire. Second is weapons. The mastery of using weapons to fight. And lastly, the power of spirit beasts. Contracting a shared power with a spirit beast."

"Good job. You may take your seat now." The kid sat triumphantly. He was very excited in regards to this topic after all. He was just like any other kid in town who was itching to etch their name in history. And so knowing their steps and making their own self-guide is a very good way to start their journey.

"Spirit, weapon, and element affinity—those three are the cornerstones of power that you could pursue. You could pick 1 path, 2, or those 3. It all depends on you, your luck, and your perseverance.

She extended her arms and opened her palm. She snapped her finger, and a flower made of ice appeared.

"When I was your age, I also went inside the Veil. I was lucky to gain insights in regards to the power of ice. However, I was not lucky enough to find my spirit in that 1-month span.

I didn't have to be sad about it because I got the Class of Mage at the age of 8. Out of 500 kids at that time, I was one of the 37 kids who became an Ice Mage at that time.

After I got out of the Veil, I had a lot of paths I could take.

One is to go somewhere else to find a spirit beast, apply for an apprenticeship to practice the art of any weapon that would fit me, or maybe start mastering the Power of Ice so that I could conjure my own constellation as a sign of my might.

And so, I honed my ice power in training and tournaments to be strong enough and master the power of ice. Not before long, after 2 years, I did reach the needed expertise, and I was able to conjure my first star."

She leaned over her desk, crossed her arms, and sighed melancholy.